6 research outputs found


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    Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) is a spicy aromatic culture, perspective to use in the food and medical industry. In the collection of aromatic and medicinal plants of the Nikita Botanical Gardens, tarragon is represented by two varieties: Isumrud and Travnevy. The Isumrud variety is characterized by a high content of essential oil (0.6% of the wet weight) of the methylchavicol chemotype (the main component of the essential oil is methylchavicol, whose mass fraction is up to 91%) and is perspective to use not only as a spice, but also in medicine as a reducing facilities. The variety Travnevy contains only 0.1% of the essential oil from the wet mass of the sabineno-elemicin chemotype (the main components of the essential oil are sabinen (40.0%) and trans-from-iso-elemicin – 26.1%), characterized by high productivity of the aerial mass (12 kg/m2 ), the main direction of use in the food industry as a spice. Due to the lack of requirements for dry raw tarragon, we have developed a draft technical specifications for dry crushed tarragon raw materials TS 01.28.30-009-01579640-2018. Specifications apply to dried whole and crushed raw materials, intended for the manufacture of water and water-alcohol infusions, as a source of biologically active substances, as a component for seasonings to meat, fish dishes, for use in cooking, as well as in the production of alcohol and soft drinks. The main physicochemical indicators of whole and crushed tarragon raw materials (type, size, smell, taste, mass fraction of essential oil, impurities, moisture, ash) are presented.Эстрагон (Artemisia dracunculus L.) – пряно-ароматическая культура, перспективная для применения в пищевой и фармацевтической промышленности. В коллекции ароматических и лекарственных растений Никитского ботанического сада эстрагон представлен двумя сортами собственной селекции: Изумруд и Травневый. Сорт Изумруд характеризуется высоким содержанием эфирного масла (0,6% от сырой массы) метилхавиколового хемотипа (основным компонентом эфирного масла является метилхавикол, массовая доля которого составляет до 91%) и перспективен для использования не только как пряность, но и в медицине в качестве общеукрепляющего средства. Сорт Травневый содержит всего 0,1% эфирного масла от сырой массы сабиненово-элемицинового хемотипа (основные компоненты эфирного масла сабинен (40,0%) и трансизо-элемицин – 26,1%), характеризуется высокой продуктивностью надземной массы (12 кг/м2), основное направление использования – в пищевой промышленности в качестве пряности. В связи с отсутствием требований к сухому сырью эстрагона нами разработан проект технических условий на сухое измельченное сырье эстрагона ТУ 01.28.30-009-01579640-2018. Технические условия распространяются на высушенное цельное и измельченное сырье, предназначенное для изготовления водных и водно-спиртовых настоев, как источника биологически активных веществ, в качестве компонента для приправ к мясным, рыбным блюдам, для использования в кулинарии, а также при производстве спиртных и прохладительных напитков. Приведены основные физико-химические показатели цельного и измельченного сырья эстрагона (вид, размер, запах, вкус, массовая доля эфирного масла, примесей, влаги, золы)

    Economic cost benefit analysis of rehabilitation in patients with lumbar intervertebral disc damage with radiculopathy

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    One of health care priorities in recent years is the process of rehabilitation. In this connection different pro- grams are developed, which support this process for patients with wide range of diseases. The Program for prophylaxis and rehabilitation of NSSI (National Social Security Institute) was introduced in Bulgaria in the year 2001. Material and method: The present study analyzes the health effect of the rehabilitation, conducted within the NSSI Program for prophylaxis and rehabilitation for patients with lumbar intervertebral disc damage with radiculopathy (ICD 51.1). Health economic evaluation was performed by economic cost benefit analysis. The study includes 100 patients, which attended in three following years (2007, 2008 and 2009) Spe- cialized hospital for rehabilitation - National complex PLC branch Banite. Their health condition was evalu- ated using the functional index of Steinbrocker before and after undergoing the rehabilitation. Results and discussion: A tendency for significant improvement of the patients` health condition was reported for the studied three years. The average number of patients with improvement was increased from 42% in 2007 to 51 % in 2008 and reached 60% in 2009. The performed economic analysis shows objectively the connection be- tween rehabilitation benefit for the patient and costs

    Connection between sociability and peculiarities of personal adaptation of students

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    This thesis is devoted to the study of correlation of variables of sociability as a system personal trait of students with peculiarities of their personal adaptation


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    Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) is a spicy aromatic culture, perspective to use in the food and medical industry. In the collection of aromatic and medicinal plants of the Nikita Botanical Gardens, tarragon is represented by two varieties: Isumrud and Travnevy. The Isumrud variety is characterized by a high content of essential oil (0.6% of the wet weight) of the methylchavicol chemotype (the main component of the essential oil is methylchavicol, whose mass fraction is up to 91%) and is perspective to use not only as a spice, but also in medicine as a reducing facilities. The variety Travnevy contains only 0.1% of the essential oil from the wet mass of the sabineno-elemicin chemotype (the main components of the essential oil are sabinen (40.0%) and trans-from-iso-elemicin – 26.1%), characterized by high productivity of the aerial mass (12 kg/m2 ), the main direction of use in the food industry as a spice. Due to the lack of requirements for dry raw tarragon, we have developed a draft technical specifications for dry crushed tarragon raw materials TS 01.28.30-009-01579640-2018. Specifications apply to dried whole and crushed raw materials, intended for the manufacture of water and water-alcohol infusions, as a source of biologically active substances, as a component for seasonings to meat, fish dishes, for use in cooking, as well as in the production of alcohol and soft drinks. The main physicochemical indicators of whole and crushed tarragon raw materials (type, size, smell, taste, mass fraction of essential oil, impurities, moisture, ash) are presented