2,404 research outputs found

    Metastable States in Two-Lane Traffic Flow Models With Slow-To-Start Rule

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    Using computer simulations, we show that metastable states still occur in two-lane traffic models with slow to start rules. However, these metastable states no longer exist in systems where aggressive drivers (\textit{which do not look back before changing lanes}) are present. Indeed, the presence of only one aggressive driver in the circuit, triggers the breakdown of the high flow states. In these systems, the steady state is unique and its relaxation dynamics should depend on the lane changing probability pchp_{ch} and the number of aggressive drivers present in the circuit. It is found also that the relaxation time τ\tau diverges as the form of a power-law : τ∝pch−β,β=1\tau\propto p_{ch}^{-\beta}, \beta=1.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Weak compactness of almost limited operators

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    The paper is devoted to the relationship between almost limited operators and weakly compacts operators. We show that if FF is a σ\sigma -Dedekind complete Banach lattice then, every almost limited operator T:E→FT:E\rightarrow F is weakly compact if and only if EE is reflexive or the norm of FF is order continuous. Also, we show that if EE is a σ\sigma -Dedekind complete Banach lattice then the square of every positive almost limited operator T:E→E T:E\rightarrow E is weakly compact if and only if the norm of EE is order continuous.Comment: 5 page

    Active router approach to defeating denial-of-service attacks in networks

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    Denial-of-service attacks represent a major threat to modern organisations who are increasingly dependent on the integrity of their computer networks. A new approach to combating such threats introduces active routers into the network architecture. These active routers offer the combined benefits of intrusion detection, firewall functionality and data encryption and work collaboratively to provide a distributed defence mechanism. The paper provides a detailed description of the design and operation of the algorithms used by the active routers and demonstrates how this approach is able to defeat a SYN and SMURF attack. Other approaches to network design, such as the introduction of a firewall and intrusion detection systems, can be used to protect networks, however, weaknesses remain. It is proposed that the adoption of an active router approach to protecting networks overcomes many of these weaknesses and therefore offers enhanced protection

    Thirty Femtograms Detection of Iron in Mammalian Cells

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    Inorganic nanomaterials and particles with enhanced optical, mechanical or magnetic attributes are currently being developed for a wide range of applications. Safety issues have been formulated however concerning their potential cyto- and genotoxicity. For in vivo and in vitro experimentations, recent developments have heightened the need of simple and facile methods to measure the amount of nanoparticles taken up by cells or tissues. In this work, we present a rapid and highly sensitive method for quantifying the uptake of iron oxide nanoparticles in mammalian cells. Our approach exploits the digestion of incubated cells with concentrated hydrochloric acid reactant and a colorimetric based UV-Visible absorption technique. The technique allows the detection of iron in cells over 4 decades in masses, from 0.03 to 300 picograms per cell. Applied on particles of different surface chemistry and sizes, the protocol demonstrates that the coating is the key parameter in the nanoparticle/cell interactions. The data are corroborated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and stress the importance of resiliently adsorbed nanoparticles at the plasma membrane.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Bilinear and quadratic Hamiltonians in two-mode cavity quantum electrodynamics

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    In this work we show how to engineer bilinear and quadratic Hamiltonians in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) through the interaction of a single driven two-level atom with cavity modes. The validity of the engineered Hamiltonians is numerically analyzed even considering the effects of both dissipative mechanisms, the cavity field and the atom. The present scheme can be used, in both optical and microwave regimes, for quantum state preparation, the implementation of quantum logical operations, and fundamental tests of quantum theory.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
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