6 research outputs found

    Escherichia coli: the role of development of surgical pathology and resistance at the modern stage

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    This article presents the trends in the participation of Escherichia coli in the formation of the microbial landscape of surgical pathology at the modern stage, as well as some features of its resistance to antimicrobial agents.В данной статье рассмотрены тенденции участия кишечной палочки в формировании микробного пейзажа хирургической патологии на современном этапе, а также некоторые особенности ее резистентности к антимикробным препаратам

    Antiseptics: from the past to the presence

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    This article is dedicated to historical aspect of the use of antiseptics, and it contains data from the modern scientific literature about the interactions between antiseptics and pathogens in biofilms.В статье рассмотрен исторический аспект применения антисептиков, а также приведены данные из современной научной литературы о взаимодействии антисептиков и патогенов в составе биопленок

    Staphylococcus aureus: the ethiological role in the structure of surgical infections and features of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs

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    Currently, the problem of staphylococcal nosocomial and community-acquired infections has not lost its relevance. In addition, the developing resistance of staphylococci to antimicrobial agents necessitates a detailed examination of this issue.В настоящее время проблема стафилококковых нозокомиальных и внебольничных инфекций не утратила своей актуальности. Кроме того, развивающаяся устойчивость стафилококков к антимикробным средствам диктует необходимость детального рассмотрения данного вопроса

    Modern Conceptions about the Mechanisms of Interaction Between Biofilm and Cellular Immunity Factors

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    Features of the cellular immune response in the presence of a microbial biofilm are well described in the literature. Based on numerous studies, it became possible to establish a number of patterns: mature biofilms are better protected from immune factors, the effectiveness of antibiofilm strategies depends on species of the microorganisms, forming the biofilm, and, accordingly, on the composition of the biopolymer matrix. For example, rhamnolipids and alginate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exert a significant negative effect on the function of immunocompetent cells. The bacteria of biofilms became able to turn to their advantage many of the protective reactions developed by the immune system and fixed evolutionarily, applying them for the growth and development of the microbial consortium


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    Aim. To establish the features of the spectrum and antibiotic resistance of bacterial agents isolated from wounds in patients with diabetic foot syndrome.Materials and methods. In 2016-2017 a retrospective cohort study was carried out on the basis of the archive of the municipal budgetary healthcare institution «City clinical hospital №6» in Chelyabinsk with analyzing the data of the medical cards of patients who were at the department of purulent surgery in 2015 with various forms of diabetic foot syndrome. The main data for the study were taken from the results of bacteriological studies. To determine the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolated flora, a diffusion method was used with discs with antibiotics. The classification proposed by Wagner F.W. was used to determine the prevalence and depth of the lesion of diabetic foot syndrome (1979). The statistical processing of data was carried out using Excel 12.0 (Office 2008), the level of significance of the results was evaluated by calculating the two-sided exact Fisher test (F) using the calculator on the site «Medical Statistics» (URL: http://medstatistic.ru/calculators/calchi.html).Results. In the studied group of patients with diabetic foot syndrome the infectious process caused by one bacterial agent was most often encountered. The most common causative agent isolated from the wound defects was S. aureus. The tendency to develop resistance against antibiotics, widely used in clinical practice, is more pronounced in representatives of gram-negative flora.Conclusion. The obtained data generally coincide with the results of studies in the field of the microbial spectrum of the wounds in diabetic foot syndrome determined by other authors, but the predominance of monoinfections over bacterial associations in this studied population requires further study