6 research outputs found


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    The functional state of respiratory system, was studied in the employees of sulfate cellulose production, exposed, to the harmful chemical substances — methylsulfuric compounds (MSC), chlorine and chlorodioxide, the lime dust and. the alkaline aerosol. It was found, that the significant disorder prevalence of the external breathing function increasing as the occupational work length, increases and. manifestating as the moderate decrease in the main indices of the pulmonary ventilation, was observed to be in the practically healthy employees exposed, to a chemical factor. The significant influence on the functional state of respiratory system, may exert the smoking effect factor exaggerating the influence of a chemical factor

    Indices of oxidative stress state in employees working at modern production of sulfate cellulose

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    The products of free radical oxidation are known to exert the harmful effect on the cellular membranes which, in turn, may promote the development of the pathological processes at the level of the whole organism. The excessive process activation of the lipid peroxidation (LPO) may occur under the influence of many factors including the chemical ones, thereto, it is supposed that the LPO products may promote the toxic effects of different chemical compounds which may enter the organism from outside. The studies of the LPO state in the employees of Pulp and Paper productions were not performed. This study aimed to investigate the change features of LPO and the indices of the antioxidant defense in the employees of the main occupations at the production of sulfate cellulose exposed mainly to the methylsulfuric compounds (MSC). The study objects were the employees of main occupations of the sulfate cellulose production in Eastern Siberia. The system state of lipid peroxidation (LPO) was assessed using the determination of the primary, intermediate and final LPO products in blood plasma. The activity of the antiperoxide ferment of glutathione reductase (GR) as well as the content of SH - glutathione in the blood and the common SH - groups of the whole blood were determined to assess the state of the antioxidant defense. Statistical processing the data was performed using the computer software STATISTICA v. 6 for WINDOWS by means of the average value calculation, the standard errors of the average values, the significance assessment of the differences was performed using the STUDENTs Criterium. The significant accumulation of the primary, intermediate and final LPO products in the blood plasma was found to occur in the employees exposed to the chemical factor. Thereto, the significant decrease in the activity of glutathione reductase antiperoxide ferment of thiol disulfide metabolism as well as of SH - glutathione and the significant content decrease in the common SH-groups in blood were revealed in the employees of the boiling shifts exposed to MSC compared to the control and comparison groups. The significant statistical content dependence of the intermediate and final LPO products in the blood as well as the antioxidants on the long- term exposure to the chemical factor has been revealed. The more significant products accumulation of LPO and the index decrease in the antioxidant defense was observed to be in the employees with working period more than 10 years exposed mainly to MSC


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    This study aimed to reveal the health disorder peculiarities in the employees of the modern production ofepichlorohydrin (EPCH) based on using the automatized system of the quantitative risk assessment of the main common pathological syndromes (RMCPS) and the results of medical examinations performed in dynamics. The working conditions of the employees working at the production of epichlorohydrin are characterized by a complex of the unfavorable production factors among which the employees exposure to epichlorohydrin (EPCH) end allyl chloride (AC), the substances of class 2 of danger, is known to have the main hygienic importance. At present the category of occupational risk in chemical factor is considered as low and middle, this is stipulated by the significant decrease in the concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working zone (EPCH-up to 0.5 LAC, AC - up to 0,3 LAC). It was found that in the structure of RMCPS the risks of the functional disorders of the cardio-vascular system, the portion of which was significantly found to increase (from 17,7 to 27,2 % respectively) in dynamics, were revealed as the higher percent in the employees examined in both the first and the second study periods. The risk prevalence features have been revealed in the persons of the main occupations. So, the statistically significant increase in the risk cases of the neurological and border psychical disorders, the functional disorders of the cardio-vascular and endocrine systems was observed to be in the fitters-repairers, unlike the operators of mechanical devices, by the second study period. In dynamics of medical examinations the increase in the incidence levels relatively to the diseases of the circulatory system was noted to occur in all the occupational groups including the portion of the persons who had often ill feeling. The most statistically significant levels of the incidence including the diseases of the circulatory system as well as the nervous system and the psychical disorders were found to be in the occupational group of the fitters-repairers. The occupational risk assessment taking into account the occupation and the exposure toxic load with allyl chloride and epichlorohydrin has shown that in the both study periods the largest exposure load to the toxicants was revealed in the fitters-repairers, thereby, this load was statistically significant higher in the fitters and engineering staff compared to the operators of mechanical devices in both the first and the second examination periods. The statistically significant increase in the health disorder risks was revealed in these employees in dependence on the values of the exposition load with the toxicants. Studying the health state in the employees taking into account the exposition toxic loads has allowed to correlate the organism changes revealed to the cumulative exposure to the chemical pollutants as well as to ground the need of using this index to reveal the production - stipulated and occupational diseases

    Assessment the sanitary-hygienic conditions of workplace air in chemical productions of petrochemical industry in Eastern Siberia

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    The article presents sanitary-hygienic assessment of the state of air environment of chemical industries of Eastern Siberia of production of methyl alcohol and methylamines, butyl alcohol by oxosynthesis, methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE). Productions use continuous production cycles with high degree of automation and mechanization of laborintensive operations. Retrospective study of work area of these productions for 10-year period showed absence of excess of occupational exposure limit of average annual concentration of repugnant substances (methanol, carbonic oxide, methylamines, butanols, MTBE, aliphatic hydrocarbons С1-С10 et al.). Also significant tendency for its decrease during the period of monitoring was registered, that is connected with introduction of organizational-technical and hygienic measures conductive to the sanitation of working conditions on studied productions. Researches conducted at the present day testify to the persistent influence on the employees of the complex of chemical compounds in low concentrations. Nevertheless despite parameters of industrial environment meet hygienic requirements it's necessary to take into account combined influence of risk factors on the employees for prevention occupational diseases


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    We revealed, the peculiarities of health, disorders in the employees of modern, chemical enterprises in the dynamics of medical examinations and quantitative risk assessment of the basic pathological syndromes. It was determined, that significant growth, of cases of medium, and. high, risk of functional disorders of cardiovascular system, boundary psychical disorders, gastrointestinal tract and. liver was observed in dynamics. We registered the increase of levels of morbidity of circulatory system, nervous system, and. psychiatric disorders. Reliable increase of risk levels associated, with, exposure toxic load, in workers of the basic professions in caustic soda and. polyvinyl chloride productions was detected

    Hygienic features of chemical air pollution in aluminum production

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    The article presents retrospective assessment of chemical factors in aluminum production over a long follow-up period. The main pollutants of the workplace air are fluorine compounds, resinous substances, and disintegration aerosol. The comparative assessment of the workplace air composition during the operation of electrolytic cells with self-baking anodes and when using a new technology with pre-baked anodes was carried out. The results of the research were processed using standard parametric methods of calculation of mean value and error in mean. It is shown that the introduction of a new technology of pre-baked anodes contributes to the optimization of working environment, reduction of harmful chemicals in the workplace air