10,494 research outputs found

    Ultraviolet Divergences in Cosmological Correlations

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    A method is developed for dealing with ultraviolet divergences in calculations of cosmological correlations, which does not depend on dimensional regularization. An extended version of the WKB approximation is used to analyze the divergences in these calculations, and these divergences are controlled by the introduction of Pauli--Villars regulator fields. This approach is illustrated in the theory of a scalar field with arbitrary self-interactions in a fixed flat-space Robertson--Walker metric with arbitrary scale factor a(t)a(t). Explicit formulas are given for the counterterms needed to cancel all dependence on the regulator properties, and an explicit prescription is given for calculating finite regulator-independent correlation functions. The possibility of infrared divergences in this theory is briefly considered.Comment: References added on various regularization methods. Improved discussion of further issues. 26 pages, 1 figur

    Production of Milky Way structure by the Magellanic Clouds

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    Previous attempts at disturbing the galactic disk by the Magellanic Clouds relied on direct tidal forcing. However, by allowing the halo to actively respond rather than remain a rigid contributor to the rotation curve, the Clouds may produce a wake in the halo which then distorts the disk. Recent work reported here suggests that the Magellanic Clouds use this mechanism to produce disk distortions sufficient to account for both the radial location, position angle and sign of the HI warp and observed anomalies in stellar kinematics towards the galactic anticenter and LSR motion.Comment: 8 pages, uuencoded compressed PostScript, no figures, html version with figures and mpeg simulations available at http://www-astro.phast.umass.edu/Preprints/martin/martin1/lmc_online.htm

    The growth of galaxies in cosmological simulations of structure formation

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    We use hydrodynamic simulations to examine how the baryonic components of galaxies are assembled, focusing on the relative importance of mergers and smooth accretion in the formation of ~L_* systems. In our primary simulation, which models a (50\hmpc)^3 comoving volume of a Lambda-dominated cold dark matter universe, the space density of objects at our (64-particle) baryon mass resolution threshold, M_c=5.4e10 M_sun, corresponds to that of observed galaxies with L~L_*/4. Galaxies above this threshold gain most of their mass by accretion rather than by mergers. At the redshift of peak mass growth, z~2, accretion dominates over merging by about 4:1. The mean accretion rate per galaxy declines from ~40 M_sun/yr at z=2 to ~10 M_sun/yr at z=0, while the merging rate peaks later (z~1) and declines more slowly, so by z=0 the ratio is about 2:1. We cannot distinguish truly smooth accretion from merging with objects below our mass resolution threshold, but extrapolating our measured mass spectrum of merging objects, dP/dM ~ M^a with a ~ -1, implies that sub-resolution mergers would add relatively little mass. The global star formation history in these simulations tracks the mass accretion rate rather than the merger rate. At low redshift, destruction of galaxies by mergers is approximately balanced by the growth of new systems, so the comoving space density of resolved galaxies stays nearly constant despite significant mass evolution at the galaxy-by-galaxy level. The predicted merger rate at z<~1 agrees with recent estimates from close pairs in the CFRS and CNOC2 redshift surveys.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 35 pp including 15 fig

    Papapetrou Energy-Momentum Tensor for Chern-Simons Modified Gravity

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    We construct a conserved, symmetric energy-momentum (pseudo-)tensor for Chern-Simons modified gravity, thus demonstrating that the theory is Lorentz invariant. The tensor is discussed in relation to other gravitational energy-momentum tensors and analyzed for the Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom, and FRW solutions. To our knowledge this is the first confirmation that the Reissner-Nordstrom and FRW metrics are solutions of the modified theory.Comment: 8 pages; typos corrected, references fixed, some calculations shortene

    The clustering of high-redshift galaxies in the cold dark matter scenario

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    We investigate the clustering of high-redshift galaxies in five variants of the cold dark matter (CDM) scenario, using hydrodynamic cosmological simulations that resolve the formation of systems with circular velocities vc ≥ 100 km s-1 (Ω = 1) or vc ≥ 70 km s-1 (Ω = 0.4). Although the five models differ in their cosmological parameters and in the shapes and amplitudes of their mass power spectra, they predict remarkably similar galaxy clustering at z = 2, 3, and 4. The galaxy correlation functions show almost no evolution over this redshift range, even though the mass correlation functions grow steadily in time. Despite the fairly low circular velocity threshold of the simulations, the high-redshift galaxies are usually highly biased tracers of the underlying mass distribution; the bias factor evolves with redshift and varies from model to model. Predicted correlation lengths for the resolved galaxy population are 2-3 h-1 Mpc (comoving) at z = 3. More massive galaxies tend to be more strongly clustered. These CDM models have no difficulty in explaining the strong observed clustering of Lyman-break galaxies, and some may even predict excessive clustering. Because the effects of bias obscure differences in mass clustering, it appears that Lyman-break galaxy clustering will not be a good test of cosmological models but will instead provide a tool for constraining the physics of galaxy formation

    Modulus Stabilization with Bulk Fields

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    We propose a mechanism for stabilizing the size of the extra dimension in the Randall-Sundrum scenario. The potential for the modulus field that sets the size of the fifth dimension is generated by a bulk scalar with quartic interactions localized on the two 3-branes. The minimum of this potential yields a compactification scale that solves the hierarchy problem without fine tuning of parameters.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX; minor typo correcte

    Critical behavior of the (2+1)-dimensional Thirring model

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    We investigate chiral symmetry breaking in the (2+1)-dimensional Thirring model as a function of the coupling as well as the Dirac flavor number Nf with the aid of the functional renormalization group. For small enough flavor number Nf < Nfc, the model exhibits a chiral quantum phase transition for sufficiently large coupling. We compute the critical exponents of this second order transition as well as the fermionic and bosonic mass spectrum inside the broken phase within a next-to-leading order derivative expansion. We also determine the quantum critical behavior of the many-flavor transition which arises due to a competition between vector and chiral-scalar channel and which is of second order as well. Due to the problem of competing channels, our results rely crucially on the RG technique of dynamical bosonization. For the critical flavor number, we find Nfc ~ 5.1 with an estimated systematic error of approximately one flavor.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Constraints on the variability of quark masses from nuclear binding

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    Based on recent work on nuclear binding, we update and extend the anthropic constraints on the light quark masses, with results that are more tightly constrained than previously obtained. We find that heavy nuclei would fall apart (because the attractive nuclear central potential becomes too weak) if the sum of the light quark masses m_u+m_d would exceed their physical values by 64% (at 95% confidence level). We summarize the anthropic constraints that follow from requiring the existence both of heavy atoms and of hydrogen. With the additional assumption that the quark Yukawa couplings do not vary, these constraints provide a remarkably tight anthropic window for the Higgs vacuum expectation value: 0.39 < v/v_physical < 1.64.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    The footprint of E7 in amplitudes of N=8 supergravity

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    We study the low energy theorems associated with the non-linearly realized continuous E7 symmetry of the on-shell N=8 supergravity. For Nambu-Goldstone bosons we evaluate the one-soft-scalar-bosonemission amplitudes by computing the E7 current matrix element on the one-particle external lines. We use the explicit form of the conserved E7 Noether current and prove that all such matrix elements vanish in the soft momentum limit,assuming the SU(8) symmetry of the S-matrix.This implies that all tree amplitudes vanish in the one-soft-boson limit. We also discuss the implications of unbroken E7 symmetry for higher-order amplitudes.Comment: 18 p., 2 figure

    Scenario for Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions: Space--Time Picture of Quantum Fluctuations and the Birth of QGP

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    We study the dynamics of quantum fluctuations which take place at the earliest stage of high-energy processes and the conditions under which the data from e-p deep-inelastic scattering may serve as an input for computing the initial data for heavy-ion collisions at high energies. Our method is essentially based on the space-time picture of these seemingly different phenomena. We prove that the ultra-violet renormalization of the virtual loops does not bring any scale into the problem. The scale appears only in connection with the collinear cut-off in the evolution equations and is defined by the physical properties of the final state. In heavy-ion collisions the basic screening effect is due to the mass of the collective modes (plasmons) in the dense non-equilibrium quark-gluon system, which is estimated. We avoid the standard parton phenomenology and suggest a dedicated class of evolution equations which describe the dynamics of quantum fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 54 pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses RevTe
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