21 research outputs found

    Planowanie obciążeń stacji transfromatorowych przy rozbudowie miejskich systemów elektroenergetycznych

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    In work the system approach to formation of the urban power supply system is given. The hierarchical structure of the construction, voltage levels and load densities is considered. The mathematical and geometrical modeling of service areas for transformer substations of diff erent voltage is fulfi lled. Determination of perspective loads of transformer substations is given. The method of graphic placement of transformer substations in the city territory for new substations at existing structure of networks is off ered. The calculation program Microsoft EXCEL and the graphic program AutoCad are used for realization of method. The method allows fi nding a rational decision for the development of urban power supply system on the beginning design stages in conditions of the information uncertaintyW artykule zaprezentowano systemowe podejście do tworzenia miejskiego systemu elektroenergetycznego. Uwzględniono hierarchiczną strukturę budowy poziomów napięcia i gęstości obciążenia. Wykonano matematyczne i geometryczne modelowanie obszarów obsługi dla stacji transformatorowych różnych napięć. Podano sposób planowania obciążeń stacji transformatorowych. Zaproponowano metodę graficznego rozmieszczenia stacji transformatorowych na terenie miasta dla nowych stacji w obecnej strukturze sieci. Przy zastosowaniu tej metody wykorzystuje się arkusz kalkulacyjny Microsoft Excel oraz program graficzny AutoCAD. Metoda ta umożliwia racjonalne podejmowanie decyzji co do rozbudowy miejskiego systemu elektroenergetycznego na początkowych etapach projektowania w warunkach, gdy nie dysponuje się pełną informacją

    Experimental substantiation of alcoholic extracts technology from the Scrophulariaceae family plants

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    The optimum preparation conditions of alcoholic extracts from Euphrasia, Melampyrum, Verbascum herbs providing the maximum yield of biologically active substances have been determined. The technology of dry and liquid Euphrasia extracts, liquid Melampyrum extract, dry Verbascum extract has been developed


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    The comparative analysis of CHD risk factors which are known metabolic syndrome components was conducted in groups of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) combined with abdominal obesity (AO), in hypertensive subjects with normal body mass index, and in those with AH, AO and glucose intolerance. The combination of AH with AO was coupled with higher SBP and DBP, and with more pronounced atherogenic shifts in lipoprotein profile: elevated levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, apo B and apoB/AI ratio. The magnitude of these parameters was closed to that in group with AH, AO and glucose intolerance; hyperlipidemia in the last group was aggravated by decreased HDL cholesterol level. Patients with AH and AO had significantly higher blood insulin level and lower glucose/insulin ratio than subjects with AH only. These results might indicate the existence of latent insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with abdominal (visceral) obesity. Global CHD risk for these patients appeared to be higher than in subjects with AH only