34 research outputs found


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    Power consumption is one of the most important indicators of the region’s development. For the forecast of power consumption, the trend methods - econometric and normative - is usually used. Each of the methods has its drawbacks and peculiarities. In the article the forecast of power consumption of the economy and population of the Altai Territory is calculated by various methods. The most significant factors and their influence on the region’s energy consumption are determined: gross regional product, investment volume and industrial production index, population wages, electricity tariffs. A high degree of convergence of the results of forecasts is determined

    Sensitive element of CNT-based IR-sensor

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    A literature review of the works presenting the results of CNT studies as optical range radiation sensors has been provided. In principle, the possibility of using a CNT sample as a sensitive element for detecting IR radiation has been shown. The dependence of the CNT sample resistance on the CO2-laser radiation intensity has been determined.This work was supported by the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (agreement No 007-GЗ/Ch3363/26) and has been carried out within the framework of the strategic academic unit ‘Nanophotonics, emerging technologies of remote sensing and intellectual geoinformation systems’ of the Samara National Research University’s competitiveness improving program.The sensor investigation was partly supported by the Ministry of Education and Science project No. 16.7894.2017.6.7

    Methods of Screening for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

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    The relevance of the modern diagnosis of meibomian glands dysfunction (MGD) increases daily. Firstly, it is caused by changing of the perception about the prevalence of this disease, according to various data it is from 40 to 71% of the population in different age groups. Considering the increasing number of patients suffering from MGD, there is the need to develop screening methods for diagnosis of this disease. Screening methods should be available not only for specialists involved in the treatment of xerosis keratoconjunctival in specialized ophthalmology clinics, but also in out-patient sector. An important aspect in the diagnosis of the severity of the functionaldisorders of the meibomian glands is the assessment of morphological status that determines the further choice of therapy. To evaluate the morphological and functional state of the meibomian glands proposed to use biometrics of meibomian glands. A slit lamp is used for examination. Furthermore, objective data characterizing the morpho-functional state of the meibomian glands, can be obtained by carrying out meibography. Authors used not only white light but also infrared light for the visualization of meibomian glands during meibography. The multifunctional ophthalmic devices equipped with infrared lighting can be used for lighting. For example, specialized slit lamps, corneal topographs, Sheympflyug camera, the fundus camera and others. We applied nonmidriatic fundus camera TOPCON TRC-NW300, using for fotoregistration of the ocular fundus. A feature of the proposed method — meyboskopy — was simplicity and absence of necessity of the investigator skills by scanning with the fundus camera of the inner surface of the eyelid. Meiboskopy doesn’t require  additional equipment and software of the fundus camera and allows to receive objective quality video of meibomian glands, it opens new diagnostic possibilities. Extending of the range of diagnostic capabilities in detecting of MGD based on the screening methods will allow time to assess the severity of this disease and to appoint pathogenetically substantiated therapy

    Сравнительная оценка средних доз облучения населения Иркутской и Воронежской областей по данным ЕСКИД

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    The aim of the study was a comparative assessment of radiation doses to the population of the Voronezh and Irkutsk regions according to the unified state system for monitoring individual doses and radiation-hygienic certification. The objects of research were the territories of the Voronezh and Irkutsk regions, significantly differing in climatic conditions and resources, industrial potential, but comparable in terms of population. The subject of the study was the average territorial values of radiation doses to personnel due to the normal operation of anthropogenic sources, radiation doses to the population due to natural sources and anthropogenic background, radiation doses to patients due to the use of ionizing radiation in medical diagnostics. The method of comparative analysis of effective collective and individual average annual radiation doses was used. In the Voronezh and Irkutsk regions, the priority dose-generating factor is natural radiation, which contribution to the annual effective collective dose is 83.33 and 89.18%, respectively. At the same time, the average individual annual effective doses to the population due to natural sources of ionizing radiation in the Irkutsk region in relation to the Voronezh region are significantly higher for radon – 2,81 times, due to the content of radionuclides in drinking water – 1,93 times and external terrigenous radiation – 1,46 times, which leads to a two-fold difference in the total individual effective doses associated with natural sources of ionizing radiation. These differences are explained by the features of the physical and geographical location of territories. There are significant differences in the values of the average effective annual doses of the population due to global fallouts and past radiation accidents, because a part of the territory of the Voronezh region was exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (in the Voronezh region – 0.062 mSv / year, in the Irkutsk -0.005 mSv / year). Radiography (63.15 and 67.27%) makes the leading contribution to the value of medical radiation doses, which occupy the second place in the structures of the effective collective annual doses to the population (in the Voronezh region make up 16.46%, in the Irkutsk region – 10.74%) and fluorography (31.29 and 27.41% in the regions, respectively). It was established that the radiation situation in the Voronezh and Irkutsk regions remains stable and safe.Целью исследования являлась сравнительная оценка средних доз облучения населения Воронежской и Иркутской областей по данным Единой государственной системы контроля индивидуальных доз и радиационно-гигиенической паспортизации. Объектами исследования являлись территории Воронежской и Иркутской областей, существенно различающиеся природно-климатическими условиями и ресурсами, промышленным потенциалом, но соизмеримые по численности населения. Предметом исследования являлись средние территориальные значения доз облучения персонала за счет нормальной эксплуатации техногенных источников, доз облучения населения за счет природных источников и техногенного фона, доз облучения пациентов за счет использования ионизирующего излучения в медицинской диагностике. Применялся метод сравнительного анализа эффективных коллективных и индивидуальных средних годовых доз облучения. В Воронежской и Иркутской областях приоритетным дозообразующим фактором является природное излучение, вклад которого в годовую эффективную коллективную дозу составляет 83,33 и 89,18% соответственно. Вместе с тем, средние индивидуальные годовые эффективные дозы облучения населения за счет природных источников ионизирующего излучения в Иркутской области по отношению к Воронежской существенно выше по радону – в 2,81 раза, за счет содержания радионуклидов в питьевой воде – в 1,93 раза и внешнему терригенному излучению – в 1,46 раза, что ведет к различиям величин суммарных индивидуальных эффективных доз, связанных с природными источниками ионизирующего излучения, в 2 раза. Данные различия объясняются особенностями физико-географического расположения территорий. Имеются существенные различия в величинах средних эффективных годовых доз населения, обусловленных глобальными выпадениями и прошлыми радиационными авариями, т.к. часть территории Воронежской области подвергалась радиоактивному загрязнению вследствие аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС (в Воронежской области – 0,062 мЗв/год, в Иркутской – 0,005 мЗв/год). В величину доз медицинского облучения, которые занимают второе место в структурах эффективных коллективных годовых доз облучения населения (в Воронежской области составляют 16,46%, Иркутской – 10,74%), ведущий вклад вносят рентгенография (63,15 и 67,27%) и флюорография (31,29 и 27,41% на территориях областей соответственно). Установлено, что радиационная обстановка на территории Воронежской и Иркутской областей остается стабильной и безопасной

    Морфологическая характеристика миксом сердца: 25-летний опыт операций в ФНЦ трансплантологии и искусственных органов имени академика В.И. Шу

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    Analysis of intracardiac space-occupying lesions, surgically removed at V.I. Shumakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs over 25 years (in the period from 1992 until 2016) was carried out. During that period 134 patients underwent surgery. Preoperative clinical diagnosis before surgery was heart myxoma. From 134 patients, only in 115 (85.8%) patients the removed intracardiac lesions were myxomas: left atrium – 103 (89.7%) patients, right atrium – 10 (8.7%), right ventricle – 2 (1.8%) and mitral valve – 1 (0.8%) patient. 9 patients had thrombi in the heart, 10 patients had not myxomas, but other benign and malignant heart tumors. This article presents macroscopic, histolological and ultrastructural characteristic of cardiac myxomas. Recurrence of the left atrium myxoma occurred in 2 patients. They were re-operated in four and six years after the first removal of myxoma. 2 patients died during hospital period. One patient with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries as a concurrent disease died of embolization of the stent coronary artery with myxoma particles with the development of acute heart failure. Death of the 2nd patient was not directly related to the surgery, and was due to the acute heart failure as well in connection with the presence of concurrent disease, coronary heart disease.Проведен анализ объемных новообразований из полостей сердца, оперативно удаленных в ФГБУ «ФНЦТИО имени академика В.И. Шумакова» Минздрава России за 25 лет (в период с 1992-го по 2016 год). Всего за этот период прооперировано 134 пациента. До операции предположительный клинический диагноз – миксома сердца. Из 134 пациентов только у 115 (85,8%) больных удаленные образования из полостей сердца были миксомами. Локализация: левое предсердие – 105 (89,7%), правое предсердие – 9 (7,7%), правый желудочек – 2 (1,7%), митральный клапан – 1 (0,9%) пациент. У 9 пациентов объемные образования в полостях сердца представляли собой тромбы, у 10 пациентов были не миксомы, а другие доброкачественные и злокачественные опухоли сердца. В статье приведена макроскопическая, гистологическая и ультраструктурная характеристика миксом сердца. Рецидив миксомы левого предсердия произошел у двух пациентов. Они были повторно прооперированы через четыре года и шесть лет после первого удаления миксомы. В госпитальном периоде умерли двое пациентов. Летальный исход одного пациента, у которого атеросклероз коронарных артерий был конкурирующим заболеванием, наступил из-за эмболии частицами миксомы стента коронарной артерии с развитием острой сердечной недостаточности. Смерть второго пациента не была связана непосредственно с операцией, а наступила из-за острой сердечной недостаточности в связи с наличием также конкурирующего заболевания – коронарной болезни сердца


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    Tасrolimus (Tac) has been used for rescuing of renal allografts from refractory rejection that occurred during treatment with conventional cyclosporine A (CsA) mostly in the early posttransplant period. Less is known about effect of Tac in cases of late acute rejection. Aim of the study was to examine the long-term effects of switching from CyA-based therapy to Tac-based therapy versus continuation of CsA in renal transplant patients with acute rejection occurred 3 month after transplantation or later. In this comparative prospective clinical study 176 patients experiencing a late biopsy-proven acute or active chronic rejection were followed-up for up to 6 months. 61 pati- ents were converted from a CуA-based therapy to the Tac one; in 115 patients CsA-based therapy was continued. During the first month after the rejection episode the median serum creatinine concentration had decreased in both groups (from 0.27 (0.18; 0.4) to 0.25 (0.16; 0.41) mmol/l in the CsA group and from 0.25 (0.18; 0.3) to 0.18 (0.14; 0.25) mmol/l in the Tac group. During the follow-up graft function remained stable in the Tac group 0,17 (0,14; 0,3) mmol/l, while in the CsA group a trend to progression of graft failure was observed 0.33 (0.19; 0.8) mmol/l. The 3-year Kaplan-Meier estimates for graft loss were 57,1% (Tac) and 40,9% (CsA), respectively (р < 0.01). Conclusion: early switch from the CsA- to the Tac-based therapy after a late biopsy-confirmed rejection resulted in a significant improvement in the clinical output in renal graft recipients compared to patients for whom the CyA therapy was continued. Острое отторжение почечного аллотрансплантата, развивающееся в поздние сроки после транспланта- ции почки (ТП), в большинстве случаев бывает резистентным к терапии и лишь частично обратимым. Целью настоящего исследования было оценить эффективность конверсии с циклоспорина (ЦиА) на та- кролимус (Tac) у пациентов с поздним острым и активным хроническим отторжением. В исследование были включены 176 пациентов с поздним отторжением, 115 из которых продолжали терапию циклоспо- рином (группа ЦиА), а 61 был переведен на такролимус (группа Тас). Длительность наблюдения состав- ляла не менее 6 мес. В течение первого месяца с момента выявления и лечения отторжения в обеих груп- пах отмечалось снижение креатинина крови с 0,27 (0,18; 0,4) до 0,25 (0,16; 0,41) ммоль/л на циклоспори- не и с 0,25 (0,18; 0,3) до 0,18 (0,14; 0,25) на такролимусе. В последующем в группе Тас наблюдалась ста- билизация функции трансплантата на уровне 0,17 (0,14; 0,3) ммоль/л, тогда как у пациентов, продолжав- ших прием ЦиА, отмечалось прогрессирование дисфункции до 0,33 (0,19; 0,8) ммоль/л. Выживаемость трансплантатов к 3 годам наблюдения составляла в группах Тас и ЦиA 57,1 и 40,9% соответственно (р < 0,01). Конверсия с циклоспорина на такролимус при позднем отторжении трансплантата позволяет повы- сить эффективность его лечения и замедлить темпы прогрессирования нефропатии.

    Clinical features of post-COVID-19 period. Results of the international register “Dynamic analysis of comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 survivors (AKTIV SARS-CoV-2)”. Data from 6-month follow-up

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    Aim. To study the clinical course specifics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and comorbid conditions in COVID-19 survivors 3, 6, 12 months after recovery in the Eurasian region according to the AKTIV register. Material and methods.The AKTIV register was created at the initiative of the Eurasian Association of Therapists. The AKTIV register is divided into 2 parts: AKTIV 1 and AKTIV 2. The AKTIV 1 register currently includes 6300 patients, while in AKTIV 2 — 2770. Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 receiving in- and outpatient treatment have been anonymously included on the registry. The following 7 countries participated in the register: Russian Federation, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Uzbekistan. This closed multicenter register with two nonoverlapping branches (in- and outpatient branch) provides 6 visits: 3 in-person visits during the acute period and 3 telephone calls after 3, 6, 12 months. Subject recruitment lasted from June 29, 2020 to October 29, 2020. Register will end on October 29, 2022. A total of 9 fragmentary analyzes of the registry data are planned. This fragment of the study presents the results of the post-hospitalization period in COVID-19 survivors after 3 and 6 months. Results. According to the AKTIV register, patients after COVID-19 are characterized by long-term persistent symptoms and frequent seeking for unscheduled medical care, including rehospitalizations. The most common causes of unplanned medical care are uncontrolled hypertension (HTN) and chronic coronary artery disease (CAD) and/or decompensated type 2 diabetes (T2D). During 3- and 6-month follow-up after hospitalization, 5,6% and 6,4% of patients were diagnosed with other diseases, which were more often presented by HTN, T2D, and CAD. The mortality rate of patients in the post-hospitalization period was 1,9% in the first 3 months and 0,2% for 4-6 months. The highest mortality rate was observed in the first 3 months in the group of patients with class II-IV heart failure, as well as in patients with cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In the pattern of death causes in the post-hospitalization period, following cardiovascular causes prevailed (31,8%): acute coronary syndrome, stroke, acute heart failure. Conclusion. According to the AKTIV register, the health status of patients after COVID-19 in a serious challenge for healthcare system, which requires planning adequate health system capacity to provide care to patients with COVID-19 in both acute and post-hospitalization period


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    It is determined that during operation a hard wear along with uniform attrition occurs in working canal of die because of welding of metal particles to the material of die, what results in formation of separate microholes, their enlargement and further defect creation of type “micropitting of hard alloy”


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    The results indicate that current technology manufacturing and repair of reducing dies on “BMP” provides a high level of quality polishing to obtain a surface roughness of the working channel of upper classes reducing dies according to CCITT 2789-59