25 research outputs found


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    The problem intending to ensure traffic safety in the zone of a railway crossing is considered in the paper. The paper contains analysis of accidents and technical solutions how to equip railway crossings with the facilities which are designed for organization of traffic and pedestrian safety in the Republic of Belarus. As a result of investigations recommendations are given how to increase railway traffic efficiency in such zones when trains are moving fast. In order to improve crossing designations at street-road network it is proposed to use a light signal working in the mode of yellow blinking when it is allowed to pass a crossing and make road marking of special configuration at the crossing approach. There are also other recommendations on modernization of technical facilities with the purpose to improve safety. At non-intensive railway crossings located beyond urban boundaries and settlements it is suggested to switch-on outdoor lighting at the moment when a train is reaching an approach zone.Рассмотрена проблема обеспечения безопасности движения в зоне железнодорожных переездов. Приведен анализ аварийности и технических решений оборудования железнодорожных переездов средствами организации безопасного движения транспорта и пешеходов в Республике Беларусь. В результате исследований разработаны рекомендации по повышению эффективности движения на таких объектах в условиях скоростного движения поездов. Для улучшения обозначения переездов на улично-дорожной сети предложено использование светового сигнала, работающего в режиме желтого мигания в период времени, когда движение через переезд разрешено, а также нанесение на подходах к переездам дорожной разметки, имеющей специальную конфигурацию. Приведены другие рекомендации по совершенствованию технических средств переездного обустройства с целью повышения безопасности движения. На малодеятельных железнодорожных переездах, расположенных за пределами городской черты и населенных пунктов, предложено включать наружное освещение в момент вступления поезда на участок приближения


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    An analysis of automated control traffic systems in the Republic of Belarus is presented in the paper. As a result of the analysis a classification of existing and designed systems is given in the paper. The paper contains a list of technical means required for systems of a various level and perspective tracks concerning further development of systems are determined in the paper. Приведен анализ автоматизированных систем управления движением в Республике Беларусь. В результате исследований дана классификация существующих и проектируемых систем. Приводится перечень технических средств для систем различного уровня и определены перспективные пути дальнейшего развития систем


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    The problem intending to ensure traffic safety in the zone of a railway crossing is considered in the paper. The paper contains analysis of accidents and technical solutions how to equip railway crossings with the facilities which are designed for organization of traffic and pedestrian safety in the Republic of Belarus. As a result of investigations recommendations are given how to increase railway traffic efficiency in such zones when trains are moving fast. In order to improve crossing designations at street-road network it is proposed to use a light signal working in the mode of yellow blinking when it is allowed to pass a crossing and make road marking of special configuration at the crossing approach. There are also other recommendations on modernization of technical facilities with the purpose to improve safety. At non-intensive railway crossings located beyond urban boundaries and settlements it is suggested to switch-on outdoor lighting at the moment when a train is reaching an approach zone


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    An analysis of automated control traffic systems in the Republic of Belarus is presented in the paper. As a result of the analysis a classification of existing and designed systems is given in the paper. The paper contains a list of technical means required for systems of a various level and perspective tracks concerning further development of systems are determined in the paper