1,137 research outputs found

    Nonrenormalization Theorem for Gauge Coupling in 2+1D

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    We prove that \be-function of the gauge coupling in 2+1D2+1D gauge theory coupled to any renormalizable system of spinor and scalar fields is zero. This result holds both when the gauge field action is the Chern-Simons action and when it is the topologically massive action.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX file, CALT-68-191

    Tests of Seiberg-like Duality in Three Dimensions

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    We use localization techniques to study several duality proposals for supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions reminiscent of Seiberg duality. We compare the partition functions of dual theories deformed by real mass terms and FI parameters. We find that Seiberg-like duality for N=3 Chern-Simons gauge theories proposed by Giveon and Kutasov holds on the level of partition functions and is closely related to level-rank duality in pure Chern-Simons theory. We also clarify the relationship between the Giveon-Kutasov duality and a duality in theories of fractional M2 branes and propose a generalization of the latter. Our analysis also confirms previously known results concerning decoupled free sectors in N=4 gauge theories realized by monopole operators.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    On S-duality for Non-Simply-Laced Gauge Groups

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    We point out that for N=4 gauge theories with exceptional gauge groups G_2 and F_4 the S-duality transformation acts on the moduli space by a nontrivial involution. We note that the duality groups of these theories are the Hecke groups with elliptic elements of order six and four, respectively. These groups extend certain subgroups of SL(2,Z) by elements with a non-trivial action on the moduli space. We show that under an embedding of these gauge theories into string theory, the Hecke duality groups are represented by T-duality transformations.Comment: 8 pages, latex. v2: references adde

    Isotropic A-branes and the stability condition

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    The existence of a new kind of branes for the open topological A-model is argued by using the generalized complex geometry of Hitchin and the SYZ picture of mirror symmetry. Mirror symmetry suggests to consider a bi-vector in the normal direction of the brane and a new definition of generalized complex submanifold. Using this definition, it is shown that there exists generalized complex submanifolds which are isotropic in a symplectic manifold. For certain target space manifolds this leads to isotropic A-branes, which should be considered in addition to Lagrangian and coisotropic A-branes. The Fukaya category should be enlarged with such branes, which might have interesting consequences for the homological mirror symmetry of Kontsevich. The stability condition for isotropic A-branes is studied using the worldsheet approach.Comment: 19 page

    AGT on the S-duality Wall

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    Three-dimensional gauge theory T[G] arises on a domain wall between four-dimensional N=4 SYM theories with the gauge groups G and its S-dual G^L. We argue that the N=2^* mass deformation of the bulk theory induces a mass-deformation of the theory T[G] on the wall. The partition functions of the theory T[SU(2)] and its mass-deformation on the three-sphere are shown to coincide with the transformation coefficient of Liouville one-point conformal block on torus under the S-duality.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. v2: Revised the analysis in sections 3.3 and 4. Notes and references added. Version to appear in JHE

    Topological strings on noncommutative manifolds

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    We identify a deformation of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma model on a Calabi-Yau manifold X which has the same effect on B-branes as a noncommutative deformation of X. We show that for hyperkahler X such deformations allow one to interpolate continuously between the A-model and the B-model. For generic values of the noncommutativity and the B-field, properties of the topologically twisted sigma-models can be described in terms of generalized complex structures introduced by N. Hitchin. For example, we show that the path integral for the deformed sigma-model is localized on generalized holomorphic maps, whereas for the A-model and the B-model it is localized on holomorphic and constant maps, respectively. The geometry of topological D-branes is also best described using generalized complex structures. We also derive a constraint on the Chern character of topological D-branes, which includes A-branes and B-branes as special cases.Comment: 36 pages, AMS latex. v2: a reference to a related work has been added. v3: An error in the discussion of the Fourier-Mukai transform for twisted coherent sheaves has been fixed, resulting in several changes in Section 2. The rest of the paper is unaffected. v4: an incorrect statement concerning Lie algebroid cohomology has been fixe