3 research outputs found

    Levels of marker lysosomal hydrolases in women with coronary heart disease depending on age and sex hormone level

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    Aim of the study was to evaluate the serum concentrations of three marker lysosomal hydrolases (cathepsin D, acid phosphatase (AP) and acid DNase (aDNAase)) in women with coronary heart disease (CHD) depending on the level of follicle-­stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone (T), age and find if those parameters associated with anthropometric parameters, glycemia, insulinemia and HOMA-IR index, biomarkers of atherosclerosis. The study included 285 women aged 35–65 years (median age was 54.4 years (25% and 75% percentiles — 43.2 and 61.3 years, respectively) who had had myocardial infarction no earlier than 30 days before the examination. Patients were divided into the following age groups: 35–55 and 56–65 years (first and second age groups, respectively), and into groups according to the levels of sex hormones: FSH ≥ and <30 mIU/mL and testosterone ≥ and <3 nmol/L. Results of comparative and correlation analyzes demonstrates that in women 35–65 years old with FSH ≥30 mIU/mL, the levels of cathepsin D are higher (p<0.05) than in patients with FSH <30 mIU/mL, and in women 35–55 years old, the content of AP was also higher (p=0.025). Associations of a high level of androgen with lysosomal hyperenzymemia were demonstrated only in the second age group, where at a level of T ≥3 nmol/L, higher values of all three lysosomal enzymes were recorded. Multivariate analysis in both age groups is confirmed direct impact of periand postmenopausal periods on the levels of lysosomal enzymemia and, accordingly, a negative effect on the state of lysosomal membranes. Thus, FSH levels directly determined the concentrations of AP and cardiotropic cathepsin D. The levels of aDNAase in women with CHD of 56–65 years of age were positively correlated with indicators that determine insulin-­glucose homeostasis: glycemia (p<0.001), HOMA-IR index (p<0.001). Such associations of three marker lysosomal enzymes demonstrate the primary contribution of FSH ≥30 mIU/mL to an increase in the concentration of lysosomal hydrolases in women with CHD35–65 years old and the correlation of aDNAase with the processes triggered by insulin resistance