4 research outputs found

    Classification of Municipalities in the Republic of Buryatia by the Level of Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis Incidence

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    Tick-borne viral encephalitis (TBVE) is one of the most significant natural-focal infections in the Russian Federation.The aim of the study was to analyze the current epidemiological situation on TBVE in the Buryat Republic in 2010–2020 with a subsequent differentiation of municipalities by epidemiological risk groups in order to elaborate proposals for optimization of preventive measures.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the epidemiological situation on TBVE in the Buryat Republic was carried out using forms of federal statistical surveillance No. 2 “Information on infectious and parasitic diseases” over 2010–2020 and the data from the Reference Center of the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and Far East of the Rospotrebnadzor on the epidemiological situation and preventive measures in the municipalities of the constituent entity. Statistical processing was performed applying conventional methods of variation statistics. Based on calculated 95 % parametric confidence interval for the data on variability of the long-term average TBVE incidence in the municipalities of the Republic of Buryatia over a 10-year period, the entities were differentiated by epidemiological risk groups. QGis 2.18.28 and a set of open geodata OpenStreetMap were used for mapping.Results and discussion. All municipalities have been classified into five groups by the level of epidemiological risk: with zero TBVE incidence – 2 districts, with a low level – 4, medium – 8, high – 5, very high – 2. In addition, the administrative center has been placed into a separate group. Each individual group of municipalities is characterized by the number of TBVE cases, the level of morbidity, the frequency of seeking medical aid because of tick bites, the scope of specific and non-specific prevention measures. Recommendations for optimizing the tactics of TBVE prevention in certain municipal districts have been provided

    Epidemiological Situation on Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Russian Federation in 2011–2021 and Short-Term Forecast of its Development

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    The aim of the work was to analyze the epidemiological situation on tick-borne viral encephalitis in the endemic territories of the Russian Federation in 2021 in comparison with the dynamics over 2011–2020 and its shortterm forecast for 2022. In Russia, 48 constituent entities belonging to seven federal districts are endemic for tick-borne viral encephalitis (TBVE). There is a statistically significant downward trend in the incidence of TBVE in the Siberian Federal District (which is characterized by the maximum incidence rate in the country), the Volga and Far Eastern Federal Districts. In the Ural Federal District (the second in terms of TBVE incidence), the decline in the incidence has stalled since 2021. The average long-term incidence of TBVE in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation varies from sporadic (Republic of Crimea)  up to 12.5 per 100 thousand of the population (0/0000) (Krasnoyarsk Territory). In 2021, TBVE cases were detected in 42 endemic regions and in one non-endemic region – Stavropol Territory. At the same time, 1015 cases of TBVE were in the country (0.69 0/0000). In all Federal Districts, the incidence of TBVE is below the long-term average values. Using the Quantum GIS program, the incidence of TBVE in 917 administrative territories of the country has been ranked and grouped according to the level of epidemiological risk. This made it possible to establish that 65 % of the territories form a zone of low epidemiological risk. High and very high epidemiological risk is observed in 13% of the analyzed districts. The structure of TBVE clinical manifestations in 2021 was dominated by febrile (59.7 %) and meningeal (24.3 %) forms. 14 lethal outcomes were reported. In 2021, 2 889 515 people were vaccinated (including 1 433 850 children), of which 14 fell ill. Specific immunoglobulin was used to prevent the overt development of infection in 100 704 individuals, which accounts for 22.6 % of the persons affected by tick bites (30.6 % among children). Acaricidic treatments were carried out on an operational area of 233 125 hectares of territories of socially significant objects. The scope of all TBVE prevention measures in 2021 increased as compared to 2020. In 2022, a decline in the incidence of TBVE in endemic Federal Districts and in the country on the whole is forecasted to (0,64±0,192) 0/0000

    Trends in Epidemic Process Development of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in the Russian Federation, Laboratory Diagnosis, Prophylaxis and Forecast for 2021

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    Tick-borne encephalitis is a natural-focal infection damaging central nervous system, caused by the similarly-named virus transmitted by several species of ixodic ticks. Natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) are widely spread in the forest and forest-steppe landscape zones of the temperate climate belt in the vast territory of Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. New TBE-endemic territories have been recently identified in Japan, the Netherlands, and in the UK – in 2019. The increasing risk of infection due to the development of tourism and visits to natural foci of TBE became a public health issue of international concern. The aim of the study is to identify modern features of TBE incidence dynamics in the Russian Federation, the state of laboratory diagnostics and prevention and to predict the incidence for 2021. The paper shows that there is a persistent downward trend in TBE-cases in Russia, which is observed through the past few years. The characteristic feature of the epidemic season-2020 was a significant reduction in the incidence of TBE: 989 cases were registered in 33 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (morbidity rate – 0.67 per 100 000 of the population). The sharp decrease of TBE cases in 2020 as compared to 2019 against the background of a decrease in vaccination can be explained, along with natural factors, by the introduction of restrictive measures during the COVID-19 epidemic. The paper also reflects the dynamics of morbidity, seeking the medical services because of tick bites, the infection rate of the carrier, the scope of vaccination, seroprophylaxis, acaricide treatments. The coverage of express-diagnostic tests of ticks for markers of associated pathogens and its availability for the population are presented. It is recognized that the epidemiological situation on TBE in the Russian Federation remains unfavorable. It demands constant attention on the part of healthcare organizations and Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare, as well as management decision making aimed at further decrement in TBE incidence through the improvement of prevention measures, specifically in the entities that are characterized by high TBE incidence. The situation requires monitoring of natural foci of infection, enhancement of prophylaxis and treatment of TBE. The paper provides the forecast of TBE incidence for 2021 and values of the 95 % confidence range of the indicator fluctuation, taking into account the presence or absence of trends in its changes in the territory of federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2011–2020

    Разработка конструкции и обоснование параметров рабочего органа для выкапывания корнеплодов сахарной свеклы

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    В статье предложена оригинальная конструкция вильчатого рабочего органа свеклоуборочного комбайна, предназначенного для выкапывания корнеплодов из почвы, позволяющая снизить ущерб корнеплодам за счет использования в его конструкции упругих элементов, которыми являются резиновые шипованные шины, и создания дополнительной копающей силы, действующей на них. The article proposes an original design of the forked working body of a beet harvester designed to dig up roots from the soil, which reduces the damage to root crops through the use of elastic elements in its design, which are rubber studded tires and the creation of an additional digging force acting on them