207 research outputs found

    Inhibition of the different complement pathways has varying impacts on the serum bactericidal activity and opsonophagocytosis against Haemophilus influenzae type b

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    Defense against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is dependent on antibodies and complement, which mediate both serum bactericidal activity (SBA) and opsonophagocytosis. Here we evaluated the influence of capsule-specific antibodies and complement inhibitors targeting the central component C3, the alternative pathway (AP; fB, fD), the lectin pathway (LP; MASP-2) and the terminal pathway (C5) on both effector functions. Findings may be relevant for the treatment of certain diseases caused by dysregulation of the complement system, where inhibitors of complement factors C3 or C5 are used. Inhibitors against other complement components are being evaluated as potential alternative treatment options that may carry a reduced risk of infection by encapsulated bacteria. Serum and reconstituted blood of healthy adults were tested for bactericidal activity before and after vaccination with the Hib capsule-conjugate vaccine ActHIB. Most sera had bactericidal activity prior to vaccination, but vaccination significantly enhanced SBA titers. Independently of the vaccination status, both C3 and C5 inhibition abrogated SBA, whereas inhibition of the LP had no effect. AP inhibition had a major inhibitory effect on SBA of pre- vaccination serum, but vaccination mitigated this inhibition for all disease isolates tested. Despite this, SBA-mediated killing of some Hib isolates remained retarded. Even for the most serum-resistant isolate, SBA was the dominating defense mechanism in reconstituted whole blood, as addition of blood cells to the serum did not enhance bacterial killing. Limited Fc receptor-mediated opsonophagocytosis was unmasked when bacterial killing by the membrane attack complex was blocked. In the presence of C3 or C5 inhibitors, addition of post-vaccination, but not of pre-vaccination serum to the blood cells triggered opsonophagocytosis, leading to suppression of bacterial multiplication. Taken together, our data indicate that for host defense against Hib, killing by SBA is more efficient than by blood cell opsonophagocytosis. However, additional defense mechanisms, such as bacterial clearance by spleen and liver, may play an important role in preventing Hib-mediated sepsis, in particular for Hib isolates with increased serum-resistance. Results indicate potentially improved safety profile of AP inhibitors over C3 and C5 inhibitors as alternative therapeutic agents in patients with increased susceptibility to Hib infection

    Alternative complement pathway inhibition does not abrogate meningococcal killing by serum of vaccinated individuals

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    Dysregulation of complement activation causes a number of diseases, including paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. These conditions can be treated with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that bind to the complement component C5 and prevent formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC). While MAC is involved in uncontrolled lysis of erythrocytes in these patients, it is also required for serum bactericidal activity (SBA), i.e. clearance of encapsulated bacteria. Therefore, terminal complement blockage in these patients increases the risk of invasive disease by Neisseria meningitidis more than 1000-fold compared to the general population, despite obligatory vaccination. It is assumed that alternative instead of terminal pathway inhibition reduces the risk of meningococcal disease in vaccinated individuals. To address this, we investigated the SBA with alternative pathway inhibitors. Serum was collected from adults before and after vaccination with a meningococcal serogroup A, C, W, Y capsule conjugate vaccine and tested for meningococcal killing in the presence of factor B and D, C3, C5 and MASP-2 inhibitors. B meningococci were not included in this study since the immune response against protein-based vaccines is more complex. Unsurprisingly, inhibition of C5 abrogated killing of meningococci by all sera. In contrast, both factor B and D inhibitors affected meningococcal killing in sera from individuals with low, but not with high bactericidal anti-capsular titers. While the anti-MASP-2 mAb did not impair SBA, inhibition of C3 impeded meningococcal killing in most, but not in all sera. These data provide evidence that vaccination can provide protection against invasive meningococcal disease in patients treated with alternative pathway inhibitors

    In vaccinated individuals serum bactericidal activity against B meningococci is abrogated by C5 inhibition but not by inhibition of the alternative complement pathway

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    INTRODUCTION: Several diseases caused by the dysregulation of complement activation can be treated with inhibitors of the complement components C5 and/or C3. However, complement is required for serum bactericidal activity (SBA) against encapsulated Gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, C3 and C5 inhibition increases the risk of invasive disease, in particular by Neisseria meningitidis. As inhibitors against complement components other than C3 and C5 may carry a reduced risk of infection, we compared the effect of inhibitors targeting the terminal pathway (C5), the central complement component C3, the alternative pathway (FB and FD), and the lectin pathway (MASP-2) on SBA against serogroup B meningococci. METHODS: Serum from adults was collected before and after vaccination with the meningococcal serogroup B vaccine 4CMenB and tested for meningococcal killing. Since the B capsular polysaccharide is structurally similar to certain human polysaccharides, 4CMenB was designed to elicit antibodies against meningococcal outer membrane proteins. RESULTS: While only a few pre-vaccination sera showed SBA against the tested B meningococcal isolates, 4CMenB vaccination induced potent complement-activating IgG titers against isolates expressing a matching allele of the bacterial cell surface-exposed factor H-binding protein (fHbp). SBA triggered by these cell surface protein-specific antibodies was blocked by C5 and reduced by C3 inhibition, whereas alternative (factor B and D) and lectin (MASP-2) pathway inhibitors had no effect on the SBA of post-4CMenB vaccination sera. DISCUSSION: Compared to the SBA triggered by A,C,W,Y capsule polysaccharide conjugate vaccination, SBA against B meningococci expressing a matching fHbp allele was remarkably resilient against the alternative pathway inhibition

    ERBB receptors in cancer: signaling from the inside

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    ERBB receptor tyrosine kinases are activated by ligand-induced dimerization followed by activation and transphosphorylation of their intracellular kinase domains. A recent study by Bill and colleagues demonstrates that receptor transphosphorylation can be regulated from inside the cell by members of the cytohesin protein family. These data highlight a novel mechanism of amplification of ERBB receptor signaling output that may contribute to embryogenesis and cancer progression

    Developmental profile of localized spontaneous Ca2+ release events in the dendrites of rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Cell Calcium 52 (2012): 422-432, doi:10.1016/j.ceca.2012.08.001.Recent experiments demonstrate that localized spontaneous Ca2+ release events can be detected in the dendrites of pyramidal cells in the hippocampus and other neurons (J. Neurosci. 29:7833-7845, 2009). These events have some properties that resemble ryanodine receptor mediated “sparks” in myocytes, and some that resemble IP3 receptor mediated “puffs” in oocytes. They can be detected in the dendrites of rats of all tested ages between P3 and P80 (with sparser sampling in older rats), suggesting that they serve a general signaling function and are not just important in development. However, in younger rats the amplitudes of the events are larger than the amplitudes in older animals and almost as large as the amplitudes of Ca2+ signals from backpropagating action potentials (bAPs). The rise time of the event signal is fast at all ages and is comparable to the rise time of the bAP fluorescence signal at the same dendritic location. The decay time is slower in younger animals, primarily because of weaker Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms at that age. Diffusion away from a brief localized source is the major determinant of decay at all ages. A simple computational model closely simulates these events with extrusion rate the only age dependent variable.Supported in part by NIH grant NS-016295

    Cytogenetic analysis of HER1/EGFR, HER2, HER3 and HER4 in 278 breast cancer patients

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    INTRODUCTION: The HER (human EGFR related) family of receptor tyrosine kinases (HER1/EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)/c-erbB1, HER2/c-erbB2, HER3/c-erbB3 and HER4/c-erbB4) shares a high degree of structural and functional homology. It constitutes a complex network, coupling various extracellular ligands to intracellular signal transduction pathways resulting in receptor interaction and cross-activation. The most famous family member is HER2, which is a target in Herceptin therapy in metastatic status and also in adjuvant therapy of breast cancer in the event of dysregulation as a result of gene amplification and resulting protein overexpression. The HER2-related HER receptors have been shown to interact directly with HER2 receptors and thereby mutually affect their activity and subsequent malignant growth potential. However, the clinical outcome with regard to total HER receptor state remains largely unknown. METHODS: We investigated HER1-HER4, at both the DNA and the protein level, using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probes targeted to all four receptor loci and also immunohistochemistry in tissue microarrays derived from 278 breast cancer patients. RESULTS: We retrospectively found HER3 gene amplification with a univariate negative impact on disease-free survival (hazard ratio 2.35, 95% confidence interval 1.08 to 5.11, p = 0.031), whereas HER4 amplification showed a positive trend in overall and disease-free survival. Protein expression revealed no additional information. CONCLUSION: Overall, the simultaneous quantification of HER3 and HER4 receptor genes by means of FISH might enable the rendering of a more precise stratification of breast cancer patients by providing additional prognostic information. The continuation of explorative and prospective studies on all HER receptors will be required for an evaluation of their potential use for specific therapeutic targeting with respect to individualised therapy

    Control of Ca2+ Influx and Calmodulin Activation by SK-Channels in Dendritic Spines

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    © 2016 Griffith et al. The key trigger for Hebbian synaptic plasticity is influx of Ca2+ into postsynaptic dendritic spines. The magnitude of [Ca2+] increase caused by NMDA-receptor (NMDAR) and voltage-gated Ca2+ -channel (VGCC) activation is thought to determine both the amplitude and direction of synaptic plasticity by differential activation of Ca2+ -sensitive enzymes such as calmodulin. Ca2+ influx is negatively regulated by Ca2+ -activated K+ channels (SK-channels) which are in turn inhibited by neuromodulators such as acetylcholine. However, the precise mechanisms by which SK-channels control the induction of synaptic plasticity remain unclear. Using a 3-dimensional model of Ca2+ and calmodulin dynamics within an idealised, but biophysically-plausible, dendritic spine, we show that SK-channels regulate calmodulin activation specifically during neuron-firing patterns associated with induction of spike timing-dependent plasticity. SK-channel activation and the subsequent reduction in Ca2+ influx through NMDARs and L-type VGCCs results in an order of magnitude decrease in calmodulin (CaM) activation, providing a mechanism for the effective gating of synaptic plasticity induction. This provides a common mechanism for the regulation of synaptic plasticity by neuromodulators

    Targeting HER proteins in cancer therapy and the role of the non-target HER3

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    Members of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) family have been of considerable interest in the cancer arena due to their potential to induce tumorigenesis when their signalling functions are deregulated. The constitutive activation of these proteins is seen in a number of different common cancer subtypes, and in particular EGFR and HER2 have become highly pursued targets for anti-cancer drug development. Clinical studies in a number of different cancers known to be driven by EGFR or HER2 show mixed results, and further mechanistic understanding of drug sensitivity and resistance is needed to realise the full potential of this treatment modality. Signalling in trans is a key feature of HER family signalling, and the activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, so critically important in tumorigenesis, is driven predominantly through phosphorylation in trans of the kinase inactive member HER3. An increasing body of evidence shows that HER3 plays a critical role in EGFR- and HER2-driven tumours. In particular, HER3 lies upstream of a critically important tumorigenic signalling pathway with extensive ability for feedback and cross-talk signalling, and targeting approaches that fail to account for this important trans-target of EGFR and HER2 can be undermined by its resiliency and resourcefulness. Since HER3 is kinase inactive, it is not a direct target of kinase inhibitors and not presently an easily drugable target. This review presents the current evidence highlighting the role of HER3 in tumorigenesis and its role in mediating resistance to inhibitors of EGFR and HER2