41 research outputs found

    Mineral oil certified reference materials for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls from the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ)

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    Four mineral oil certified reference materials (CRMs), NMIJ CRM 7902-a, CRM 7903-a, CRM 7904-a, and CRM 7905-a, have been issued by the National Metrology Institute of Japan, which is part of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (NMIJ/AIST), for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The raw materials for the CRMs were an insulation oil (CRM 7902-a and CRM 7903-a) and a fuel oil (CRM7904-a and CRM 7905-a). A solution of PCB3, PCB8, and technical PCB products, comprising four types of Kaneclor, was added to the oil matrices. The total PCB concentrations in the PCB-fortified oils (CRM 7902-a and CRM 7904-a) are approximately 6 mg kg−1. In addition, the mineral oils which were not fortified with PCBs were also distributed as CRMs (CRM 7903-a and CRM 7905-a). Characterization of these CRMs was conducted by the NMIJ/AIST, where the mineral oils and the PCB solution were analyzed using multiple analytical methods such as dimethylsulfoxide extraction, normal-phase liquid chromatography, gel permeation chromatography, reversed-phase liquid chromatography, and chromatography using sulfoxide-bonded silica; and/or various capillary columns for gas chromatography, and two ionization modes for mass spectrometry. The target compounds in the mineral oils and those in the PCB solution were determined by one of the primary methods of measurement, isotope dilution–mass spectrometry (ID-MS). Certified values have been provided for 11 PCB congeners (PCB3, 8, 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180, 194, and 206) in the CRMs. These CRMs have information values for PCB homologue concentrations determined by using a Japanese official method for determination of PCBs in wastes and densities determined with an oscillational density meter. Because oil samples having arbitrary PCB concentrations between respective property values of the PCB-fortified and nonfortified CRMs can be prepared by gravimetric mixing of the CRM pairs, these CRMs can be used for validation of PCB analyses using various instruments which have different sensitivities

    Identification of major dioxin-like compounds and androgen receptor antagonist in acid-treated tissue extracts of high trophic-level animals

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    We evaluated the applicability of combining in vitro bioassays with instrument analyses to identify potential endocrine disrupting pollutants in sulfuric acid-treated extracts of liver and/or blubber of high trophic-level animals. Dioxin-like and androgen receptor (AR) antagonistic activities were observed in Baikal seals, common cormorants, raccoon dogs, and finless porpoises by using a panel of rat and human cell-based chemical-activated luciferase gene expression (CALUX) reporter gene bioassays. On the other hand, no activity was detected in estrogen receptor α (ERα)-, glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-, progesterone receptor (PR)-, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 (PPARγ2)-CALUX assays with the sample amount applied. All individual samples (n = 66) showed dioxin-like activity, with values ranging from 21 to 5500 pg CALUX-2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalent (TEQ)/g-lipid. Because dioxins are expected to be strong contributors to CALUX-TEQs, the median theoretical contribution of dioxins calculated from the result of chemical analysis to the experimental CALUX-TEQs was estimated to explain up to 130% for all the tested samples (n = 54). Baikal seal extracts (n = 31), but not other extracts, induced AR antagonistic activities that were 8-150 μg CALUX-flutamide equivalent (FluEQ)/g-lipid. p,p′-DDE was identified as an important causative compound for the activity, and its median theoretical contribution to the experimental CALUX-FluEQs was 59% for the tested Baikal seal tissues (n = 25). Our results demonstrate that combining in vitro CALUX assays with instrument analysis is useful for identifying persistent organic pollutant-like compounds in the tissue of wild animals on the basis of in vitro endocrine disruption toxicity. © 2011 American Chemical Society

    Polychlorinated Naphthalenes and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Benthic Organisms of a Great Lakes Food Chain

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    Invasion of zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, and round gobies, Neogobius melanostomus, into the Great Lakes has altered the food web structure and thereby the pathways of toxic contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs). In this study, concentrations of PCNs and PCBs were measured in organisms of a Great Lakes benthic food chain encompassing zebra mussels. PCNs were found in all of the benthic organisms, including phytoplankton, algae, amphipods, zebra mussels, round goby, and smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui. Concentrations of PCNs were greater in samples collected from the Raisin River than in samples from the St. Clair River. Biomagnification factors (BMF) for tetra- through octa-CN congeners in going from algae to zebra mussels from the St. Clair River ranged from 3 to 10. No major biomagnification of PCNs was found in round gobies, when concentrations were related to those in their prey species, zebra mussels. The biomagnification potential of PCNs appears to be similar to that of PCBs in the benthic food chain investigated in this study, despite the fact that PCNs may be metabolized by organisms higher in the food chain. Among several congeners, the BMFs of PCN congeners 35, 42, 43/45, 52/60, 58, and 66/67 were highest in round gobies. PCNs accounted for 1–22% of the total TEQs (toxic equivalents) of PCBs and PCNs in benthic organisms analyzed in this study. PCB congener 126 was the major contributor to TEQs, accounting for 72–99% of the PCB-TEQs in the food chain organisms analyzed. Correspondence to: K. Kannan, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Empire State Plaza, P.O. Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509, USA; email: [email protected] -->Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48083/1/244_2003_Article_3106.pd