13,606 research outputs found

    Practice Research Voices (PR Voices): a case study

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    Scale-free networks with tunable degree distribution exponents

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    We propose and study a model of scale-free growing networks that gives a degree distribution dominated by a power-law behavior with a model-dependent, hence tunable, exponent. The model represents a hybrid of the growing networks based on popularity-driven and fitness-driven preferential attachments. As the network grows, a newly added node establishes mm new links to existing nodes with a probability pp based on popularity of the existing nodes and a probability 1p1-p based on fitness of the existing nodes. An explicit form of the degree distribution P(p,k)P(p,k) is derived within a mean field approach. For reasonably large kk, P(p,k)kγ(p)F(k,p)P(p,k) \sim k^{-\gamma(p)}{\cal F}(k,p), where the function F{\cal F} is dominated by the behavior of 1/ln(k/m)1/\ln(k/m) for small values of pp and becomes kk-independent as p1p \to 1, and γ(p)\gamma(p) is a model-dependent exponent. The degree distribution and the exponent γ(p)\gamma(p) are found to be in good agreement with results obtained by extensive numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Analysis of Nonlinear Synchronization Dynamics of Oscillator Networks by Laplacian Spectral Methods

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    We analyze the synchronization dynamics of phase oscillators far from the synchronization manifold, including the onset of synchronization on scale-free networks with low and high clustering coefficients. We use normal coordinates and corresponding time-averaged velocities derived from the Laplacian matrix, which reflects the network's topology. In terms of these coordinates, synchronization manifests itself as a contraction of the dynamics onto progressively lower-dimensional submanifolds of phase space spanned by Laplacian eigenvectors with lower eigenvalues. Differences between high and low clustering networks can be correlated with features of the Laplacian spectrum. For example, the inhibition of full synchoronization at high clustering is associated with a group of low-lying modes that fail to lock even at strong coupling, while the advanced partial synchronizationat low coupling noted elsewhere is associated with high-eigenvalue modes.Comment: Revised version: References added, introduction rewritten, additional minor changes for clarit

    Phase transition in the modified fiber bundle model

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    We extend the standard fiber bundle model (FBM) with the local load sharing in such a way that the conservation of the total load is relaxed when an isolated fiber is broken. In this modified FBM in one dimension (1D), it is revealed that the model exhibits a well-defined phase transition at a finite nonzero value of the load, which is in contrast to the standard 1D FBM. The modified FBM defined in the Watts-Strogatz network is also investigated, and found is the existences of two distinct transitions: one discontinuous and the other continuous. The effects of the long-range shortcuts are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Instability of scale-free networks under node-breaking avalanches

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    The instability introduced in a large scale-free network by the triggering of node-breaking avalanches is analyzed using the fiber-bundle model as conceptual framework. We found, by measuring the size of the giant component, the avalanche size distribution and other quantities, the existence of an abrupt transition. This test of strength for complex networks like Internet is more stringent than others recently considered like the random removal of nodes, analyzed within the framework of percolation theory. Finally, we discuss the possible implications of our results and their relevance in forecasting cascading failures in scale-free networks.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final version to be published in Europhys. Let

    Monte Carlo simulation of the transmission of measles: Beyond the mass action principle

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    We present a Monte Carlo simulation of the transmission of measles within a population sample during its growing and equilibrium states by introducing two different vaccination schedules of one and two doses. We study the effects of the contact rate per unit time ξ\xi as well as the initial conditions on the persistence of the disease. We found a weak effect of the initial conditions while the disease persists when ξ\xi lies in the range 1/L-10/L (LL being the latent period). Further comparison with existing data, prediction of future epidemics and other estimations of the vaccination efficiency are provided. Finally, we compare our approach to the models using the mass action principle in the first and another epidemic region and found the incidence independent of the number of susceptibles after the epidemic peak while it strongly fluctuates in its growing region. This method can be easily applied to other human, animals and vegetable diseases and includes more complicated parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Classes of behavior of small-world networks

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    Small-world networks are the focus of recent interest because they appear to circumvent many of the limitations of either random networks or regular lattices as frameworks for the study of interaction networks of complex systems. Here, we report an empirical study of the statistical properties of a variety of diverse real-world networks. We present evidence of the occurrence of three classes of small-world networks: (a) scale-free networks, characterized by a vertex connectivity distribution that decays as a power law; (b) broad-scale networks, characterized by a connectivity distribution that has a power-law regime followed by a sharp cut-off; (c) single-scale networks, characterized by a connectivity distribution with a fast decaying tail. Moreover, we note for the classes of broad-scale and single-scale networks that there are constraints limiting the addition of new links. Our results suggest that the nature of such constraints may be the controlling factor for the emergence of different classes of networks

    Irreversible growth of binary mixtures on small-world networks

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    Binary mixtures growing on small-world networks under far-from-equilibrium conditions are studied by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. For any positive value of the shortcut fraction of the network (p>0p>0), the system undergoes a continuous order-disorder phase transition, while it is noncritical in the regular lattice limit (p=0p=0). Using finite-size scaling relations, the phase diagram is obtained in the thermodynamic limit and the critical exponents are evaluated. The small-world networks are thus shown to trigger criticality, a remarkable phenomenon which is analogous to similar observations reported recently in the investigation of equilibrium systems.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; added/removed references and modified presentation. To appear in PR

    Netons: Vibrations of Complex Networks

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    We consider atoms interacting each other through the topological structure of a complex network and investigate lattice vibrations of the system, the quanta of which we call {\em netons} for convenience. The density of neton levels, obtained numerically, reveals that unlike a local regular lattice, the system develops a gap of a finite width, manifesting extreme rigidity of the network structure at low energies. Two different network models, the small-world network and the scale-free network, are compared: The characteristic structure of the former is described by an additional peak in the level density whereas a power-law tail is observed in the latter, indicating excitability of netons at arbitrarily high energies. The gap width is also found to vanish in the small-world network when the connection range r=1r = 1.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in JP

    Weighted Evolving Networks

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    Many biological, ecological and economic systems are best described by weighted networks, as the nodes interact with each other with varying strength. However, most network models studied so far are binary, the link strength being either 0 or 1. In this paper we introduce and investigate the scaling properties of a class of models which assign weights to the links as the network evolves. The combined numerical and analytical approach indicates that asymptotically the total weight distribution converges to the scaling behavior of the connectivity distribution, but this convergence is hampered by strong logarithmic corrections.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure