5 research outputs found

    The role of platelet indices in ischemic heart disease: a hospital based case control type of study

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    Background: In developing countries, Ischemic heart diseases (IHD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. The underlying pathology of CAD is atherosclerosis. When this atherosclerotic plaque ruptures, platelets play a crucial role in the prothrombotic events and forms a thrombus on this plaque and as a result coronary artery gets occluded causing ischemia and infarction. Platelet contains many chemokines, cytokines and growth factors. Release of these factors along with interaction with endothelial cells and leukocytes promotes inflammation and progression of atherosclerosis. We aimed to investigate the association between platelet volume indices in patients with diagnosis of Ischemic heart disease in comparison with control group.Methods: By using automated cell counter platelet count and platelet volume indices - were compared with Normal healthy or non-cardiac chest pain patients with the use of unpaired t test.Results: In the present study, we demonstrated that platelet count is significantly low and MPV and PDW are significantly high in Ischemic heart disease as compared to patients with noncardiac chest pain or healthy subjects. The correlation of MPV with PC revealed an inverse correlation between the patients of IHD and healthy or non-cardiac chest pain patients which is statistically significant.Conclusions: The platelet volume indices are an important, simple, effortless and a cost-effective tool useful in predicting the development of an acute coronary event sometimes in the near future and therapeutic modification for improved patient’s cardiovascular care

    Histopathological study of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of salivary gland: a study at a tertiary care center

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    Background: Salivary gland lesions are highly heterogenous group of disorder. There are no reliable criteria to differentiate benign from malignant lesions on clinical grounds, so histopathological evaluation is essential. Methods: The present study was retrospective study carried out in the department of pathology, Government medical college, Surat from January 2015 to June 2020. Biopsies/specimens were fixed by 10% neutral buffered formalin and processed, embedded in paraffin and sections were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain. All the slides were reviewed by authors and re-staining of slides and fresh sections of tissue blocks were performed whenever required. Results: Out of 80 cases, 22 were non-neoplastic, 45 were benign and 13 were malignant. In our study most common non neoplastic lesion was chronic sialadenitis. Most common benign lesion was pleomorphic adenoma. Most common malignant lesion was mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Most commonly involved gland was parotid gland. In parotid gland, most common lesions were benign. The overall sex incidence of salivary gland lesions in male was 45% and 55% in females with a male to female ratio of 1:1.2. Conclusions: Thorough knowledge of morphology of salivary gland lesion is helpful in final diagnosis in predicting prognosis, typing, staging and grading of salivary neoplasms

    A rare case of multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential diagnosed on intra-operative fine needle aspiration cytology

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    Multi-locular Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma (MCRCC) is now considered as Multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential (MCRNLMP) in World health organisation classification (WHO) 2016. It is usually seen in elderly people where it can mimic most of the time as benign cystic lesion. Authors are reporting a case of MCRNLMP in a 70 year male diagnosed intraoperative with the help of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC). Radiological and other clinical findings are in favour of cystic renal lesion. And it is very important to differentiate it from conventional renal cell carcinoma which requires radical nephrectomy. So, radiological finding and FNAC is instrumental in diagnosing this rare case which require different mode of surgical management

    Acinic cell carcinoma, papillary-cystic variant: a rare case diagnosed in fine needle aspiration cytology

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    Acinic Cell Carcinoma is a rarest malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from pleuripotent stem cells. ACC constitute 6% of all salivary gland tumor. Most common site is parotid. It is slowly growing tumor with female preponderance most commonly occur during fifth and sixth decades of life. Diagnosis by imaging study are complex, but USG is helpful in evaluating tumor. We are presenting a 9year female, complaint of a painless, freely movable, atraumatic swelling on left cheek measuring 2x1cm2, slowly enlarging since, 8 months. FNAC was performed from the swelling and routine stain (H and E, MGG, Pap) and special stain (PAS) was performed. On cytological smears, overall findings are suggestive of papillary-cystic variant of ACC which is difficult to diagnosed in cytology. PAS stain showed positivity for both intra-cytoplasmic granules and extra-cellular secretions. ACC is a slowly growing multi-potent malignant salivary gland tumor. Management is with surgery

    Acinic cell carcinoma, papillary-cystic variant: a rare case diagnosed in fine needle aspiration cytology

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    Acinic Cell Carcinoma is a rarest malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from pleuripotent stem cells. ACC constitute 6% of all salivary gland tumor. Most common site is parotid. It is slowly growing tumor with female preponderance most commonly occur during fifth and sixth decades of life. Diagnosis by imaging study are complex, but USG is helpful in evaluating tumor. We are presenting a 9year female, complaint of a painless, freely movable, atraumatic swelling on left cheek measuring 2x1cm2, slowly enlarging since, 8 months. FNAC was performed from the swelling and routine stain (H and E, MGG, Pap) and special stain (PAS) was performed. On cytological smears, overall findings are suggestive of papillary-cystic variant of ACC which is difficult to diagnosed in cytology. PAS stain showed positivity for both intra-cytoplasmic granules and extra-cellular secretions. ACC is a slowly growing multi-potent malignant salivary gland tumor. Management is with surgery