119 research outputs found

    New Spectroscopic Observations of the Post-AGB Star V354Lac=IRAS22272+5435

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    The strongest absorption features with the lower-level excitation potentials χlow<1\chi_{\rm low}<1 eV are found to be split in the high-resolution optical spectra of the post-AGB star V354 Lac taken in 2007--2008. Main parameters, Teff_{eff}=5650 K, logg\log g=0.2, ξt\xi_t=5.0 km/s, and the abundances of 22 chemical elements in the star's atmosphere are found. The overabundance of the ss-process chemical elements (Ba, La, Ce, Nd) in the star's atmosphere is partly due to the splitting of strong lines of the ions of these metals. The peculiarities of the spectrum in the wavelength interval containing the LiI λ\lambda 6707 \AA{} line can be naturally explained only by taking the overabundances of the CeII and SmII heavy-metal ions into account. The best agreement with the synthetic spectrum is achieved assuming ϵ\epsilon(LiI)=2.0, ϵ\epsilon(CeII)=3.2, and ϵ\epsilon(SmII)=2.7. The velocity field both in the atmosphere and in the circumstellar envelope of V354 Lac remained stationary throughout the last 15 years of our observations.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Peculiarities and variations in the optical spectrum of the post-AGB star V448Lac=IRAS22223+4327

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    Repeated observations with high spectral resolution acquired in 1998-2008 are used to study the temporal behavior of the spectral line profiles and velocity field in the atmosphere and circumstellar envelope of the post-AGB star V448Lac. Asymmetry of the profiles of the strongest absorption lines with low-level excitation potentials less 1eV and time variations of these profiles have been detected, most prominently the profiles of the resonance lines of BaII, YII, LaII, SiII. The peculiarity of these profiles can be explained using a superposition of stellar absorption line and shell emission lines. Emission in the (0;1) 5635A Swan band of the C2 molecule has been detected in the spectrum of V448Lac for the first time. The core of the Halpha line displays radial velocity variations with an amplitude ~8 km/s. Radial velocity variations displayed by weakest metallic lines with lower amplitudes, 1-2 km/s, may be due to atmospheric pulsations. Differential line shifts, 0 -- 8 km/s, have been detected on various dates. The position of the molecular spectrum is stationary in time, indicating a constant expansion velocity of the circumstellar shell, Vexp=15.2 km/s, as derived from the C2 and NaI lines.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Optical spectrum of the post-AGB star HD56126 in the region 4010-8790 AA

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    We studied in detail the optical spectrum of the post-AGB star HD56126 (IRAS07134+1005). We use high resolution spectra (R=25000 and 60000) obtained with the echelle spectrographs of the 6-m telescope. About one and a half thousand absorptions of neutral atoms and ions, absorption bands of C_2, CN, and CH molecules, and interstellar bands (DIBs) are identified in the 4010 to 8790 AA wavelength region, and the depths and radial velocities of these spectral features are measured. Differences are revealed between the variations of the radial velocities measured from spectral features of different excitation. In addition to the well-known variability of the Halpha profile, we found variations in the profiles of a number of FeII, YII, and BaII lines. We also produce an atlas of the spectrum of HD56126 and its comparison staralpha Per. The full version of the atlas is available in electronic form from Web-address: http://www.sao.ru/hq/ssl/Atlas/Atlas.htmlComment: 42 pages, 6 figure

    High-latitude supergiants: anomalies in the spectrum of LN Hya in 2010

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    High-resolution echelle spectra taken with the 6-m telescope in 2003-2011 are used to study features of the optical spectrum and the velocity field in the atmosphere of the semiregular variable LN Hya in detail. The weak symmetric photospheric absorptions indicate radial velocity variations from night to night (by as much as 3 km/s), resulting from small pulsations. Peculiarities and profile variations were found for strong lines of FeI, FeII, BaII, SiII, etc. The profiles of these lines were asymmetric: their short-wave wings were extended and their cores were either split or distorted by emission. During the 2010 observing season, the position and depth of the Halpha absorption component, the intensities of the short and long-wave emission components, and the intensity ratio of the latter components varied from spectrum to spectrum. Weak emissions of neutral atoms (VI, MnI, CoI, NiI, FeI) appeared in the spectrum of June 1, 2010. All these spectral peculiarities, recorded for the first time, suggest that we have detected rapid changes in the physical conditions in the upper atmospheric layers of LN Hya in 2010.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Evolutionary stage of the spectral variable BD+48 1220=IRAS 05040+4820

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    Based on high-resolution observations (R=60000 and 75000), we have studied the optical spectral variability of the star BD+48 1220 (IRAS05040+4820). We have measured the equivalent widths of numerous absorption lines of neutral atoms and ions at wavelengths from 4500 to 6760 AA, as well as the corresponding radial velocities. We use model atmospheres to determine Teff=7900K, log g=0.0, microturbulence velocity xi_t=6.0, and the abundances for 16 elements. The star's metallicity differs little from the solar value: [Fe/H]=-0.10 dex. The main peculiarity of the chemical composition of the star is a large He-excess, derived from the HeI 5876 A absorption, [He/H]=+1.04, and the equally large O-excess, [O/Fe]=+0.72 dex. The C-excess is small, [C/Fe]=+0.09 dex, and the ratio [C/O]\le 1. We obtained a revised relation for the light-metal abundances: [Na/Fe]=+0.87 with [Mg/Fe]=-0.31. The barium abundance is low, [Ba/Fe]=-0.84. The radial velocity of the star measured from photospheric absorption lines over three years of observations varies in the interval V_sun = -(7 - 15) km/s. Time variable differential line shifts have been revealed. The entire set of available data (the luminosity Mv~-5m, velocity V_lsr~-20 km/s, metallicity [Fe/H]=-0.10, and peculiarities of the optical spectrum and chemical composition) confirms the status of BD+48 1220 as a post-AGB star with He- and O-excesses belonging to the Galactic disk.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted by Astronomy Report

    The evolutionary status of the semiregular variable QYSge

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    Repeated spectroscopic observations made with the 6m telescope of yielded new data on the radial-velocity variability of the anomalous yellow supergiant QYSge. The strongest and most peculiar feature in its spectrum is the complex profile of NaI D lines, which contains a narrow and a very wide emission components. The wide emission component can be seen to extend from -170 to +120 km/s, and at its central part it is cut by an absorption feature, which, in turn, is split into two subcomponents by a narrow (16km/s at r=2.5) emission peak. An analysis of all the Vr values leads us to adopt for the star a systemic velocity of Vr=-21.1 km/s, which corresponds to the position of the narrow emission component of NaI. The locations of emission-line features of NaI D lines are invariable, which point to their formation in regions that are external to the supergiant's photosphere. Differential line shifts of about 10km/s are revealed. The absorption lines in the spectrum of QYSge have a substantial width of FWHM~45 km/s. The method of model atmospheres is used to determine the following parameters: Teff=6250K, lg g=2.0, and microturbulence Vt=4.5km/s. The metallicity of the star is found to be somewhat higher than the solar one with an average overabundance of iron-peak elements of [Met/H]=+0.20. The star is found to be slightly overabundant in carbon and nitrogen, [C/Fe]=+0.25, [N/Fe]=+0.27. The alpha-process elements Mg, Si, and Ca are slightly overabundant [alpha/H]=+0.12. The strong sodium excess, [Na/Fe]=+0.75, is likely to be due to the dredge-up of the matter processed in the NeNa cycle. Heavy elements of the s-process are underabundant relative to the Sun. On the whole, the observed properties of QYSge do not give grounds for including this star into the group of RCrB or RVTau-type type objects.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables; accepted by Astrophys. Bulleti