824 research outputs found

    Primeros datos cromoestratigráficos de las series evaporíticas del triásico superior de Valencia (España)

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    El Triásico Superior del sector central valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica presenta una facies germánica (Keuper) integrada por dos secuencias evaporíticas separadas por un episodio detrítico principal. Los datos  preliminares obtenidos de una investigación palinológica en curso revelan una edad Karniense para todos estos materiales

    Quantization of massive scalar fields over static black string backgrounds

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    The renormalized mean value of the corresponding components of the Energy-Momentum tensor for massive scalar fields coupled to an arbitrary gravitational field configuration having cylindrical symmetry are analytically evaluated using the Schwinger-DeWitt approximation, up to second order in the inverse mass value. The general results are employed to explicitly derive compact analytical expressions for the Energy-Momentum tensor in the particular background of the Black-String spacetime. In the case of the Black String considered in this work, we proof that a violation of the weak energy condition occur at the horizon of the space-time for values of the coupling constant, that include as particular cases the most interesting of minimal and conformal coupling.Comment: 4 page

    A Proposal for a Modified Moller-Plesset Perturbation Theory

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    A modified version of the Moller-Plesset approach for obtaining the correlation energy associated to a Hartree-Fock ground state is proposed. The method is tested in a model of interacting fermions that allows for an exact solution. Using up to third order terms improved results are obtained, even more accurate in the limit of loosely bound particles. This result suggests the possible convenience of the scheme for the study of chemical bound problems.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Tribological Properties of SiNx Films on PH Stainless Steel with and Without Nitriding as a Pre-treatment

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    AbstractIn this work, the tribological behavior and adhesion of SiNx films deposited by PACVD on nitrided and non-nitrided Corraẍ PH stainless steel were evaluated. The films were characterized by FTIR and EDS, hardness was assessed with a nanoindenter and the microstructure was analyzed by Optical Microscopy, SEM and FIB. To evaluate the tribological behavior, fretting and linear sliding tests were performed using WC and alumina balls as counterparts, and the adhesion of the SiNx films was characterized using the Scratch Test and Rockwell C indentation methods. Erosion tests were conducted in sea water and sand flux. Corrosion behavior was evaluated by the Salt Spray Fog Test. The film reached a hardness of 2300 HV and a thickness of about 1.4 microns. The duplex coated sample had a better tribological behavior than the simple coated sample, the nitrided layer allowed a graded interlayer which improved the wear resistance. Regarding the film adhesion, the duplex coating had an acceptable adhesion; the nitrided layer reduced the interface stress and enhanced the adhesion. Additionally, the films evidenced good corrosion resistance in a saline environment

    Finite Temperature Quark Confinement

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    Confinement may be more easily demonstrated at finite temperature using the Polyakov loop than at zero temperature using the Wilson loop. A natural mechanism for confinement can arise via the coupling of the adjoint Polyakov loop to F_{mu nu}^2. We demonstrate this mechanism with a one-loop calculation of the effective potential for SU(2) gluons in a background field consisting of a non-zero color magnetic field and a non-trivial Polyakov loop. The color magnetic field drives the Polyakov loop to non-trivial behavior, and the Polyakov loop can remove the well-known tachyonic mode associated with the Saviddy vacuum. Minimizing the real part of the effective potential leads to confinement, as determined by the Polyakov loop. Unfortunately, we cannot arrange for simultaneous stability and confinement for this simple class of field configurations. We show for a large class of abelian background fields that at one loop tachyonic modes are necessary for confinement.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, RevTe

    Influence of rainfall on the discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads of a stream of the "Pampa Ondulada" (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    The basin area of the Durazno Stream covers approx. 360 km2 of a plain with a gentle slope, mainly devoted to cattle farming and agriculture. This study examines the variability of chemical composition of surface water of the stream in relation to stream discharge, estimated from a hydrological deterministic model from rainfall data. Fifteen samplings were carried out, four in high flow condition and the rest in baseline flow. In each sampling, the main physico-chemical variables were determined. Since discharge data from this stream were not available, it was estimated in situ through an instantaneous unitary hydrograph model. Both estimations of stream discharge were similar. The main forms of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were ammonium and nitrate. The four significant components of PCA that explained 84.4 % of total variance were: mineral component, particulate matter content, ammonium and dissolved phosphorus levels, and nitrates' level. The decreased concentrations of major ions and conductivity during high flow condition suggest solutes' dilution by the massive inflow of water originated by rainfalls. The highest concentrations and loads of suspended solids (SS) (86 mg/l and 22638 kg/day) and particulate organic carbon (POC) (3.1 mg/l and 832 kg/day) were observed in the sample obtained during the rising limb of the hydrograph following a drought period, suggesting that basin erosive processes are more important during the first hours of the storm. Three of the samplings that were carried out in high flow conditions showed low mineral and nutrient content that revealed better water quality. In contrast, the sampling with the greatest total runoff (14.1 mm) showed high concentrations of ammonium (1205 μg/l) and dissolved phosphorus (561 μg/l), suggesting that a long stagnant period on soils with low permeability, could favor reduction processes of nitrate to ammonium and mobilization of dissolved phosphorus to overlying water. The nutrients' loads increased in high flow conditions most likely due to runoff from the riverbank soils. The rise of nutrients, SS, POC and total organic carbon (TOC), loads in the same or in higher proportion than the stream discharge, alerts on the risk of contamination of surface water in an agricultural basin.La cuenca del Arroyo Durazno abarca aproximadamente 360 km2 de una llanura con suave pendiente, dedicada principalmente a ganadería y agricultura. Este estudio examina la variabilidad en la composición química del agua superficial del arroyo en relación con el caudal estimado a través de un modelo hidrológico determinístico a partir de los datos de lluvia. Se realizaron quince muestreos: cuatro en condiciones de alto caudal, los restantes en caudal base. En cada muestreo se determinaron las principales variables fisico-químicas. Dado que no existen datos publicados de caudal de este arroyo, se lo estimó in situ, y a partir del modelo de hidrograma unitario. Ambas estimaciones resultaron similares. Las principales formas de nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto fueron amonio y nitrato. Los primeros 4 factores extraídos del PCA que explicaron 84.4 % de la varianza total fueron: componente mineral, contenido de material particulado, niveles de amonio y fósforo disuelto y nivel de nitratos. El decrecimiento de iones mayoritarios y conductividad durante las condiciones de alto caudal sugiere su dilución por la entrada masiva de agua por lluvias. Las mayores concentraciones y cargas de sólidos suspendidos (SS) (86 mg/l y 22638 kg/día) y carbono orgánico particulado (COP) (3.1 mg/l y 832 kg/día) se hallaron en el muestreo realizado durante la rama ascendente del hidrograma posterior a un período de sequía, sugiriendo que los procesos erosivos de la cuenca son más importantes en las primeras horas de la tormenta. Tres de los muestreos realizados en condiciones de alto caudal presentaron bajo contenido mineral y de nutrientes, indicando mejor calidad de agua. En cambio en el muestreo de mayor lámina de escorrentía acumulada (14.1 mm) las concentraciones de amonio (1205μg/l) y fósforo disuelto (561μg/l) fueron elevadas, sugiriendo que un prolongado periodo de estancamiento en un suelo de baja permeabilidad favorecería los procesos de reducción de nitratos a amonio y la movilización de fósforo disuelto al agua de inundación. Las cargas de nutrientes aumentaron en condiciones de alto caudal probablemente debido al aporte por escorrentía de suelos ribereños. El ascenso en las cargas de nutrientes, SS, COP y carbono orgánico total en igual o mayor magnitud que el caudal alerta sobre el riesgo de contaminación de las aguas superficiales en una cuenca agrícola

    Padrões de inativação microbiana em hortelã-pimenta por radiação gama

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    As plantas podem ter várias aplicações, especialmente como aditivos alimentares e na promoção da saúde, como ingredientes em formulações de alimentos funcionais e nutracêuticos. Contudo, um dos maiores problemas associados ao seu consumo e comercialização é a sua contaminação microbiana. Esta contaminação pode ocorrer ao longo da colheita, processamento e distribuição. Deste modo, torna-se necessário encontrar uma solução viável para a conservação de plantas comestíveis ou medicinais e que cumpra as normas de segurança alimentar e farmacêutica. Atualmente, o processamento de ervas e especiarias por radiação ionizante é aceite como uma tecnologia segura e eficaz na descontaminação e desinfeção microbiana. Porém, a maioria dos estudos em irradiação de plantas incide nos efeitos da tecnologia nas propriedades químicas das plantas. O objetivo específico deste trabalho foi estudar os padrões de inativação por radiação gama da microbiota de Mentha x piperita (hortelã-pimenta). A metodologia seguida baseouse na determinação da carga microbiana (bactérias mesófilas e fungos filamentosos) de amostras secas de hortelãpimenta antes e após irradiação a várias doses de radiação gama (1,5 kGy e 10 kGy), recorrendo a métodos convencionais de cultura. As irradiações foram efetuadas num equipamento de Co-60 a um débito de dose de 1,2 kGy/h. Os resultados obtidos indicaram uma cinética de inativação não-linear (côncava) para a população bacteriana das plantas, e uma curva de sobrevivência linear para a população de fungos filamentosos. A análise da contaminação diferencial das amostras indicou após irradiação a 10 kGy, um decréscimo de 3 log em relação à carga bacteriana inicial de 5 log UFC/g, e uma redução de 2 log para a população fúngica inicial de 4 UFC/g. De referir, que não foi detetada a presença de coliformes totais nas amostras irradiadas a partir dos 1,5 kGy. Resumidamente, as eficiências máximas de inativação para as condições do estudo foram de 99,9% para a população bacteriana e de 99% para a população fúngica. Assim, este estudo sugere a tecnologia de irradiação, como um tratamento promissor e mais amigo do ambiente, pretendendo-se validar a sua aplicação na descontaminação/desinfeção microbiana de plantas secas com interesse alimentar e medicinal, sobre as quais este tipo de processamento e seus efeitos não se encontra documentado

    JNK1 Phosphorylates SIRT1 and Promotes Its Enzymatic Activity

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    SIRT1 is a NAD-dependent deacetylase that regulates a variety of pathways including the stress protection pathway. SIRT1 deacetylates a number of protein substrates, including histones, FOXOs, PGC-1α, and p53, leading to cellular protection. We identified a functional interaction between cJUN N-terminal kinase (JNK1) and SIRT1 by coimmunoprecipitation of endogenous proteins. The interaction between JNK1 and SIRT1 was identified under conditions of oxidative stress and required activation of JNK1 via phosphorylation. Modulation of SIRT1 activity or protein levels using nicotinamide or RNAi did not modify JNK1 activity as measured by its ability to phosphorylate cJUN. In contrast, human SIRT1 was phosphorylated by JNK1 on three sites: Ser27, Ser47, and Thr530 and this phosphorylation of SIRT1 increased its nuclear localization and enzymatic activity. Surprisingly, JNK1 phosphorylation of SIRT1 showed substrate specificity resulting in deacetylation of histone H3, but not p53. These findings identify a mechanism for regulation of SIRT1 enzymatic activity in response to oxidative stress and shed new light on its role in the stress protection pathway