11,389 research outputs found

    An error analysis of probabilistic fibre tracking methods: average curves optimization

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    Fibre tractography using diffusion tensor imaging is a promising method for estimating the pathways of white matter tracts in the human brain. The success of fibre tracking methods ultimately depends upon the accuracy of the fibre tracking algorithms and the quality of the data. Uncertainty and its representation have an important role to play in fibre tractography methods to infer useful information from real world noisy diffusion weighted data. Probabilistic fibre tracking approaches have received considerable interest recently for resolving orientational uncertainties. In this study, an average curves approach was used to investigate the impact of SNR and tensor field geometry on the accuracy of three different types of probabilistic tracking algorithms. The accuracy was assessed using simulated data and a range of tract geometries. The average curves representations were employed to represent the optimal fibre path of probabilistic tracking curves. The results are compared with streamline tracking on both simulated and in vivo data

    Parasitism of Early Instar Jack Pine Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by Apanteles Spp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Glypta Fumiferanae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

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    Glypta fumiferanae and two species of Apanteles parasitized 1st-4th instar jack pine bud worm (Choristoneura pinus). Apparent parasitism of budworm in four Michigan populations ranged from 10.6 to 30.9% for A. fumiferanae, 4.3-16.4% for A. morrisi, and 2.1-9.1 % for G.fumiferanae. A. morrisi probably parasitized 3rd-4th instar jack pine bud worm. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested that sampling overwintering budworm larvae is appropriate for estimating apparent parasitism by A. fumiferanae and G. fumiferanae. Sampling budworm larvae at ca. 500 degree-days (base 8.9°C) is appropriate for estimating apparent parasitism by A. morrisi

    Microlensing of Extended Stellar Sources

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    We investigate the feasibility of reconstructing the radial intensity profile of extended stellar sources by inverting their microlensed light curves. Using a simple, linear, limb darkening law as an illustration, we show that the intensity profile can be accurately determined, at least over the outer part of the stellar disc, with realistic light curve sampling and photometric errors. The principal requirement is that the impact parameter of the lens be less than or equal to the stellar radius. Thus, the analysis of microlensing events provides a powerful method for testing stellar atmosphere models.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX, to appear in New Astronomy Reviews - proceedings of the Oxford Workshop `Gravitational Lensing: Nature's Own Weighing Scales'. Uses elsart.cls. Paper also available at ftp://info.astro.gla.ac.uk/pub/martin/extended.p

    ïżŒMinimum target prices for production of direct acting antivirals and associated diagnostics to combat Hepatitis C Virus

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    Combinations of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) can cure hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the majority of treatment-naïve patients. Mass treatment programs to cure HCV in developing countries are only feasible if the costs of treatment and laboratory diagnostics are very low. This analysis aimed to estimate minimum costs of DAA treatment and associated diagnostic monitoring. Clinical trials of HCV DAAs were reviewed to identify combinations with consistently high rates of sustained virological response across hepatitis C genotypes. For each DAA, molecular structures, doses, treatment duration, and components of retrosynthesis were used to estimate costs of large-scale, generic production. Manufacturing costs per gram of DAA were based upon treating at least 5 million patients per year and a 40% margin for formulation. Costs of diagnostic support were estimated based on published minimum prices of genotyping, HCV antigen tests plus full blood count/clinical chemistry tests. Predicted minimum costs for 12-week courses of combination DAAs with the most consistent efficacy results were: US122perpersonforsofosbuvir+daclatasvir;US122 per person for sofosbuvir+daclatasvir; US152 for sofosbuvir+ribavirin; US192forsofosbuvir+ledipasvir;andUS192 for sofosbuvir+ledipasvir; and US115 for MK-8742+MK-5172. Diagnostic testing costs were estimated at US90forgenotypingUS90 for genotyping US34 for two HCV antigen tests and US22fortwofullbloodcount/clinicalchemistrytests.Conclusions:MinimumcostsoftreatmentanddiagnosticstocurehepatitisCvirusinfectionwereestimatedatUS22 for two full blood count/clinical chemistry tests. Conclusions: Minimum costs of treatment and diagnostics to cure hepatitis C virus infection were estimated at US171-360 per person without genotyping or US$261-450 per person with genotyping. These cost estimates assume that existing large-scale treatment programs can be established. (Hepatology 2015;61:1174–1182

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea Disparity among Truck Drivers: Danger on American Roads

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a common sleep disorder, can cause perilous levels of fatigue that impact commercial drivers who operate vehicles such as tow trucks, tractor trailers, and buses. In this study, we explored this population for its awareness of obstructive sleep apnea, the risk factors, and its impact on health for all. We conducted a qualitative study using 33 semi-structured in-depth interview questions with 12 male commercial truck drivers ages 28 to 44 years old, who were Florida residents. Participants had basic knowledge of OSA, minimal awareness of the underlying risk factors that impact their overall health, and of OSA treatment. There was awareness of the effect of OSA on sleep partners of study participants. All participants felt it was important for truck drivers to receive routine OSA screening, even among those who expressed concern about having results negatively impact their occupational status. Consistent policies of trucking companies, which ensure trucker involvement and maintenance of the necessary preventive behaviors, are necessary. Further, truck drivers and their families should receive direct and consistent support of health conditions that have a direct effect on the driver’s health and the industry’s future

    Higgsless Electroweak Theory following from the Spherical Geometry

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    A new formulation of the Electroweak Model with 3-dimensional spherical geometry in the target space is suggested. The free Lagrangian in the spherical field space along with the standard gauge field Lagrangian form the full Higgsless Lagrangian of the model, whose second order terms reproduce the same fields with the same masses as the Standard Electroweak Model. The vector bosons and electron masses are generated automatically, so there is no need in special mechanism.Comment: 6 page

    Broken particle-hole symmetry at atomically flat a-axis YBa2Cu3O7-d interfaces

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    We have studied quasiparticle tunneling into atomically flat a-axis films of YBa2Cu3O7-d and DyBa2Cu3O7-d through epitaxial CaTiO3 barriers. The junction heterostructures were grown by oxide molecular beam epitaxy and were carefully optimized using in-situ monitoring techniques, resulting in unprecedented crystalline perfection of the superconductor/insulator interface. Below Tc, the tunneling conductance shows the evolution of a large unexpected asymmetrical feature near zero bias. This is evidence that superconducting YBCO crystals, atomically truncated along the lobe direction with a titanate layer, have intrinsically broken particle-hole symmetry over macroscopically large areas.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; v2 includes minor changes in concluding paragraph to match PRL versio

    Chromatic number, clique subdivisions, and the conjectures of Haj\'os and Erd\H{o}s-Fajtlowicz

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    For a graph GG, let χ(G)\chi(G) denote its chromatic number and σ(G)\sigma(G) denote the order of the largest clique subdivision in GG. Let H(n) be the maximum of χ(G)/σ(G)\chi(G)/\sigma(G) over all nn-vertex graphs GG. A famous conjecture of Haj\'os from 1961 states that σ(G)≄χ(G)\sigma(G) \geq \chi(G) for every graph GG. That is, H(n)≀1H(n) \leq 1 for all positive integers nn. This conjecture was disproved by Catlin in 1979. Erd\H{o}s and Fajtlowicz further showed by considering a random graph that H(n)≄cn1/2/log⁥nH(n) \geq cn^{1/2}/\log n for some absolute constant c>0c>0. In 1981 they conjectured that this bound is tight up to a constant factor in that there is some absolute constant CC such that χ(G)/σ(G)≀Cn1/2/log⁥n\chi(G)/\sigma(G) \leq Cn^{1/2}/\log n for all nn-vertex graphs GG. In this paper we prove the Erd\H{o}s-Fajtlowicz conjecture. The main ingredient in our proof, which might be of independent interest, is an estimate on the order of the largest clique subdivision which one can find in every graph on nn vertices with independence number α\alpha.Comment: 14 page

    Approach to Acoustic Emission Signal Analysis - Theory and Experiment

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    Acoustic Emission (AE) signals are notorious for their complexity and irreproducibility. Because AE source characteristics are virtually unknown and because the detected AE signals are colored by the propagation media, the sensor response and the instrumentation set tings, interpretations of test results such as spectral analysis or correlation studies are mostly qualitative and sometimes controversial; theories either are empirically derived or cannot be verified by experiments . In this paper, we sketch an approach to the AE signal analysis problem. We first report the development of a theory which allows the computation of the displacement as a function of time at an arbitrary ·point on an infinite plate due to an arbitrary point source force function . The theory is based on a new Fourier inversion technique which yields exact formulas similar to those developed for seismological ray theories. We then report experimental results obtained on a 2. 52 em thick aluminum plate using a reproducible step function stress release pulse as a simulated AE signal and a wide band displacement capacitive transducer as a sensor. The measurements are in quantitative agreement with the predictions of theory. We also discuss applications wherein the simulated signal, capacitive transducer and plate theory are used for AE source signature analysis, and sensor calibration problems
