16 research outputs found


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    Based on the results of molecular-genetic analysis of pepper accessions of VNIISSOK's breeding, the parental lines were selected. The diallel crossing among them has been conducted. The F1 hybrids were developed. The hybrids vigor (heterosis) for main agronomic traits was estimated. The best pepper hybrids were selected. The potential correlation between genetic divergence determined by molecular markers and heterosis effect is speculated.По результатам молекулярно-генетического анализа сортообразцов перца селекции ВНИИССОК подобраны родительские пары и проведены диаллельные скрещивания между ними. В результате получены гибриды F1, рассчитан эффект гетерозиса по основным хозяйственно ценным признакам. Выявлены лучшие гетерозисные гибридные комбинации. Проведены исследования по выявлению взаимосвязи между уровнем генетической дивергентности, определенной с помощью молекулярного маркирования, и эффектом гетерозиса


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    The biotechnological methods enable to produce the ‘pure’ lines for the short period of time that intensify the breeding program. Particularly, the anther culture is widely used to obtain double haploid lines (DH lines) in plant breeding. The technology advantage is to fast up essentially the selection of homozygous lines with different morphological traits and high level of uniformity. Contemporary breeding programs are directed at F1 hybrid development; therefore DH lines are in need to serve as the parental form for heterotic hybrid production. Nevertheless, previous data has shown that DH plants have been noticed to produce few seeds on them. To introduce the lines into breeding program for hybrid production and to multiply them, the seed formation of DH lines is worth being studied. The result of assessment of seed generation of DH lines of Broccoli that have been produced from ‘Tonus’ and convariety ‘N1’ is presented in the article There is much difference in morphological traits and both ability to recognize their own pollen and quantity of seeds in the pod among plants produced. Nine DH lines of early maturity were obtained. The differences in seed formation among these lines and between generations were revealed. It was shown the influence of genotype on seed formation in DH lines. It was also noticed the much seed formation in case of geitonogamic pollination in DH lines obtained from cultivar ‘Tonus’. The biological features of flowering in DH lines under conditions of climatic chambers have been studied

    ОТЧЕТ ОБ УЧАСТИИ В КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ «Биологический контроль патогенов растений» («Biological Control of Plant Pathogens», IOBC, Reims, France, 24-27 June 2012)

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    June 24-27, 2012 in Reims (France) the International conference was held devoted to biological control of plant pathogens in an environmentally safe agriculture. The conference was held at the University of Reims (Universite de Reims Champagne Ardenne, France).C 24 по 27 июня 2012 года в городе Реймс (Франция) проходила Международная конференция, посвященная биологическому контролю патогенов растений в экологически безопасном сельском хозяйстве. Конференция проходила на базе Университета г. Реймс (Université de Reims Champagne Arden ne, France)

    DH-plant production in culture of unpollinated ovules of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    Relevance. The development of F1 hybrids distinguishing it from cultivars by high productivity, plant uniformity in ripening date, fruit sizes and quality is the promising trend in breeding program in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.).The aim of the study was to optimize the gynogenesis induction condition in culture of unpollinated ovules in vitro in order to broad the generation of new breeding forms and to accelerate homozygous line production.Materials and methods. Eight promising cucumber accessions from Laboratory of Cucurbit Breeding and Seed Production (FSBSI FSVC) were taken for the study. The protocol developed in Laboratory of Biotechnology (FSBSI FSVC) for production of doubled haploid in Cucurbitaceae family was used in the experiment. The medium IMC with 30 g/L sucrose and 7g/L agar supplemented with 200 mg/L ampicillin and 0.2 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ) was applied to induce gynogenic development.Results. The half-open bud or flower was shown to be the most suitable to be taken as an explant for cultivation. Highest number of embryo-like structures in all accessions developed from ovaries 2.1-2.6 cm long. Exposure to sterilization solution of sodium hypochlorite for 15 min made ovary wall softer and ovules can be then easily extracted without traumatizing. The traumatized ovule resulted in inhibited gynogenic development. Embryoids and calli had developed in all studied cucumber accessions, but well-formed plants were only obtained in six accessions. In total 26 plants were produced. The maximum gynogenesis induction equal to 63.1% was achieved in accession 1810. Maximum number of plant produced was twelve in accession 1763, but the greatest plant outcome 7.7% of the ovules with induced gynogenesis was observed in accession 1807