130 research outputs found

    Grain quality indicators and size-dependent fractional composition in winter rye cultivars under the conditions of the Lower Volga region

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    Background. Grain quality indicators of winter rye cultivars were analyzed in connection with the size-dependent fractional composition of their grain in the Lower Volga environments.Materials and methods. The research material included 22 cultivars developed at various Russian scientific institutions, 3 Belarusian ones, and 3 cultivars bred at the Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region. Comparative trials were conducted in 2021–2022 on 13.2 m2 plots in two field replications. The following grain quality indicators were studied: grain test weight, 1000 grain weight, size-dependent fractional composition, Hagberg falling number, amylogram peak height, starch gelatinization temperature, protein content, and rheological properties of the meal/water slurry.Results. Protein content was recorded at a level of 9.98–10.85%, while the starch gelatinization temperature was high due to the June air temperatures higher than the norm. Significant differences among the cultivars were found in the fractional composition of grain: 12 forms were identified with medium viscosity of the meal/water slurry and the fine-grain fraction content up to 30% of the total weight.Conclusions. There is a positive significant correlation between the five studied indicators characterizing the rheological properties of the meal/water slurry made from the grain of winter rye cultivars and the grain fraction composition (0.82*–0.91*)

    Topology of "white" stars in relativistic fragmentation of light nuclei

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    In the present paper, experimental observations of the multifragmentation processes of light relativistic nuclei carried out by means of emulsions are reviewed. Events of the type of "white" stars in which the dissociation of relativistic nuclei is not accompanied by the production of mesons and the target-nucleus fragments are considered. A distinctive feature of the charge topology in the dissociation of the Ne, Mg, Si, and S nuclei is an almost total suppression of the binary splitting of nuclei to fragments with charges higher than 2. The growth of the nuclear fragmentation degree is revealed in an increase in the multiplicity of singly and doubly charged fragments with decreasing charge of the non-excited part of the fragmenting nucleus. The processes of dissociation of stable Li, Be, B, C, N, and O isotopes to charged fragments were used to study special features of the formation of systems consisting of the lightest α\alpha, d, and t nuclei. Clustering in form of the 3^3He nucleus can be detected in "white" stars via the dissociation of neutron-deficient Be, B, C, and N isotopes.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 9 tables, conference: Conference on Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Moscow, Russia, 1-5 Mar 2004.(Author's translation

    Investigation of Light Nucleus Clustering in Relativistic Multifragmentation Processes

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    The use of emulsions for studying nuclear clustering in light nucleus fragmentation processes at energies higher than 1A GeV is discussed. New results on the topologies of relativistic Li-7 and B-10 nucleus fragmentation in peripheral interactions are given. A program of research of the cluster structure in stable and radioactive nuclei is suggested.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Presented at Conference on Fundamental Interactions, 2-6 December 2002, ITEP, Moscow, Russia (misprints are removed

    Fragmentation and Multifragmentation of 10.6A GeV Gold Nuclei

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    We present the results of a study performed on the interactions of 10.6A GeV gold nuclei in nuclear emulsions. In a minimum bias sample of 1311 interac- tions, 5260 helium nuclei and 2622 heavy fragments were observed as Au projec- tile fragments. The experimental data are analyzed with particular emphasis of target separation interactions in emulsions and study of criticalexponents. Multiplicity distributions of the fast-moving projectile fragments are inves- tigated. Charged fragment moments, conditional moments as well as two and three -body asymmetries of the fast moving projectile particles are determined in terms of the total charge remaining bound in the multiply charged projectile fragments. Some differences in the average yields of helium nuclei and heavier fragments are observed, which may be attributed to a target effect. However, two and three-body asymmetries and conditional moments indicate that the breakup mechanism of the projectile seems to be independent of target mass. We looked for evidence of critical point observable in finite nuclei by study the resulting charged fragments distributions. We have obtained the values for the critical exponents gamma, beta and tau and compare our results with those at lower energy experiment (1.0A GeV data). The values suggest that a phase transition like behavior, is observed.Comment: latex, revtex, 28 pages, 12 figures, 3tables, submitted to Europysics Journal

    Local particle densities and global multiplicities in central heavy ion interactions at 3.7, 14.6, 60 and 200A GeV

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    навчальний посібник

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    Адміністративний процес : навч. посіб. / [Салманова О. Ю., Комзюк А. Т., Гусаров С. М. та ін.] ; за заг. ред. О. Ю. Салманової, А. Т. Комзюка ; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків : ХНУВС, 2022. – 412 с. – ISBN 978-966-610-256-3.У навчальному посібнику розкрито поняття адміністративного процесу, співвідношення понять «адміністративний процес», «адміністративна процедура» й «адміністративне судочинство», надано характеристику окремих адміністративних процедур (проваджень) із звернень громадян, із надання адміністративних послуг, у справах про адміністративні правопорушення тощо, а також загальних засад і порядку здійснення адміністративного судочинства. Для курсантів, студентів, слухачів, ад’юнктів, аспірантів закладів вищої освіти юридичного профілю та всіх, хто цікавиться питаннями правового регулювання, практичного здійснення і викладання адміністративного процесу.The textbook explains the concept of administrative process, the relationship between the concepts of "administrative process", "administrative procedure" and "administrative justice", provides a description of individual administrative procedures (proceedings) from citizens' appeals, from the provision of administrative services, in cases of administrative offenses, etc., and as well as the general principles and procedures for conducting administrative proceedings. For cadets, students, trainees, adjuncts, graduate students of institutions of higher education of a legal profile and everyone who is interested in the issues of legal regulation, practical implementation and teaching of the administrative process.В учебном пособии раскрыты понятия административного процесса, соотношение понятий «административный процесс», «административная процедура» и «административное судопроизводство», дана характеристика отдельных административных процедур (производств) по обращениям граждан, по предоставлению административных услуг, по делам об административных правонарушениях и т.п. также общих принципов и порядка осуществления административного судопроизводства. Для курсантов, студентов, слушателей, адъюнктов, аспирантов заведений высшего образования юридического профиля и всех, кто интересуется вопросами правового регулирования, практического осуществления и преподавания административного процесса


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    Судові, правоохоронні, контрольно-наглядові та правозахисні органи України : підручник / [С. М. Гусаров, О. Ю. Салманова, А. Т. Комзюк та ін.], за заг. ред. С. М. Гусарова; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2020. – 508 с. – ISBN 978-966-610-072-9.Gusarov S.M. (ed), 2020, Judicial, Law Enforcement, Supervisory and Human Rights Agencies of Ukraine [Sudovi, pravookhoronni, kontrolno-nagliadovi ta pravozakhysni organy Ukrainy]. Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet vnutrishnikh sprav.У підручнику в систематизованому вигляді розкриваються поняття та зміст судової, правоохоронної, контрольно-наглядової та правозахисної діяльності, види, завдання та функції судових, правоохоронних, контрольно-наглядових і правозахисних органів, їх компетенція, підпорядкованість і особливості взаємодії, правовий статус посадових осіб цих органів. Для курсантів, студентів, слухачів, викладачів, ад’юнктів, аспірантів закладів вищої освіти юридичного профілю, наукових та практичних працівників.The textbook systematized the concept and content of judicial, law enforcement, control and oversight and human rights activities, types, tasks and functions of judicial, law enforcement, control and oversight and human rights bodies, their competence, subordination and peculiarities of interaction, the legal status of officials of these bodies. For cadets, students, listeners, teachers, adjuncts, graduate students of higher educational institutions of a legal profile, scientific and practical workers.В учебнике в систематизированном виде раскрываются понятие и содержание судебной, правоохранительной, контрольно-надзорной и правозащитной деятельности, виды, задачи и функции судебных, правоохранительных, контрольно-надзорных и правозащитных органов, их компетенция, подчиненность и особенности взаимодействия, правовой статус должностных лиц этих органов . Для курсантов, студентов, слушателей, преподавателей, адъюнктов, аспирантов высших учебных заведений юридического профиля, научных и практических работников