31 research outputs found

    Modern factors of digital technologies application efficiency in brand promotion

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    The article presents an analysis of the global and Russian trends in the development of digital advertising in the promotion of brands. Based on the study of advertising reports and research agencies, analysis of statistical data and author’s developments of practitioners in the field of brand promotion on digital services, the features of building brand communications with target audiences are revealed. A number of priority tools for digital interaction of the brand with consumers are presented, a description of the factors and conditions for brand promotion in the digital environment is given. To reveal the current factors of the digital technologies use in the promotion of brands effectiveness, the following issues are discussed: 1) changing the structure of budget allocation and the dynamics of investing in promoting brands in the digital environment in Russia and in the world; 2) identification of effective brand promotion factors in the online format in comparison with established forms of traditional marketing; 3) disclosure of the brand promotion specifics in comparison with trademarks that have not reached the status of a brand. Based on the results of the in-depth interview with experts, a range of brand managers’ tasks engaged in the promotion of brands and trademarks in the digital field was revealed. The importance of developing a creative concept of the brand for the users’ emotional involvement is highlighted. The necessity of studying and searching for convenient forms for system configuration and effective business communications in specific cases development is shown


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    Brand, being a significant intangible resource, requires special attention not only from marketers, but also from the management of the organization, as its formation affects various aspects of production and economic activity. The given review of the Russian and foreign points of view on interrelation of organizational culture of corporation and its brand, allows us to make a conclusion about necessity of further in-depth studying of this issue. The mutual influence of the organizational culture of the corporation and its brand at the deep level has been revealed and substantiated in the article. The study results of the influence of the organizational culture main components such as corporate culture, corporate social responsibility, on the corporation brand, – have been reflected. Special attention has been paid to the effective interaction with the media, which are a brand guide for the target audience


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    The definition of severe asthma is based on the criteria for clinical control, the treatment received, as well as the response to therapy, the assessment of future risk. In severe bronchial asthma, control can be achieved only at the highest possible level of therapy, namely, in treatment corresponding to the 4th or 5th stage. The article highlights the features of the clinical phenotype of severe bronchial asthma in children. Purpose: to identify the predictors of severe phenotype in children, the analysis of clinical and anamnestic features, to study the dynamics of disease control. Materials and methods: a group of patients with different degrees of severity of bronchial asthma aged 3 to 12 years, both sexes, was studied. The clinical aspects of the disease, the dynamics of control over bronchial asthma have been studied. Functional tests were carried out: examination of the function of external respiration, pyclofometry. Data of a specific allergic diagnosis (skin tests with non-bacterial allergens, detection of specific IgE antibodies), self-monitoring tests were studied. Statistical methods used a nonparametric method, a c2 distribution, a Pearson test, using conjugacy tables. Results and discussion: the family female phenotype is a predictor of severe bronchial asthma in patients in this group. The severity of the disease on the background of therapy for five years in a group of patients was revised only in a third of children. With this phenotype, partial control over the disease was achieved. The ineffectiveness of control is associated with the presence of a comorbid background: the pathology of the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine disorders. The severe phenotype of bronchial asthma, independently of age debut, was significantly less frequent than in the case of moderate disease


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    Syndrome of bronchial obstruction is a symptomatic complex arising on the background of constriction or occlusion of bronchial tubes of different caliber due to bronchospasm, edema and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, hypersecretion of mucus or compression by surrounding structures. Bronchoobstructive syndrome (BOS) is one of the most common pathological conditions in pediatric practice. The outcome of BOS can be different: from the complete disappearance of clinical manifestations to the process, disability or even death. Accordingly, the study of this problem and the search for methods for early diagnosis and prediction of the outcome of BOS is a very urgent problem. In order to identify risk factors for BOS and to clarify the association with polymorphism of the CC16 gene, 126 children belonging to the main group and 58 from the comparison group were examined. In the course of the study, the triggers influence on the formation of the BOS of concomitant ENT pathology, burdened personal and family allergic anamnesis, and also the recurrent nature of respiratory infections in the first year of life was proved. The association of polymorphism of AA gene of CC16 with the presence of weighed allergic anamnesis and frequent episodes of ARVI, as well as the influence of this genotype on the early debut of respiratory diseases in children, has been revealed. The relationship of the GG genotype with the concomitant ENT pathology among patients with recurrent BOS has been proved

    Screening studies of antimicrobial activity of pyrimidine derivative

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    Aim of the study was to screen the antimicrobial activity of pyrimidine derivative 3-[2-(1-naphthyl)-2-oxoethyl]-6-bromoquinazoline-4(3H)-oh with laboratory cipher VMA–13–06 in relation to pathogenic and opportunistic flora. Material and methods. Antimicrobial activity of VMA–13–06 was established in vitro against strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii and Citrobacter freundii by the method of serial dilutions, by forming rows with different concentrations of the compound under study. Results. VMA–13–06 was found to exhibit high antibacterial activity against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, E. coli and K. pneumonia at concentrations of 128 and 64 μg/ml comparable to the activity of the comparison drug norfloxacin. At a concentration of 32 μg/ml, the studied derivative is highly active against S. aureus and S. pyogenes and shows average activity against E. coli and K. pneumonia. The compound VMA–13–06 in dilution from 16 to 4 μg/ml is moderately active against the above-mentioned microorganisms. At concentrations from 2 to 0.25 μg/ml, the pyrimidine derivative is inactive against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, E. coli and K. pneumonia, in all dilutions – against C. freundii and A. baumannii. Conclusions. The results of a screening study indicate a pronounced bactericidal effect of VMA–13–06 against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, E. coli и K. pneumonia comparable to the comparison drug norfloxacin


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    Aim. To compare the effectiveness of MSC with different degree of ontogenetic maturity (MSC bone marrow – MSC BM and MSC umbilical cord – MSC UC) on regenerative processes in injured liver. Methods. In 4 groups of experiments on Wistar rats (n = 80) with a model of fibrotic toxic liver damage (FLD) it was studied the effect of MSCs with different degree of ontogenetic maturity on recovery processes at the regeneration of damaged liver: 1 gr. – Control, 2 gr. and 3 gr. introduction of MSC BM, included in Sphero®GEL-long in doses of 2.5 ×106 and 5.0 x 106 cells, respectively, and 4 gr. – introduction of MSC UC in the form of cell-spheroids (8–10 × 105 cells). The cells were injected into the damaged liver in 7 days after the end of FDL-modeling. The effect of cell therapy was studied during 180 days. The effectiveness of corrective therapy was evaluated by the results of functional and morphological investigations of livers (histological control of parenchymal and nonparenchy- mal liver tissue). Results. MSC BM in both doses and MSC UC contributed to a more rapid normalization of liver enzyme indices compared with the control (1 gr.), but the differences in the rate of recovery of disturbed enzymatic liver functions between groups 2, 3 and 4 – were absent. In 90 days after the cell application it was determined a more pronounced recovery activity of cells in groups 3 and 4; in 180 days the more pronounced activation of recovery processes was observed in group 3; but in group 4 the sclerotic processes were more pro- nounced in this period. Conclusion. For the induction of recovery processes in damage liver it is advisable not to use the MSC UC, but to use MSC BM in the Sphero®GEL, because MSC BM exert not only local but also systemic immune-regulatory effect, increasing the pool of T-reg. cells, which are additional carriers of regenera- tion information in organism


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    In this review article the necessity of adaptation and introduction into clinical practice of simultaneous monitoring of immune blood cells and cytokines in patients with grafted organs for a choice of individual tactic of immuno- suppressive therapy, determination of its efficiency and forecasting is proved. It is emphasized, that with the spe- cial attention it ought to concern to characteristic of CD4 + T-lymphocytes and to definition of an interrelation of their separate populations in peripheral blood (Treg, Th17, Tact memory cells – CD4+CD25hiCD127hiCD45RO) since they are the basic participants of immune system reaction on grafts. В обзоре обосновывается необходимость внедрения в клиническую практику комплексного мониторинга иммунных клеток крови и цитокинов у больных с пересаженными органами для выбора индивидуальной тактики иммуносупрессивной терапии, оценки ее эффективности и прогнозирования результатов. Подчеркивается, что с особым вниманием следует отнестись к характеристике CD4+ T-лимфоцитов и определению соотношения их отдельных популяций в периферической крови (Treg, Th17, Tact клетки памяти CD4+CD25hiCD127hiCD45RO), так как именно они являются основными участниками ответа иммунной системы организма на трансплантат.


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    It is known, transplantation of organs is accompanied by activation of adaptive immunity (cellular and humoral) and innate immunity in an organism of the recipient. Population of T-lymphocyte which includes some subpopu- lations of cells , such as Тcyt, Th1, Th2 and T-regulatory cells, first of all responsible for development of these forms of the immune answer. The actual problem of modern transplantology is working out of methods which would promote accumulation in an organism of recipient T-regulatory of cells with suppressive properties for formation the donor-specific immune tolerance into recipient`s organism. Трансплантация органов сопровождается активацией адаптивного (клеточного и гуморального) и врожденного иммунитета в организме реципиента. Популяция Т-лимфоцитов, в состав которой вхо- дит несколько субпопуляций клеток, таких как Тцит, Th1, Th2 и Т-регуляторные клетки, прежде всего ответственные за развитие этих форм иммунного ответа. Актуальной проблемой современной транс- плантологии является разработка методов, которые бы способствовали накоплению в организме реци- пиента Т-регуляторных клеток с супрессивными свойствами для формирования донор-специфической иммунной толерантности.


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    It was ascertained, that induction of transplantation tolerance are bound with the using of regulatory possibilities of donor’s bone marrow cells. Hemopoietical bone marrow stem cells may be used to induct the central tole- rance into organism of recipient. For inducing of the active peripheral tolerance may be used small-differentiated dendrite cells of bone marrow, which are able to take part in receiving of T-regulatory memory cells, which are preventing both acute and chronic allograft rejection. Результаты анализа современного состояния проблемы формирования трансплантационной толерант- ности показывают, что индукция толерантности связана с использованием регуляторных возможностей клеток костного мозга донора. Гемопоэтические стволовые клетки костного мозга могут быть использо- ваны для создания центральной толерантности. Для создания активной периферической толерантности могут быть использованы малодифференцированные дендритные клетки мононуклеарной фракции кост- ного мозга, которые при сокультивировании способны участвовать в получении Т-регуляторных клеток памяти реципиента и в предотвращении острого и хронического отторжения трансплантата.