10 research outputs found

    Применимость маркеров ISAP, ISSR и SSR в селекционных программах томата

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    Domesticated crops are characterized by narrow genetic base reflecting one or more bottlenecks during millennia-long selection. As a result, current breeding programs are limited in available germplasm and are forced to deal with incremental improvements of yield, resistance, nutritional value, etc. Since the establishment of modern genetics and biotechnology, several new approaches have emerged to extend the genetic base and germplasm improvement. Among these methods, induced mutagenesis appeared as most useful conventional breeding tool. Although, its successful application currently requires good knowledge of modern molecular tools. In this paper we will make an attempt to overview SSR, ISSR and ISAP techniques as well as to offer examples of their application in tomato breeding programs.За время тысячелетней селекции культурные растения характеризуются зауженностью генетической основы, отражающейся в одном и нескольких эффектах "бутылочного горлышка". В результате направленной селекционной работы потенциал имеющихся генетических ресурсов становится ограниченным, и требуется дальнейшая работа по поиску генресурсов для улучшения урожайности, устойчивости, пищевой ценности и т.д. С открытием современных методов генетики и биотехнологии некоторые достижения уже используются для улучшения потенциального использование генетических ресурсов. Среди этих методов индуцированный мутагенез можно рассматривать как наиболее полезный для традиционной селекции, хотя его широкое использование требует хороших знаний в области современных молекулярных технологий. В данной публикации мы сделали обзор по использованию SSR, ISSR и ISAP методов и привели примеры их конкретного применения в селекции томата

    Mutation increasing β-carotene concentrations does not adversely affect concentrations of essential mineral elements in pepper fruit

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    <div><p>Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are prevalent in human populations throughout the world. Vitamin A deficiency affects hundreds of millions of pre-school age children in low income countries. Fruits of pepper (<i>Capsicum annuum</i> L.) can be a major dietary source of precursors to Vitamin A biosynthesis, such as β-carotene. Recently, pepper breeding programs have introduced the orange-fruited (<i>of</i>) trait of the mutant variety Oranzheva kapiya, which is associated with high fruit β-carotene concentrations, to the mutant variety Albena. In this manuscript, concentrations of β-carotene and mineral elements (magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, zinc, calcium, manganese, iron and copper) were compared in fruit from P31, a red-fruited genotype derived from the variety Albena, and M38, a genotype developed by transferring the orange-fruited mutation (<i>of</i>) into Albena. It was observed that fruit from M38 plants had greater β-carotene concentration at both commercial and botanical maturity (4.9 and 52.7 mg / kg fresh weight, respectively) than fruit from P31 plants (2.3 and 30.1 mg / kg fresh weight, respectively). The mutation producing high β-carotene concentrations in pepper fruits had no detrimental effect on the concentrations of mineral elements required for human nutrition.</p></div

    Applicability of ISAP, ISSR and SSR markers in tomato breeding programs

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    Domesticated crops are characterized by narrow genetic base reflecting one or more bottlenecks during millennia-long selection. As a result, current breeding programs are limited in available germplasm and are forced to deal with incremental improvements of yield, resistance, nutritional value, etc. Since the establishment of modern genetics and biotechnology, several new approaches have emerged to extend the genetic base and germplasm improvement. Among these methods, induced mutagenesis appeared as most useful conventional breeding tool. Although, its successful application currently requires good knowledge of modern molecular tools. In this paper we will make an attempt to overview SSR, ISSR and ISAP techniques as well as to offer examples of their application in tomato breeding programs