9 research outputs found

    Comparing initial-data sets for binary black holes

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    We compare the results of constructing binary black hole initial data with three different decompositions of the constraint equations of general relativity. For each decomposition we compute the initial data using a superposition of two Kerr-Schild black holes to fix the freely specifiable data. We find that these initial-data sets differ significantly, with the ADM energy varying by as much as 5% of the total mass. We find that all initial-data sets currently used for evolutions might contain unphysical gravitational radiation of the order of several percent of the total mass. This is comparable to the amount of gravitational-wave energy observed during the evolved collision. More astrophysically realistic initial data will require more careful choices of the freely specifiable data and boundary conditions for both the metric and extrinsic curvature. However, we find that the choice of extrinsic curvature affects the resulting data sets more strongly than the choice of conformal metric.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Comparing Criteria for Circular Orbits in General Relativity

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    We study a simple analytic solution to Einstein's field equations describing a thin spherical shell consisting of collisionless particles in circular orbit. We then apply two independent criteria for the identification of circular orbits, which have recently been used in the numerical construction of binary black hole solutions, and find that both yield equivalent results. Our calculation illustrates these two criteria in a particularly transparent framework and provides further evidence that the deviations found in those numerical binary black hole solutions are not caused by the different criteria for circular orbits.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in PRD as a Brief Report; added and corrected reference

    Extrinsic Curvature and the Einstein Constraints

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    The Einstein initial-value equations in the extrinsic curvature (Hamiltonian) representation and conformal thin sandwich (Lagrangian) representation are brought into complete conformity by the use of a decomposition of symmetric tensors which involves a weight function. In stationary spacetimes, there is a natural choice of the weight function such that the transverse traceless part of the extrinsic curvature (or canonical momentum) vanishes.Comment: 8 pages, no figures; added new section; significant polishing of tex

    On geometric problems related to Brown-York and Liu-Yau quasilocal mass

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    We discuss some geometric problems related to the definitions of quasilocal mass proposed by Brown-York \cite{BYmass1} \cite{BYmass2} and Liu-Yau \cite{LY1} \cite{LY2}. Our discussion consists of three parts. In the first part, we propose a new variational problem on compact manifolds with boundary, which is motivated by the study of Brown-York mass. We prove that critical points of this variation problem are exactly static metrics. In the second part, we derive a derivative formula for the Brown-York mass of a smooth family of closed 2 dimensional surfaces evolving in an ambient three dimensional manifold. As an interesting by-product, we are able to write the ADM mass \cite{ADM61} of an asymptotically flat 3-manifold as the sum of the Brown-York mass of a coordinate sphere SrS_r and an integral of the scalar curvature plus a geometrically constructed function Φ(x)\Phi(x) in the asymptotic region outside SrS_r . In the third part, we prove that for any closed, spacelike, 2-surface Σ\Sigma in the Minkowski space R3,1\R^{3,1} for which the Liu-Yau mass is defined, if Σ\Sigma bounds a compact spacelike hypersurface in R3,1\R^{3,1}, then the Liu-Yau mass of Σ\Sigma is strictly positive unless Σ\Sigma lies on a hyperplane. We also show that the examples given by \'{O} Murchadha, Szabados and Tod \cite{MST} are special cases of this result.Comment: 28 page

    Improved numerical stability of stationary black hole evolution calculations

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    We experiment with modifications of the BSSN form of the Einstein field equations (a reformulation of the ADM equations) and demonstrate how these modifications affect the stability of numerical black hole evolution calculations. We use excision to evolve both non-rotating and rotating Kerr-Schild black holes in octant and equatorial symmetry, and without any symmetry assumptions, and obtain accurate and stable simulations for specific angular momenta J/M of up to about 0.9M.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 1 typo in Eq. (20) correcte

    Relativistic Hydrodynamic Evolutions with Black Hole Excision

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    We present a numerical code designed to study astrophysical phenomena involving dynamical spacetimes containing black holes in the presence of relativistic hydrodynamic matter. We present evolutions of the collapse of a fluid star from the onset of collapse to the settling of the resulting black hole to a final stationary state. In order to evolve stably after the black hole forms, we excise a region inside the hole before a singularity is encountered. This excision region is introduced after the appearance of an apparent horizon, but while a significant amount of matter remains outside the hole. We test our code by evolving accurately a vacuum Schwarzschild black hole, a relativistic Bondi accretion flow onto a black hole, Oppenheimer-Snyder dust collapse, and the collapse of nonrotating and rotating stars. These systems are tracked reliably for hundreds of M following excision, where M is the mass of the black hole. We perform these tests both in axisymmetry and in full 3+1 dimensions. We then apply our code to study the effect of the stellar spin parameter J/M^2 on the final outcome of gravitational collapse of rapidly rotating n = 1 polytropes. We find that a black hole forms only if J/M^2<1, in agreement with previous simulations. When J/M^2>1, the collapsing star forms a torus which fragments into nonaxisymmetric clumps, capable of generating appreciable ``splash'' gravitational radiation.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, submitted to PR