79 research outputs found

    Atlas of Signaling for Interpretation of Microarray Experiments

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    Microarray-based expression profiling of living systems is a quick and inexpensive method to obtain insights into the nature of various diseases and phenotypes. A typical microarray profile can yield hundreds or even thousands of differentially expressed genes and finding biologically plausible themes or regulatory mechanisms underlying these changes is a non-trivial and daunting task. We describe a novel approach for systems-level interpretation of microarray expression data using a manually constructed “overview” pathway depicting the main cellular signaling channels (Atlas of Signaling). Currently, the developed pathway focuses on signal transduction from surface receptors to transcription factors and further transcriptional regulation of cellular “workhorse” proteins. We show how the constructed Atlas of Signaling in combination with an enrichment analysis algorithm allows quick identification and visualization of the main signaling cascades and cellular processes affected in a gene expression profiling experiment. We validate our approach using several publicly available gene expression datasets

    Comparative analysis of five protein-protein interaction corpora

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Growing interest in the application of natural language processing methods to biomedical text has led to an increasing number of corpora and methods targeting protein-protein interaction (PPI) extraction. However, there is no general consensus regarding PPI annotation and consequently resources are largely incompatible and methods are difficult to evaluate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present the first comparative evaluation of the diverse PPI corpora, performing quantitative evaluation using two separate information extraction methods as well as detailed statistical and qualitative analyses of their properties. For the evaluation, we unify the corpus PPI annotations to a shared level of information, consisting of undirected, untyped binary interactions of non-static types with no identification of the words specifying the interaction, no negations, and no interaction certainty.</p> <p>We find that the F-score performance of a state-of-the-art PPI extraction method varies on average 19 percentage units and in some cases over 30 percentage units between the different evaluated corpora. The differences stemming from the choice of corpus can thus be substantially larger than differences between the performance of PPI extraction methods, which suggests definite limits on the ability to compare methods evaluated on different resources. We analyse a number of potential sources for these differences and identify factors explaining approximately half of the variance. We further suggest ways in which the difficulty of the PPI extraction tasks codified by different corpora can be determined to advance comparability. Our analysis also identifies points of agreement and disagreement in PPI corpus annotation that are rarely explicitly stated by the authors of the corpora.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our comparative analysis uncovers key similarities and differences between the diverse PPI corpora, thus taking an important step towards standardization. In the course of this study we have created a major practical contribution in converting the corpora into a shared format. The conversion software is freely available at <url>http://mars.cs.utu.fi/PPICorpora</url>.</p

    PPLook: an automated data mining tool for protein-protein interaction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Extracting and visualizing of protein-protein interaction (PPI) from text literatures are a meaningful topic in protein science. It assists the identification of interactions among proteins. There is a lack of tools to extract PPI, visualize and classify the results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed a PPI search system, termed PPLook, which automatically extracts and visualizes protein-protein interaction (PPI) from text. Given a query protein name, PPLook can search a dataset for other proteins interacting with it by using a keywords dictionary pattern-matching algorithm, and display the topological parameters, such as the number of nodes, edges, and connected components. The visualization component of PPLook enables us to view the interaction relationship among the proteins in a three-dimensional space based on the OpenGL graphics interface technology. PPLook can also provide the functions of selecting protein semantic class, counting the number of semantic class proteins which interact with query protein, counting the literature number of articles appearing the interaction relationship about the query protein. Moreover, PPLook provides heterogeneous search and a user-friendly graphical interface.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PPLook is an effective tool for biologists and biosystem developers who need to access PPI information from the literature. PPLook is freely available for non-commercial users at <url>http://meta.usc.edu/softs/PPLook</url>.</p

    GenCLiP: a software program for clustering gene lists by literature profiling and constructing gene co-occurrence networks related to custom keywords

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biomedical researchers often want to explore pathogenesis and pathways regulated by abnormally expressed genes, such as those identified by microarray analyses. Literature mining is an important way to assist in this task. Many literature mining tools are now available. However, few of them allows the user to make manual adjustments to zero in on what he/she wants to know in particular.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present our software program, GenCLiP (Gene Cluster with Literature Profiles), which is based on the methods presented by Chaussabel and Sher (<it>Genome Biol </it>2002, 3(10):RESEARCH0055) that search gene lists to identify functional clusters of genes based on up-to-date literature profiling. Four features were added to this previously described method: the ability to 1) manually curate keywords extracted from the literature, 2) search genes and gene co-occurrence networks related to custom keywords, 3) compare analyzed gene results with negative and positive controls generated by GenCLiP, and 4) calculate probabilities that the resulting genes and gene networks are randomly related. In this paper, we show with a set of differentially expressed genes between keloids and normal control, how implementation of functions in GenCLiP successfully identified keywords related to the pathogenesis of keloids and unknown gene pathways involved in the pathogenesis of keloids.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>With regard to the identification of disease-susceptibility genes, GenCLiP allows one to quickly acquire a primary pathogenesis profile and identify pathways involving abnormally expressed genes not previously associated with the disease.</p

    Mining the Gene Wiki for functional genomic knowledge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ontology-based gene annotations are important tools for organizing and analyzing genome-scale biological data. Collecting these annotations is a valuable but costly endeavor. The Gene Wiki makes use of Wikipedia as a low-cost, mass-collaborative platform for assembling text-based gene annotations. The Gene Wiki is comprised of more than 10,000 review articles, each describing one human gene. The goal of this study is to define and assess a computational strategy for translating the text of Gene Wiki articles into ontology-based gene annotations. We specifically explore the generation of structured annotations using the Gene Ontology and the Human Disease Ontology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our system produced 2,983 candidate gene annotations using the Disease Ontology and 11,022 candidate annotations using the Gene Ontology from the text of the Gene Wiki. Based on manual evaluations and comparisons to reference annotation sets, we estimate a precision of 90-93% for the Disease Ontology annotations and 48-64% for the Gene Ontology annotations. We further demonstrate that this data set can systematically improve the results from gene set enrichment analyses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The Gene Wiki is a rapidly growing corpus of text focused on human gene function. Here, we demonstrate that the Gene Wiki can be a powerful resource for generating ontology-based gene annotations. These annotations can be used immediately to improve workflows for building curated gene annotation databases and knowledge-based statistical analyses.</p

    An environment for relation mining over richly annotated corpora: the case of GENIA

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    BACKGROUND: The biomedical domain is witnessing a rapid growth of the amount of published scientific results, which makes it increasingly difficult to filter the core information. There is a real need for support tools that 'digest' the published results and extract the most important information. RESULTS: We describe and evaluate an environment supporting the extraction of domain-specific relations, such as protein-protein interactions, from a richly-annotated corpus. We use full, deep-linguistic parsing and manually created, versatile patterns, expressing a large set of syntactic alternations, plus semantic ontology information. CONCLUSION: The experiments show that our approach described is capable of delivering high-precision results, while maintaining sufficient levels of recall. The high level of abstraction of the rules used by the system, which are considerably more powerful and versatile than finite-state approaches, allows speedy interactive development and validation

    Extracting causal relations on HIV drug resistance from literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In HIV treatment it is critical to have up-to-date resistance data of applicable drugs since HIV has a very high rate of mutation. These data are made available through scientific publications and must be extracted manually by experts in order to be used by virologists and medical doctors. Therefore there is an urgent need for a tool that partially automates this process and is able to retrieve relations between drugs and virus mutations from literature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we present a novel method to extract and combine relationships between HIV drugs and mutations in viral genomes. Our extraction method is based on natural language processing (NLP) which produces grammatical relations and applies a set of rules to these relations. We applied our method to a relevant set of PubMed abstracts and obtained 2,434 extracted relations with an estimated performance of 84% for F-score. We then combined the extracted relations using logistic regression to generate resistance values for each <drug, mutation> pair. The results of this relation combination show more than 85% agreement with the Stanford HIVDB for the ten most frequently occurring mutations. The system is used in 5 hospitals from the Virolab project <url>http://www.virolab.org</url> to preselect the most relevant novel resistance data from literature and present those to virologists and medical doctors for further evaluation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed relation extraction and combination method has a good performance on extracting HIV drug resistance data. It can be used in large-scale relation extraction experiments. The developed methods can also be applied to extract other type of relations such as gene-protein, gene-disease, and disease-mutation.</p

    BioInfer: a corpus for information extraction in the biomedical domain

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    BACKGROUND: Lately, there has been a great interest in the application of information extraction methods to the biomedical domain, in particular, to the extraction of relationships of genes, proteins, and RNA from scientific publications. The development and evaluation of such methods requires annotated domain corpora. RESULTS: We present BioInfer (Bio Information Extraction Resource), a new public resource providing an annotated corpus of biomedical English. We describe an annotation scheme capturing named entities and their relationships along with a dependency analysis of sentence syntax. We further present ontologies defining the types of entities and relationships annotated in the corpus. Currently, the corpus contains 1100 sentences from abstracts of biomedical research articles annotated for relationships, named entities, as well as syntactic dependencies. Supporting software is provided with the corpus. The corpus is unique in the domain in combining these annotation types for a single set of sentences, and in the level of detail of the relationship annotation. CONCLUSION: We introduce a corpus targeted at protein, gene, and RNA relationships which serves as a resource for the development of information extraction systems and their components such as parsers and domain analyzers. The corpus will be maintained and further developed with a current version being available at

    Mining phenotypes for gene function prediction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health and disease of organisms are reflected in their phenotypes. Often, a genetic component to a disease is discovered only after clearly defining its phenotype. In the past years, many technologies to systematically generate phenotypes in a high-throughput manner, such as RNA interference or gene knock-out, have been developed and used to decipher functions for genes. However, there have been relatively few efforts to make use of phenotype data beyond the single genotype-phenotype relationships.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present results on a study where we use a large set of phenotype data – in textual form – to predict gene annotation. To this end, we use text clustering to group genes based on their phenotype descriptions. We show that these clusters correlate well with several indicators for biological coherence in gene groups, such as functional annotations from the Gene Ontology (GO) and protein-protein interactions. We exploit these clusters for predicting gene function by carrying over annotations from well-annotated genes to other, less-characterized genes in the same cluster. For a subset of groups selected by applying objective criteria, we can predict GO-term annotations from the biological process sub-ontology with up to 72.6% precision and 16.7% recall, as evaluated by cross-validation. We manually verified some of these clusters and found them to exhibit high biological coherence, e.g. a group containing all available antennal Drosophila odorant receptors despite inconsistent GO-annotations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The intrinsic nature of phenotypes to visibly reflect genetic activity underlines their usefulness in inferring new gene functions. Thus, systematically analyzing these data on a large scale offers many possibilities for inferring functional annotation of genes. We show that text clustering can play an important role in this process.</p