9 research outputs found

    Perancangan Termokopel Berbahan Besi (Fe) dan Tembaga (Cu) Untuk Sensor Temperatur

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    The design of iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu) thermocouples has been carried out for temperature sensors. The sensor will be made of two different types of materials namely iron and copper. The reference temperature used is 10C. The data collection procedure is first of all a thermocouple with a hot junction is tied together with a solder as a heat source. Besides that, it is also tied to a factory thermocouple that functions as a calibrator. Then the other end of the thermocouple (cold junction) will be inserted into a container containing ice cubes. Then the ports for each thermocouple will be connected to a multimeter, each of which is used to measure temperature (0C) and voltage (mV). From the results of observations and analyzes, it was found that for iron and copper thermocouples had the following characteristics: Seebeck coefficient was 0.001, the mean temperature rises and falls respectively (106.17 ± 0.82) 0C and (118.67 ± 0.90) 0C. The sensitivity of the thermocouple is 0.5 mV / 0C with linearity of 0.9


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan yang signifikan kemampuan kerja sama peserta didik antara kelas yang menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think pair share (TPS) dengan mengintegrasi kearifan lokal mandar sibali parriq dengan kelas yang menerapkan model pembelajaran konvensional. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi-eksperimen dengan desain non-equivalent control group. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Tinambung. Sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 56 orang terdiri dari 28 peserta didik sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 28 peserta didik sebagai kelas kontrol yang dipilih dengan teknik sampling purposive. Instrumen pengumpulan data berbentuk tes angket. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan kerja sama peserta didik dari hasil uji n gain untuk kelas eksperimen berada pada kategori sedang (nilai mean sebesar 50,96), kemampuan kerja sama peserta didik pada kelas kontrol berada pada kategori kurang (nilai mean sebesar 29,92) dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelas diperoleh nilai sig. < 0,05

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendeteksi Suhu Air Pada Lahan Rumput Laut Berbasis Atmega 328

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    Abstract. The study designed a seaweed water temperature detection device based on atmega 328 microcontrollers connected with sensors. The type of research is Research and Development (R&D) using a 4D development model.  The research site was conducted on seaweed cultivation land located around campus II of Cokroaminoto Palopo University.  Development of Atmega 328-based seaweed temperature detection tool through several stages, namely 1) defining / define, 2) design / design, 3) Development / develop, 4) Spread / disseminate.  The results showed that the Atmega 328-based temperature detection device had worked well.  Based on the results of validation by two experts related to the feasibility of atmega 328-based temperature measuring instrument obtained the result that the temperature measuring instrument is in the category is very good to use. This is evident from quantitative data and validator questionnaire stuffing and is supported by constructive comments and suggestions from each expert validator. The conclusion of validation results that the measuring instrument is worth testing in the field or at the research site.

    Studi Simulasi Optimasi Parameter Proses Implantasi ION Nitrogen Multi Energi ke Dalam Permukaan SS 316L Menggunakan Program SRIM

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    Nitrogen ion implantation at 50 keV of energy on the surface of SS 316 stainless steel, by calculation will only be able to reach a depth of 561 Å and the ions will be distributed Gaussian effectively at a depth of 561 Å ± 339 Å, so that from the surface to a depth of 222 Å is not filled by ions (empty) which of course will affect the properties of the implanted surface. The solution to the problem is to implant the target several times at <50 keV of energy. To minimize the un-filled volume, the study of simulation and calculation has been conducted. In this study a simulation using TRIM program to know how many times the target should be implanted at different energies and also the calculation of the amount of nitrogen ions that should be implanted, so that the distribution of nitrogen ions can be evenly distributed from the surface to 561 Å. From the results of simulations and calculations the results show that the target must be implanted at least 6 times implantation at energy 50 keV,40 keV, 30 keV, 20 keV and 10 keV. Under these conditions the dose that must be implanted are 7,4×1017ion/cm2, 6,44×1017ion/cm2, 4,6×1017 ion/cm2, 3×1017 ion/cm2 and 1,6×1017 ion/cm2. The total doses and amount of nitrogen filling the implanted volume are 7,32%.