646 research outputs found

    GL(m∣n)GL(m|n)-supermodules with good and Weyl filtrations

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    The purpose of this paper is to prove necessary and sufficient criteria for a GL(m∣n)GL(m|n)-supermodule to have a good or Weryl filtration. We also introduce the notion of a Steinberg supermodule analogous to the classical notion of Steinberg module. We prove that the Steinberg supermodule inherits some properties of the Steinberg module. Some new series of finite-dimensional tilting supermodules are found

    Some homological properties of GL(m∣n)GL(m|n) in arbitrary characteristic

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    We show that Penkov's approach to a superanalog of Borel-Bott-Weil theorem for G=GL(m∣n)G=GL(m|n) over a field of zero characteristic can be extended for a perfect field of arbitrary odd characteristic. We also prove some partial version of Kempf's vanishing theorem and characteristic free formula for Euler characteristic Ο‡(B,λϡ)\chi(B, \lambda^{\epsilon}), where BB is a Borel subgroup of GG

    Affine quotients of supergroups

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    In this article we consider sheaf quotients of affine superschemes by affine supergroups that act on them freely. The necessary and sufficient conditions for such quotients to be affine are given. If GG is an affine supergroup and HH is its normal supersubgroup, then we prove that a dur KK-sheaf G/H~~\tilde{\tilde{G/H}} is again affine supergroup. Additionally, if GG is algebraic, then a KK-sheaf G/H~\tilde{G/H} is also algebraic supergroup and it coincides with G/H~~\tilde{\tilde{G/H}}. In particular, any normal supersubgroup of an affine supergroup is faithfully exact.Comment: 31 page

    Invariants of mixed representations of quivers I

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    We introduce a new concept of mixed representations of quivers that is a generalization of ordinary representations of quivers and orthogonal (symplectic) representations of symmetric quivers introduced recently by Derksen and Weyman. We describe the generating invariants of mixed representations of quivers (First Fundamental Theorem) and prove additional results that allow us to describe the defining relations between them in the second article.Comment: 42 page

    Invariants of mixed representations of quivers II : defining relations and applications

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    In the previous article we introduced the new concept of mixed representations of quivers and described the generators of their algebras of invariants. In this article we describe the defining relations of these algebras. Some applications for the invariants of orthogonal or symplectic groups acting on several matrices are given.Comment: 27 page

    Solvable, reductive and quasireductive supergroups

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    This work was inspired by two natural questions. The first question is when Lie(G')=Lie(G)', where G is a connected algebraic supergroup defined over a field of characteristic zero. The second question is whether the unipotent radical of any normal supersubgroup H of G coincides with the intersection of H and G_u, where G_u is the unipotent radical of G. Both questions have affirmative answers in the category of algebraic groups (in the second case one has to assume additionally that G and H are reduced whenever char K >0). Surprisingly, using the technique of Harish-Chandra superpairs and a complete description of an action of an algebraic supergroup on an abelian supergroups by supergroup automorphisms we found out rather simple counterexamples to both questions. Besides, the second counterexample shows that the reductivity of G does not imply that G_{ev} has even finite unipotent radical. On the other hand, if G_{ev} is reductive, then it is easy to see that G_u is finite (odd) supergroup. In other words, the reductivity of an algebraic supergroup does not correspond to the reductivity of its largest even subgroup in contrast to such properties as unipotency or solvability. In the last section of our article we describe reductive algebraic supergroups in terms of sandwich pairs and give necessary and sufficient conditions for an algebraic supergroup to be quasireductive. The last result complements the recent Serganova's description of quasireductive supergroups in terms of structural properties of their Lie superalgebras. Our approach is focused on the normal subgroup structure

    Central elements in the distribution algebra of a general linear supergroup and supersymmetric elements

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    In this paper we investigate the image of the center ZZ of the distribution algebra Dist(GL(m∣n))Dist(GL(m|n)) of the general linear supergroup over a ground field of positive characteristic under the Harish-Chandra morphism h:Zβ†’Dist(T)h:Z \to Dist(T) obtained by the restriction of the natural map Dist(GL(m∣n))β†’Dist(T)Dist(GL(m|n))\to Dist(T). We define supersymmetric elements in Dist(T)Dist(T) and show that each image h(c)h(c) for c∈Zc\in Z is supersymmetric. The central part of the paper is devoted to a description of a minimal set of generators of the algebra of supersymmetric elements over Frobenius kernels TrT_r

    Quotient sheaves of algebraic supergroups are superschemes

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    To generalize some fundamental results on group schemes to the super context, we study the quotient sheaf G/~HG \tilde{/} H of an algebraic supergroup GG by its closed supersubgroup HH, in arbitrary characteristic β‰ \neq 2. Our main theorem states that G/~HG \tilde{/} H is a Noetherian superscheme. This together with derived results give positive answers to interesting questions posed by J. Brundan.Comment: Revised the manuscript, improving the exposition and correcting typos, 40 pages; the final version accepted for publicatio

    Pseudocompact algebras and highest weight categories

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    We develop a new approach to highest weight categories C\cal{C} with good (and cogood) posets of weights via pseudocompact algebras by introducing ascending (and descending) quasi-hereditary pseudocompact algebras. For C\cal{C} admitting a Chevalley duality, we define and investigate tilting modules and Ringel duals of the corresponding pseudocompact algebras. Finally, we illustrate all these concepts on an explicit example of the general linear supergroup GL(1∣1)GL(1|1).Comment: 43 page

    On the notion of Krull super-dimension

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    We introduce the notion of Krull super-dimension of a super-commutative super-ring. This notion is used to describe regular super-rings and calculate Krull super-dimensions of completions of super-rings. Moreover, we use this notion to introduce the notion of super-dimension of any irreducible superscheme of finite type. Finally, we describe nonsingular superschemes in terms of sheaves of K\"{a}hler superdifferentials.Comment: 30 page
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