65 research outputs found
Wujud dan Fungsi Alih Kode Penumpang dan Awak Bus Trayek Jepara-semarang (Kajian Sosiolinguistik)
This research aimed to describe the variation form of code switching, explaining the function of code switching and code switching determinants on speech passengers and crew-bus route Semarang-Jepara. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a sociolinguistic approach. To achieve the objectives of this study, researchers refer to the theory of Hymes 1974 Suwito (1985) and Widjajakusumah 1981. Collecting data in this study through observation using advanced techniques. Refer involved a conversation (SLC), consider the conversation involved free (SBLC), records, and record. The results showed that the variation of code switching passengers and crew-bus route Semarang-Jepara is a the internal code switching. Over the internal code switching is a code switcing inter-language, that is from Indonesian to Javanese and from Javanese to Indonesian, and code switching between speech level, namely from language Java Ngoko to language Java Madya, language Java Madya to language Java Ngoko, language Java Ngoko to language Java Krama, language Java Krama to language Java Ngoko. Code switching function is found, which is to familiarize or stretch your communication, to offer and provide information, to provide security to passengers, to convey a sense of humor, and to save time. Determinants over the code is found, the setting and scene, participant, ends, key, genre: language diversity kolokial
Analisis Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Menggunakan Metode Analisa Komponen dan Metode Aashto pada Ruas Jalan Nagrak Kabupaten Bogor
Pembangunan infrastruktur jalan raya mempunyai peran penting sebagai pendukung kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Akan tetapi, masih terdapat infrastuktur jalan raya yang kurang memadai di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, salah satunya pada ruas Jalan Nagrak, Kabupaten Bogor. Jalan Nagrak merupakan jalan penghubung antar desa di Kecamatan Cileungsih yang masih berupa jalan tanah dan memiliki lebar yang sempit. Dalam upaya memperbaiki kondisi Jalan Nagrak perlu dilakukan perencanaan jalan raya dengan memperhatikan faktor beban kendaraan, cuaca, material perkerasan dan faktor lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tebal perkerasan lentur pada ruas Jalan Nagrak, Kecamatan Cileungsih, Kabupaten Bogor. Analisis penelitian menggunakan Metode Analisa Komponen SKBI 1987 dan Metode AASHTO 1993. Dari hasil analisis metode analisa komponen diperoleh lapisan permukaan menggunakan Laston MS 340 kg dengan tebal 5 cm, lapisan pondasi atas menggunakan batu pecah kelas C dengan tebal 20 cm dan lapisan pondasi bawah menggunakan Sirtu kelas C dengan tebal 17 cm. Sedangkan dari hasil analisis metode AASHTO diperoleh lapisan permukaan menggunakan beton aspal dengan tebal 11 cm, lapisan pondasi atas menggunakan lapis pondasi granular dengan tebal 8 cm dan lapisan pondasi bawah menggunakan lapis pondasi bawah granular dengan tebal 15 cm
Encouraging Knowledge Sharing Behavior to Boost the Business Performance of Creative Industry (Study in Indonesia SMES’s Context)
SMEs creative sector has an important and strategic role in national economic development. MSMEs for the Indonesian economy are able to absorb labor about 97% and contribute to gross domestic product (GDP) about 57%. In fact, owners of creative SMEs in the city of Semarang not yet have an awareness of the importance of innovation and creativity development [16]. One of the biggest obstacles is that they do not have a structured program to explore the attractiveness and uniqueness of its products, consequently its products cannot compete competitively with foreign products that increase in the domestic market. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that can explain the strategy to boost the performance of creative SMEs business through a habit of cultivating the behavior of knowledge sharing between owners, employees, consumers, competitors, government or other stakeholders. The higher the desire to share knowledge then potentially will increasingly bring up innovative ideas that can encourage business performance. The sample consisted of 185 owners of creative SMEs in Semarang City who answered the structured questionnaire. The data is processed by Wrap PLS version 6. The result of the research shows the support of previous research result that UMKM business performance will only be achieved if UMKM actors cultivate knowledge sharing behavior to encourage the emergence of more innovative ideas
Reward Information System: Integrated Strategy to Control Program Effectiveness
This research is motivated from the transparency of universities to conduct a controlled and measured bureaucracy reform. One of the efforts to achieve it is by realizing the concept of reward and punishment for employees in State Universities. This form of reward and punishment is done through remuneration. The concept of remuneration can be implemented properly if it is supported by an integrated Management Information System. This study aims at building an information system of remuneration model in state universities, in the form of Public Service Agency in Indonesia that can represent strengths from each university. Thus, improvement of accessibility and transparency of remuneration calculation, which based on principles of fairness and professional achievement of employee performance, can be achieved. This research implements qualitative design through an interview study on some informants who are members of remuneration team from some universities who have learned the practice of remuneration in UNNES. This study are able to create a system containing the recapitulation data of the state universities which imposed remuneration, updated remuneration data, it also collects the types of remuneration rules made in each state university, recapitulation of job prices and recapitulation of the amount of remuneration. Any data collected in this system will be a supporting reference for the Ministry of Finance to monitor and make decisions regarding the successful implementation of remuneration in Indonesia.
Keywords: Reward Information System, Remuneration, Integrated System, Program Effectiveness
Pemetaan Potensi Likuifaksi di Kompleks Candi Prambanan
Salah satu dampak dari terjadinya gempa bumi adalah likuifaksi. likuifaksi adalah fenomena hilangnya kekuatan lapisan tanah akibat getaran gempa. Efek dari gerakan gelombang gempa bumi di dalam tanah akan bervariasi dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini memetakan potensi likuifaksi pada Kawasan Candi prambanan dengan menngunakan metode Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI), Liquefaction Severity Index (LSI) dan Liquefaction Risk Index (LRI). Tiga metode yang sering digunakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pengaruh gerakan gelombang tersebut dan kaitannya dengan kedalaman tanah terhadap potensi likuifaksi untuk suatu lokasi tertentu dengan output data berupa peta potensi likuifaksi. Hasil penelitian ini di Kawasan Candi Prambanan potensi likuifaksi kecil bahkan sangat kecil
Analisa Kinerja Ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, DKI Jakarta
DKI Jakarta sebagai kota paling terbesar di Indonesia memiliki karakteristik jalan raya dengan tingkat kemacetan yang tinggi, salah satunya terjadi pada Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, DKI Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian mengikuti analisis yang terdapat pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. Penelitian ini meninjau ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat yang terbagi menjadi 2 segmen, yaitu segmen 1 adalah ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat dengan arus lalu lintas dari arah utara dan segmen 2 adalah ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat dengan arus lalu lintas dari arah selatan. Pengumpulan data arus lalu lintas dilakukan dengan survey lalu lintas untuk setiap arah. Survey dilakukan selama 2 (dua) hari, yaitu hari kerja (weekdays) dan hari libur (weekends) untuk satu jam puncak pagi, siang dan sore. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis adalah tingkat pelayanan ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat dengan arus lalu lintas dari arah utara (segmen 1) adalah D dengannilai V/C ratio 0,84 dan kecepatan rata-rata sebesar 48 km/jam. Sedangkan tingkat pelayanan ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat dengan arus lalu lintas dari arah selatan (segmen 2) adalah C dengan nilai V/C ratio 0,45 dan kecepatan rata-rata sebesar 41 km/jam
Employee Performance Measurement Development Based on Green HRM Indicators
The purpose of this study is to develop employee performance indicators based on Green HRM, quantitatively test the influence of Green HRM implementation on employee performance and answer black box that explain how the implementation of Green HRM can improve employee performance through the effect of mediation role (Organizational Identification) and moderation (Perceived Organizational Support). The sample of this research is 90 respondents from six state universities in Central Java Province with simple random sampling technique. Implementation of Green HRM is not only needed in the business world only, but also in education that has committed to implement environmental management system in its business process. The result of this study indicates that employee performance indicators based on Green HRM are formed from policies that support green behavior and green health in the office and also waste management policies. This research also supports the result that the implementation of Green HRM can increase the sense of ownership of employees in the organization that ultimately can improve its performance. However, the role of moderation was not significantly supported. This means that organizational support for successful implementation of Green HRM is not very necessary as long as employees understand the organization’s identity well. Suggestions for this study are, although the organizational support is not proven to moderate the successful implementation of Green HRM on the high organizational identification perceived by employees, but organizational support is still needed to support employee performance.
Keywords: Green HRM, Organizational Identification, Job Performance, Perceived Organizational Suppor
Pengaruh Pengaturan Populasi dan Ukuran Lempengan Rumput Manila (Zoysia Matrella (L.) Merr) terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangannya
Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. is a widely used ornamental grass, particularly in home and landscape gardens, because of its soft appearance and high quality. One of main problem is its low growth rate. Therefore, specific cultural techniques are required to accelerate its growth while maintaining its attractive appearance. This experiment was aimed to study the effect of sod size and planting distance of Zoysia mairella. on grass growth and development. The experiment was conducted at the IPB experimental station at Darmaga IV, Bogor, for 8 months and was completed in August 1990. The trials used a split plot design with 2 factors and 3 replications. Treatment consisted of 2 planting distances i.e. (20 x 20) cm and (25 x 25) cm, and 4 sod sizes, i.e. (2 x 2) cm, (5 x 5) cm, (8 x 8) cm, and (10 x 10) cm. The variables observed were percentage of coverage, rate of coverage, quality of leaf color quality of appearance, and uniformity of growth. The results indicated that population density did not significantly affect variables observed except for uniformity of growth. Hence, the larger the sod size, the higher its rate of coverage and the more uniform its appearance, but the lower its quality of appearance. Statistically, the sod size significantly affected the percentage of coverage, rate of coverage, quality of appearance, and uniformity of growt
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