5 research outputs found
Dual-photon absorptiometry of mandibles: in vitro test of a new method
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Short term bone healing in calcium deficiency osteopenia and disuse osteopenia: experimental studies in adult rats
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Bone density assessments of oral implant sites using computerized tomography
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Les exostoses orales : bilan de deux siècles de recherches
- Author
- A Al-Mobieerek
- A Castro-Sierra
- A Garcia-Garcia
- A Hrdlička
- A Jainkittivong
- A Jainkittivong
- A Ruprecht
- A Ruprecht
- A Sangwan
- A. Léonard
- AC Berry
- AC Berry
- AD Padbury Jr
- AE Curran
- AJP Broek Van Den
- AK Nunes-Furtado
- AM Tuzuner
- AO Inhuwo
- AW Gould
- B Mendelson
- B Tamba
- B Vidic
- BF Schaumann
- BJ Sellevold
- CA Czsusack
- CC Johnson
- CCL Wyatt
- CFA Moorrees
- CH Ellerston
- CJ Witkop Jr
- CL Chew
- CM Halffman
- CM Halffman
- CO Ogunsulu
- D Barker
- D Holtzclaw
- D Kerpdon
- DC Larato
- DJ Theodorou
- DJ Wasson
- DR King
- DR Sawyer
- DS Shah
- DS Topazian
- DZ Antoniades
- E Yildiz
- EA Hooton
- EA Pechenkina
- EB Nery
- EL MacInnis
- F Weidenreich
- FA Al-Quran
- FA Network
- FJ Otero-Cagide
- G Axellson
- G Axelsson
- G Barbujani
- G Hauser
- G Sinisterra
- GD Singh
- GD Singh
- GE Kennedy
- GM Horning
- GW Lasker
- H Ram
- H Sasaki
- H Yoshida
- H Zhou
- HF Al-Bayati
- HO Goodman
- HV Vallois
- I Bruce
- I Glickman
- J Hiss
- J Hjerstedt
- J Skrzat
- J Yamashita
- J. Bruzek
- JE Bouquot
- JK Woo
- JL Belsky
- JM Bernaba
- JO Agbaje
- JP Beena
- JP Lee
- JR Blakemore
- JS Kwon
- JT Mayhall
- JT Mayhall
- JT Mayhall
- K Sathya
- K Yonetsu
- KB Frazier
- KE Sonnier
- L Alvesalo
- L Alvesalo
- L Alvesalo
- LA Muntianu
- LB Cagirankaya
- LC Richards
- LK Haugen
- M Araki
- M Bernal Balaez
- M Cox
- M Gorsky
- M Gorsky
- M Moss
- M Moss
- M Moss
- M Moss
- M Suzuki
- MD Morrisson
- MM Corsini
- MR Drennan
- MY Yoshinaka
- MY Yoshinaka
- N Agrawal
- N Wovern
- NS Ossenberg
- O Castro Reino
- O Koray
- OM Pearson
- OO Dosumu
- P Bhusari
- P Brasili
- P. Bayle
- P. Murail
- PE Reichart
- PR Henrique
- RC Sutter
- RCM Hennekam
- RG Nair
- RG Scott
- S Eggen
- S Eggen
- S Eggen
- S Eggen
- S Eroglu
- S Kolas
- S Rai
- S Richter
- S Sergi
- SC Miller
- SD Ganz
- SE Sharabi
- SI Chaudhry
- SK Simunkovic
- SS Qazi
- T Hosoi
- T Kawai
- T Komari
- V Galera
- VE Krahl
- VK Hiremath
- W Apinhashmit
- WC Daniels
- WL Kellock
- Y Choi
- Y Hashim
- Y Igarashi
- Y Kaifu
- Y Sisman
- Y Sisman
- Y Takasugi
- YH Seah
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study