64,249 research outputs found

    Rich variety of defects in ZnO via an attractive interaction between O-vacancies and Zn-interstitials

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    As the concentration of intrinsic defects becomes sufficiently high in O-deficient ZnO, interactions between defects lead to a significant reduction in their formation energies. We show that the formation of both O-vacancies and Zn-interstitials becomes significantly enhanced by a strong attractive interaction between them, making these defects an important source of n-type conductivity in ZnO.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Genus Topology of the Cosmic Microwave Background from the WMAP 3-Year Data

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    We have independently measured the genus topology of the temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background seen in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) 3-year data. A genus analysis of the WMAP data indicates consistency with Gaussian random-phase initial conditions, as predicted by standard inflation. We set 95% confidence limits on non-linearities of -101 < f_{nl} < 107. We also find that the observed low l (l <= 8) modes show a slight anti-correlation with the Galactic foreground, but not exceeding 95% confidence, and that the topology defined by these modes is consistent with that of a Gaussian random-phase distribution (within 95% confidence).Comment: MNRAS LaTeX style (mn2e.cls), EPS and JPEG figure

    16 x 25 Ge:Ga Detector Arrays for FIFI LS

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    We are developing two-dimensional 16 x 25 pixel detector arrays of both unstressed and stressed Ge:Ga photoconductive detectors for far-infrared astronomy from SOFIA. The arrays, based on earlier 5 x 5 detector arrays used on the KAO, will be for our new instrument, the Far Infrared Field Imaging Line Spectrometer (FIFI LS). The unstressed Ge:Ga detector array will cover the wavelength range from 40 to 120 microns, and the stressed Ge:Ga detector array from 120 to 210 microns. The detector arrays will be operated with multiplexed integrating amplifiers with cryogenic readout electronics located close to the detector arrays. The design of the stressed detector array and results of current measurements on several prototype 16 pixel linear arrays are reported. They demonstrate the feasibility of the current concept. ***This paper does not include Figures due to astro-ph size limitations. Please download entire file at http://fifi-ls.mpe-garching.mpg.de/spie.det.ps.gz ***Comment: 8 pages, SPIE Proceedings, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 200

    Monte Carlo simulations of bosonic reaction-diffusion systems

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    An efficient Monte Carlo simulation method for bosonic reaction-diffusion systems which are mainly used in the renormalization group (RG) study is proposed. Using this method, one dimensional bosonic single species annihilation model is studied and, in turn, the results are compared with RG calculations. The numerical data are consistent with RG predictions. As a second application, a bosonic variant of the pair contact process with diffusion (PCPD) is simulated and shown to share the critical behavior with the PCPD. The invariance under the Galilean transformation of this boson model is also checked and discussion about the invariance in conjunction with other models are in order.Comment: Publishe

    Pure spinor computation towards open string three-loop

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    Using the recent results in the pure spinor formulation, we lay out a ground-work towards the full momentum space amplitudes of open superstrings at three-loop. After briefly reviewing the one-loop amplitude, we directly work out the two-loop and reproduce the result that was obtained by a symmetry argument. For the three-loop, first we use the two-loop regulator as a warm-up exercise. The result vanishes. We then employ the regulator that has been recently proposed by Aisaka and Berkovits (AB). It is noted that the terms in higher power in 1λλˉ\frac{1}{\lambda\bar{\lambda}} that render the two-loop regulator disqualified for the three-loop do not contribute. This with a few other indications suggests a possibility that the AB regulator might also lead to a vanishing result. Nevertheless, we argue that it is possible to acquire the three-loop amplitude, and present a result that we anticipate to be the three-loop amplitude.Comment: 41 pages, latex, cosmetic change

    Dynamic behavior of driven interfaces in models with two absorbing states

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    We study the dynamics of an interface (active domain) between different absorbing regions in models with two absorbing states in one dimension; probabilistic cellular automata models and interacting monomer-dimer models. These models exhibit a continuous transition from an active phase into an absorbing phase, which belongs to the directed Ising (DI) universality class. In the active phase, the interface spreads ballistically into the absorbing regions and the interface width diverges linearly in time. Approaching the critical point, the spreading velocity of the interface vanishes algebraically with a DI critical exponent. Introducing a symmetry-breaking field hh that prefers one absorbing state over the other drives the interface to move asymmetrically toward the unpreferred absorbing region. In Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the spreading velocity of this driven interface shows a discontinuous jump at criticality. We explain that this unusual behavior is due to a finite relaxation time in the absorbing phase. The crossover behavior from the symmetric case (DI class) to the asymmetric case (directed percolation class) is also studied. We find the scaling dimension of the symmetry-breaking field yh=1.21(5)y_h = 1.21(5).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Revte

    Effects of Foreground Contamination on the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Measured by MAP

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    We study the effects of diffuse Galactic, far-infrared extragalactic source, and radio point source emission on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy data anticipated from the MAP experiment. We focus on the correlation function and genus statistics measured from mock MAP foreground-contaminated CMB anisotropy maps generated in a spatially-flat cosmological constant dominated cosmological model. Analyses of the simulated MAP data at 90 GHz (0.3 deg FWHM resolution smoothed) show that foreground effects on the correlation function are small compared with cosmic variance. However, the Galactic emission, even just from the region with |b| > 20 deg, significantly affects the topology of CMB anisotropy, causing a negative genus shift non-Gaussianity signal. Given the expected level of cosmic variance, this effect can be effectively reduced by subtracting existing Galactic foreground emission models from the observed data. IRAS and DIRBE far-infrared extragalactic sources have little effect on the CMB anisotropy. Radio point sources raise the amplitude of the correlation function considerably on scales below 0.5 deg. Removal of bright radio sources above a 5 \sigma detection limit effectively eliminates this effect. Radio sources also result in a positive genus curve asymmetry (significant at 2 \sigma) on 0.5 deg scales. Accurate radio point source data is essential for an unambiguous detection of CMB anisotropy non-Gaussianity on these scales. Non-Gaussianity of cosmological origin can be detected from the foreground-subtracted CMB anisotropy map at the 2 \sigma level if the measured genus shift parameter |\Delta\nu| >= 0.02 (0.04) or if the measured genus asymmetry parameter |\Delta g| >= 0.03 (0.08) on a 0.3 (1.0) deg FWHM scale.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for Publication in Astrophysical Journal (Some sentences and figures modified