1,421 research outputs found

    A Calabi-Yau algebra with E6E_6 symmetry and the Clebsch-Gordan series of sl(3)sl(3)

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    Building on classical invariant theory, it is observed that the polarised traces generate the centraliser ZL(sl(N))Z_L(sl(N)) of the diagonal embedding of U(sl(N))U(sl(N)) in U(sl(N))⊗LU(sl(N))^{\otimes L}. The paper then focuses on sl(3)sl(3) and the case L=2L=2. A Calabi--Yau algebra A\mathcal{A} with three generators is introduced and explicitly shown to possess a PBW basis and a certain central element. It is seen that Z2(sl(3))Z_2(sl(3)) is isomorphic to a quotient of the algebra A\mathcal{A} by a single explicit relation fixing the value of the central element. Upon concentrating on three highest weight representations occurring in the Clebsch--Gordan series of U(sl(3))U(sl(3)), a specialisation of A\mathcal{A} arises, involving the pairs of numbers characterising the three highest weights. In this realisation in U(sl(3))⊗U(sl(3))U(sl(3))\otimes U(sl(3)), the coefficients in the defining relations and the value of the central element have degrees that correspond to the fundamental degrees of the Weyl group of type E6E_6. With the correct association between the six parameters of the representations and some roots of E6E_6, the symmetry under the full Weyl group of type E6E_6 is made manifest. The coefficients of the relations and the value of the central element in the realisation in U(sl(3))⊗U(sl(3))U(sl(3))\otimes U(sl(3)) are expressed in terms of the fundamental invariant polynomials associated to E6E_6. It is also shown that the relations of the algebra A\mathcal{A} can be realised with Heun type operators in the Racah or Hahn algebra.Comment: 24 page

    Generalized squeezed-coherent states of the finite one-dimensional oscillator and matrix multi-orthogonality

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    A set of generalized squeezed-coherent states for the finite u(2) oscillator is obtained. These states are given as linear combinations of the mode eigenstates with amplitudes determined by matrix elements of exponentials in the su(2) generators. These matrix elements are given in the (N+1)-dimensional basis of the finite oscillator eigenstates and are seen to involve 3x3 matrix multi-orthogonal polynomials Q_n(k) in a discrete variable k which have the Krawtchouk and vector-orthogonal polynomials as their building blocks. The algebraic setting allows for the characterization of these polynomials and the computation of mean values in the squeezed-coherent states. In the limit where N goes to infinity and the discrete oscillator approaches the standard harmonic oscillator, the polynomials tend to 2x2 matrix orthogonal polynomials and the squeezed-coherent states tend to those of the standard oscillator.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    An infinite family of superintegrable Hamiltonians with reflection in the plane

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    We introduce a new infinite class of superintegrable quantum systems in the plane. Their Hamiltonians involve reflection operators. The associated Schr\"odinger equations admit separation of variables in polar coordinates and are exactly solvable. The angular part of the wave function is expressed in terms of little -1 Jacobi polynomials. The spectra exhibit "accidental" degeneracies. The superintegrability of the model is proved using the recurrence relation approach. The (higher-order) constants of motion are constructed and the structure equations of the symmetry algebra obtained.Comment: 19 page

    The missing label of su3\mathfrak{su}_3 and its symmetry

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    We present explicit formulas for the operators providing missing labels for the tensor product of two irreducible representations of su3\mathfrak{su}_3. The result is seen as a particular representation of the diagonal centraliser of su3\mathfrak{su}_3 through a pair of tridiagonal matrices. Using these explicit formulas, we investigate the symmetry of this missing label problem and we find a symmetry group of order 144 larger than what can be expected from the natural symmetries. Several realisations of this symmetry group are given, including an interpretation as a subgroup of the Weyl group of type E6E_6, which appeared in an earlier work as the symmetry group of the diagonal centraliser. Using the combinatorics of the root system of type E6E_6, we provide a family of representations of the diagonal centraliser by infinite tridiagonal matrices, from which all the finite-dimensional representations affording the missing label can be extracted. Besides, some connections with the Hahn algebra, Heun--Hahn operators and Bethe ansatz are discussed along with some similarities with the well-known symmetries of the Clebsch--Gordan coefficients

    How to construct spin chains with perfect state transfer

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    It is shown how to systematically construct the XXXX quantum spin chains with nearest-neighbor interactions that allow perfect state transfer (PST). Sets of orthogonal polynomials (OPs) are in correspondence with such systems. The key observation is that for any admissible one-excitation energy spectrum, the weight function of the associated OPs is uniquely prescribed. This entails the complete characterization of these PST models with the mirror symmetry property arising as a corollary. A simple and efficient algorithm to obtain the corresponding Hamiltonians is presented. A new model connected to a special case of the symmetric qq-Racah polynomials is offered. It is also explained how additional models with PST can be derived from a parent system by removing energy levels from the one-excitation spectrum of the latter. This is achieved through Christoffel transformations and is also completely constructive in regards to the Hamiltonians.Comment: 7 page

    Superspace realizations of the Bannai-Ito algebra

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    A model of the Bannai-Ito algebra in a superspace is introduced. It is obtained from the three-fold tensor product of the basic realization of the Lie superalgebra osp(1∣2)osp(1|2) in terms of operators in one continuous and one Grassmanian variable. The basis vectors of the resulting Bannai-Ito algebra module involve Jacobi polynomials

    A superintegrable finite oscillator in two dimensions with SU(2) symmetry

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    A superintegrable finite model of the quantum isotropic oscillator in two dimensions is introduced. It is defined on a uniform lattice of triangular shape. The constants of the motion for the model form an SU(2) symmetry algebra. It is found that the dynamical difference eigenvalue equation can be written in terms of creation and annihilation operators. The wavefunctions of the Hamiltonian are expressed in terms of two known families of bivariate Krawtchouk polynomials; those of Rahman and those of Tratnik. These polynomials form bases for SU(2) irreducible representations. It is further shown that the pair of eigenvalue equations for each of these families are related to each other by an SU(2) automorphism. A finite model of the anisotropic oscillator that has wavefunctions expressed in terms of the same Rahman polynomials is also introduced. In the continuum limit, when the number of grid points goes to infinity, standard two-dimensional harmonic oscillators are obtained. The analysis provides the N→∞N\rightarrow \infty limit of the bivariate Krawtchouk polynomials as a product of one-variable Hermite polynomials

    Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics with Reflections

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    We consider a realization of supersymmetric quantum mechanics where supercharges are differential-difference operators with reflections. A supersymmetric system with an extended Scarf I potential is presented and analyzed. Its eigenfunctions are given in terms of little -1 Jacobi polynomials which obey an eigenvalue equation of Dunkl type and arise as a q-> -1 limit of the little q-Jacobi polynomials. Intertwining operators connecting the wave functions of extended Scarf I potentials with different parameters are presented.Comment: 17 page

    More on the q-oscillator algebra and q-orthogonal polynomials

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    Properties of certain qq-orthogonal polynomials are connected to the qq-oscillator algebra. The Wall and qq-Laguerre polynomials are shown to arise as matrix elements of qq-exponentials of the generators in a representation of this algebra. A realization is presented where the continuous qq-Hermite polynomials form a basis of the representation space. Various identities are interpreted within this model. In particular, the connection formula between the continuous big qq-Hermite polynomials and the continuous qq-Hermite polynomials is thus obtained, and two generating functions for these last polynomials are algebraically derived

    Anomalous density of states in a metallic film in proximity with a superconductor

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    We investigated the local electronic density of states in superconductor-normal metal (Nb-Au) bilayers using a very low temperature (60 mK) STM. High resolution tunneling spectra measured on the normal metal (Au) surface show a clear proximity effect with an energy gap of reduced amplitude compared to the bulk superconductor (Nb) gap. Within this mini-gap, the density of states does not reach zero and shows clear sub-gap features. We show that the experimental spectra cannot be described with the well-established Usadel equations from the quasi-classical theory.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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