18 research outputs found

    Along-track geopotential difference and deflection of the vertical from grace range rate: Use of GEOGRACE

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    We present a theory and numerical algorithm to directly determine the time-varying along-track geopotential difference and deflection of the vertical at the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite altitude. The determination was implemented using the GEOGRACE computer program using the K-band range rate (KBRR) of GRACE from the Level-1B (L1B) product. The method treated KBRR, GPS-derived orbit of GRACE and an initial geopotential difference as measurements used in the least-squares estimation of the geopotential difference and its formal error constrained by the energy conservation principle. The computational procedure consisted of three steps: data reading and interpolation, data calibration and estimations of the geopotential difference and its error. The formal error allowed removal of KBRR outliers that contaminated the gravity solutions. We used the most recent models to account for the gravity changes from multiple sources. A case study was carried out over India to estimate surface mass anomalies from GEOGRACE-derived geopotential differences. The 10-day mass changes were consistent with those from the MASCON solutions of NASA (correlation coefficient up to 0.88). Using the geopotential difference at satellite altitude avoids the errors caused by downward continuation, enabling the detection of small-scale mass changes.Physical and Space Geodes

    Assessing total water storage and identifying flood events over Tonlé Sap basin in Cambodia using GRACE and MODIS satellite observations combined with hydrological models

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    Abstract In this study, satellite observations including gravity (GRACE), terrestrial reflectance (MODIS), and global precipitation (TRMM) data, along with the output from the PCR-GLOBWB hydrological model, are used to generate monthly and sub-monthly terrestrial water storage (TWS) estimates and quantify flood events over the Tonlé Sap basin between 2002 and 2014. This study is the first time GRACE data have been used to investigate the hydrological processes over the Tonlé Sap basin. To improve the accuracy of the TWS estimates from GRACE, a signal restoration method was applied in an effort to recover the signal loss (i.e., signal leakage) inherent in the standard GRACE post-processing scheme. The method applies the correction based on the GRACE observations only, requiring no external data or hydrological models. The effectiveness of the technique over the Tonlé Sap basin was validated against several independent data sets. Based on the GRACE observations since 2002, the 2011 and 2013 flood events were clearly identified, and measured to have basin-averaged TWS values of 42 cm (40% higher than the long-term mean peak value) and 36 cm (34% higher) equivalent water height, respectively. Those same years also coincide with the largest observed flood extents, estimated from the MODIS data as 6561 km2 (91% above the long-term mean peak value) and 5710 km2 (66% above), respectively. Those flood events are also linked to the observed inter-annual variations of water storage between 2010 and 2014. It was shown that those inter-annual variations mainly reflect the variations in the surface water and groundwater storage components, influenced by the change of the precipitation intensity. In addition, this study presents a new approach for deriving monthly and sub-monthly TWS variations over a regularly inundated area by using MODIS reflectance data in addition to GRACE solutions. The results of this study show that GRACE data can be considered as an effective tool for monitoring certain small-scale (82,000 km2) hydrological basins

    Data assimilation of GRACE terrestrial water storage estimates into a regional hydrological model of the Rhine River basin

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    The ability to estimate terrestrial water storage (TWS) realistically is essential for understanding past hydrological events and predicting future changes in the hydrological cycle. Inadequacies in model physics, uncertainty in model land parameters, and uncertainties in meteorological data commonly limit the accuracy of hydrological models in simulating TWS. In an effort to improve model performance, this study investigated the benefits of assimilating TWS estimates derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data into the OpenStreams wflow_hbv model using an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) approach. The study area chosen was the Rhine River basin, which has both well-calibrated model parameters and high-quality forcing data that were used for experimentation and comparison. Four different case studies were examined which were designed to evaluate different levels of forcing data quality and resolution including those typical of other less well-monitored river basins. The results were validated using in situ groundwater (GW) and stream gauge data. The analysis showed a noticeable improvement in GW estimates when GRACE data were assimilated, with a best-case improvement of correlation coefficient from 0.31 to 0.53 and root mean square error (RMSE) from 8.4 to 5.4 cm compared to the reference (ensemble open-loop) case. For the data-sparse case, the best-case GW estimates increased the correlation coefficient from 0.46 to 0.61 and decreased the RMSE by 35%. For the average improvement of GW estimates (for all four cases), the correlation coefficient increases from 0.6 to 0.7 and the RMSE was reduced by 15%. Only a slight overall improvement was observed in streamflow estimates when GRACE data were assimilated. Further analysis suggested that this is likely due to sporadic short-term, but sizeable, errors in the forcing data and the lack of sufficient constraints on the soil moisture component. Overall, the results highlight the benefit of assimilating GRACE data into hydrological models, particularly in data-sparse regions, while also providing insight on future refinements of the methodology

    Estimation and reduction of random noise in mass anomaly time-series from satellite gravity data by minimization of month-to-month year-to-year double differences

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    We propose a technique to regularize a GRACE-based mass-anomaly time-series in order to (i) quantify the Standard Deviation (SD) of random noise in the data, and (ii) reduce the level of that noise. The proposed regularization functional minimizes the Month-to-month Year-to-year Double Differences (MYDD) of mass anomalies. As such, it does not introduce any bias in the linear trend and the annual component, two of the most common features in GRACE-based mass anomaly time-series. In the context of hydrological and ice sheet studies, the proposed regularization functional can be interpreted as an assumption about the stationarity of climatological conditions. The optimal regularization parameter and noise SD are obtained using Variance Component Estimation. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed technique, we apply it to both synthetic and real data. In the latter case, two geographic areas are considered: the TonlĂ© Sap basin in Cambodia and Greenland. We show that random noise in the data can be efficiently (1.5–2 times) mitigated in this way, whereas no noticeable bias is introduced. We also discuss various findings that can be made on the basis of the estimated noise SD. We show, among others, that knowledge of noise SD facilitates the analysis of differences between GRACE-based and alternative estimates of mass variations. Moreover, inaccuracies in the latter can also be quantified in this way. For instance, we find that noise in the surface mass anomalies in Greenland estimated using the Regional Climate Model RACMO2.3 is at the level of 2–6 cm equivalent water heights. Furthermore, we find that this noise shows a clear correlation with the amplitude of annual mass variations: it is lowest in the north-west of Greenland and largest in the south. We attribute this noise to limitations in the modelling of the meltwater accumulation and run-off.Physical and Space Geodes

    On the use of the GRACE normal equation of inter-satellite tracking data for estimation of soil moisture and groundwater in Australia

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    An accurate estimation of soil moisture and groundwater is essential for monitoring the availability of water supply in domestic and agricultural sectors. In order to improve the water storage estimates, previous studies assimilated terrestrial water storage variation (ΔTWS) derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) into land surface models (LSMs). However, the GRACE-derived ΔTWS was generally computed from the high-level products (e.g. time-variable gravity fields, i.e. level 2, and land grid from the level 3 product). The gridded data products are subjected to several drawbacks such as signal attenuation and/or distortion caused by a posteriori filters and a lack of error covariance information. The post-processing of GRACE data might lead to the undesired alteration of the signal and its statistical property. This study uses the GRACE least-squares normal equation data to exploit the GRACE information rigorously and negate these limitations. Our approach combines GRACE's least-squares normal equation (obtained from ITSG-Grace2016 product) with the results from the Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model to improve soil moisture and groundwater estimates. This study demonstrates, for the first time, an importance of using the GRACE raw data. The GRACE-combined (GC) approach is developed for optimal least-squares combination and the approach is applied to estimate the soil moisture and groundwater over 10 Australian river basins. The results are validated against the satellite soil moisture observation and the in situ groundwater data. Comparing to CABLE, we demonstrate the GC approach delivers evident improvement of water storage estimates, consistently from all basins, yielding better agreement on seasonal and inter-annual timescales. Significant improvement is found in groundwater storage while marginal improvement is observed in surface soil moisture estimates

    A data-driven model for constraint of present-day glacial isostatic adjustment in North America

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    Geodetic measurements of vertical land motion and gravity change are incorporated into an a priori model of present-day glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) in North America via least-squares adjustment. The result is an updated GIA model wherein the final predicted signal is informed by both observational data, and prior knowledge (or intuition) of GIA inferred from models. The data-driven method allows calculation of the uncertainties of predicted GIA fields, and thus offers a significant advantage over predictions from purely forward GIA models. In order to assess the influence each dataset has on the final GIA prediction, the vertical land motion and GRACE-measured gravity data are incorporated into the model first independently (i.e., one dataset only), then simultaneously. The relative weighting of the datasets and the prior input is iteratively determined by variance component estimation in order to achieve the most statistically appropriate fit to the data. The best-fit model is obtained when both datasets are inverted and gives respective RMS misfits to the GPS and GRACE data of 1.3 mm/yr and 0.8 mm/yr equivalent water layer change. Non-GIA signals (e.g., hydrology) are removed from the datasets prior to inversion. The post-fit residuals between the model predictions and the vertical motion and gravity datasets, however, suggest particular regions where significant non-GIA signals may still be present in the data, including unmodeled hydrological changes in the central Prairies west of Lake Winnipeg. Outside of these regions of misfit, the posterior uncertainty of the predicted model provides a measure of the formal uncertainty associated with the GIA process; results indicate that this quantity is sensitive to the uncertainty and spatial distribution of the input data as well as that of the prior model information. In the study area, the predicted uncertainty of the present-day GIA signal ranges from ∌0.2-1.2 mm/yr for rates of vertical land motion, and from ∌3-4 mm/yr of equivalent water layer change for gravity variations.Physical and Space Geodes

    Improving flood and drought management in agricultural river basins: An application to the Mun River Basin in Thailand

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    Agriculture productivity is regularly affected by floods and droughts, and the severity is likely to increase in the future. Even if significant efforts are spent on water development projects, ineffective project planning often means that they continue to occur or are only partly mitigated, for example, in the Mun River Basin, Thailand, where 1,000 s of water projects have been implemented. Despite this, the basin regularly experiences floods and droughts. In this study, an analysis of the adverse impacts of basin-scale floods and droughts on rice cultivation in the Mun River Basin is conducted, and an estimation of the coping capacity of existing measures. The results demonstrate that while the total storage capacity of in-situ and ongoing projects would be sufficient to tackle both hazards, it can only be achieved if the projects are effectively utilised. Based on this, proposed solutions for the region include small farm ponds, a subsurface floodwater harvesting system, and oxbow lake reconnections. The suggested measures are practicable, economical, environmentally low-impact, and their implementation (if executed with appropriate care) would reduce flood and drought problems in the basin. Notably, the measures and calculation methods proposed for this basin can also be applied to other crops and regions