306 research outputs found

    Динамика энергоструктурной активности при ингаляционной анестезии

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    Цель. Улучшение результатов лечения больных путем придания периоперационному обеспечению ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном энергопротективной направленности. Материалы и методы. У пациентов с острой патологией органов брюшной полости проведен аудит энергоструктурной активности во время ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном. В группе сравнения использовали общепринятый протокол, в основной – с применением органопротективных технологий. Определяли клинические индексы опасности (КИО), безопасности (КИБ), кардиальный резерв (КР), микроциркуляторно–митохондриальную недостаточность (ММН), концентрацию в крови нейроглиального белка (S100) и нейронспецифической энолазы (NSE). Результаты. Ингаляционная анестезия севофлураном нарушает энергоструктурные взаимодействия (ЭСВ) в массе клеток тела (МКТ). Энергопротективные технологии снижают степень повреждения, о чем свидетельствовала концентрация в крови S100 и NSE. Выводы. Применение энергопротективных технологий в соответствии с категориями энергоструктурной активности в МКТ позволяет улучшить результаты лечения пациентов с острой патологией брюшной полости и персонифицировать анестезиологическое обеспечение. Выявлена и доказана тесная корреляционная связь между ранними проявлениями структурных микроповреждений клеток головного мозга с энергоструктурными изменениями в МКТ пациентов

    Mesalazine use tactics in the ulcerative colitis patients

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    Aim of the lecture. To specify indications for the administration of the 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-АSA) in the patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and to discuss the possibility of correlation between the body mass index, the disease activity and reasonability for the prescription of the mesalazine (Pentasa) as a monotherapy.Key points. 5-АSA is the first line drug for the UC patients. The efficacy has been demonstrated in a huge number of studies, the indications for the administration have been determined and are dependent on the disease activity index. 5-АSA are used in moderate rate of the inflammatory activity. This article discusses the question of the possible relation between the body mass loss during the disease, www.m-vesti.ru and the body mass index as the additional factors for the determining of the pathological process activity and the indications for the prescription of the 5-АSA drugs. The article points out the possibility of the mesalazine rectal suppositories use for proctitis in the patients with UC that increases the adhesion of the patients to the treatment.Conclusion. Mesazaline is efficient in the UC patients with both distal as well as extended forms of the disease. The additional factor which determines the disease activity is probably the patients’ nutritional status which is expedient to be taken into account while selecting the therapy

    Unusual presentation of metastatic adenocarcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The most common tumours of the adrenal gland are adenoma, pheochromocytoma, adrenocortical carcinoma, and metastases. Although the imaging features of these tumours are established, the imaging characteristics of uncommon adrenal masses are less well known. In patients with extradrenal tumour, incidental discovery of an adrenal mass necessitates excluding the possibility of metastatic malignancy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 52 year-old female was diagnosed with oesophageal adenocarcinoma and treated with oesophagectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Sixteen months later on staging CT scan a 2 × 2 cm adrenal mass was detected, which increased in size over a period of time to 3 × 3 cm in size. Adrenalectomy was performed and histological examination revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma within an adrenal adenoma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present case highlights the unusual behaviour of an oesophageal adenocarcinoma causing metastasis to an adrenocortical adenoma.</p

    Efficacy of mesalazine at ulcerative colitis with nutritional failure

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    Aim of investigation. To specify relation between trophological status, severity of relapse of ulcerative colitis (UC) and efficacy of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) for achievement of clinical remission.Summary. Nutritional status plays important role for body recovery at relapse of chronic diseases, including UC. At patients with nutritional failure remission achievement time becomes longer, bed-stay duration is increased. On the other hand, overweight patients often have more severe course of UC, as it affects important pathogenic processes. This article discusses possible links between trophological status and achievement of clinical remission, as well as between nutritional failure at UC and efficacy of mesalazine monotherapy.Conclusion. More severe course of UC, long bedstay, lower mesalazine efficacy are marked at patients with nutritional failure in comparison with those scores at patients with normal trophological status. At over-weight patients in comparison with patients with normal nutritional status no significant differences in specified parameters is observed

    Severe Diverticulitis Associated to <i>Clostridioides difficile</i> Infection in a 91 Year Old Patient (Clinical Case)

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    Aim. To present a clinical case of a 91-year-old patient with a severe course of diverticulitis combined with the development of Clostridioides difficile-associated disease.Key points. On admission the patient complained of pain in the left iliac region, increased body temperature, constipation and bloating. The medical history showed that constipation increased on the background of prolonged bed rest and discontinuation of psyllium. According to the laboratory and instrumental examinations, the patient had signs of acute diverticulitis, antibacterial therapy was corrected twice, positive dynamics of the condition was noted. However, a few days later, the patient developed a clinic of C. difficile-associated disease, which required the prescription of anticlostridial therapy (vancomycin), until the laboratory confirmation of the accession of this infection was obtained. Combined therapy of exacerbation of diverticular disease and C. difficile-associated disease made it possible to achieve a steady improvement of the condition.Conclusion. The exclusion of possible development of C. difficile-associated disease on the background or prior antibiotic therapy is an important condition for correct and adequate management of a patient with exacerbation of diverticular disease. If the patient develops a clinical picture of C. difficile-associated disease, treatment may be initiated before laboratory confirmation

    Критерии лабораторной диагностики нозокомиального менингита у пациентов отделения реанимации и интенсивной терапии. Опыт пятилетнего проспективного наблюдения

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    Introduction. Nosocomial meningitis (NM) is one of the leading complications in neurosurgery due to high mortality and disability rates.Objective. The study was aimed to determine the reference values of laboratory parameters to diagnose NM in neurosurgical patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).Results. The incidence of NM in neurosurgical patients in ICU was 8.4 (95% CI 6.8–10. 0) per 100 patients. The dominant microbial agents of NM were coagulase-negative staphylococci, A. baumannii, and K. pneumoniae. We revealed the increase in leukocytosis, C-reactive protein, and blood procalcitonin in patients with infectious complications of other systems, regardless of NM presence. Episodes of hyponatremia and an increase in body temperature ≥ 38.0 occurred signifcantly more often in patients with NM. Changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytosis, glucose, lactate, and the CSF/blood glucose ratio can serve as reliable criteria in the NM diagnosis.Conclusions. The diagnosis of NM is most likely when the increase in CSF cytosis &gt; 65 cells/μL, CSF lactate &gt; 4.2 mmol/L is observed, the decrease in the CSF glucose &lt; 2.6 mmol, and CSF/blood glucose ratio &lt; 0.45 is found.Нозокомиальный менингит (НМ) является одной из ведущих проблем в нейрохирургии в связи с высоким уровнем летальности и инвалидизации.Цель: определить референсные значения лабораторных показателей в диагностике НМ у нейрохирургических пациентов в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ).Результаты. Частота развития НМ у нейрохирургических пациентов в ОРИТ составила 8,4 (95%-ный ДИ 6,8‒10,0) на 100 больных. Доминирующими возбудителями НМ являлись: коагулазонегативные стафилококки, A. baumannii и K. Pneumoniae. Оценка лейкоцитоза, С-реактивного белка и прокальцитонина в крови выявила повышение их уровня у пациентов с инфекционными осложнениями других систем независимо от наличия НМ. Эпизоды гипонатриемии и повышения температуры тела ≥ 38,0°С встречались статистически значимо чаще у пациентов с НМ. Изменения цитоза ликвора, концентраций глюкозы в ликворе, лактата в ликворе, а также соотношения концентраций глюкозы в ликворе к глюкозе в крови (коэффициента CSF/SGlu) могут служить достоверными критериями в диагностике НМ.Выводы. Диагноз НМ наиболее вероятен: при повышении цитоза ликвора &gt; 65 клеток в 1 мкл, лактата в ликворе &gt; 4,2 ммоль/л; снижении концентрации глюкозы в ликворе &lt; 2,6 ммоль/л, коэффициента CSF/SGlu &lt; 0,45

    Determination of Probiotics Prescription Indications in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Materials of the Expert Council and Literature Review)

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    Aim. To review the main indications for probiotics prescription in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and to present the materials of an Expert Council, which was held on 18 March 2022 in Moscow.Key points. Gut microbiota disturbance is an integral part of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) pathogenesis. Changes of colonic microbiota composition are associated with its functional potential modification, which leads to an increasing of the pro-inflammatory immune response, as well as to an exacerbation of the disease symptoms and quality of life decreasing in patients with IBS. The novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is an independent risk factor for both exacerbation and onset of IBS, which predispose to increase IBS incidence. Correction of gut microbiota composition with probiotics seems to be a promising therapeutic target for IBS treatment optimizing. The optimal probiotic should be effective, safe, strain-specific, and its dose and duration of administration should be confirmed by the results of clinical studies. Some of the probiotics with proven efficacy in IBS are Alflorex® and Enterol®.Conclusion. Prescription of certain probiotics in IBS is advisable to normalize the frequency and consistency of stools, relieve abdominal pain and bloating, as well as improve patients’ quality of life

    Modern Approaches to the Diagnosis and treatment of <i>Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile)</i>-associated Disease in Adults (literature Review and Expert Council Resolution)

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    Aim: to review the modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of C. difficile-associated disease in adults and present the resolution of the Expert Council held on March 25, 2023 in Moscow.General provisions. C. difficile is the most important nosocomial pathogen which spores are also commonly found in the environment. Microbiota impairment, primarily due to the use of antibacterial drugs, is a key stage in the development of C. difficile-associated disease. A search for an infection should be carried out only in patients with diarrhea, and it is advisable to use at least 2 laboratory methods. The drug of choice for first-line treatment is vancomycin. If drug treatment is ineffective or the patient has recurrent clostridial infection, fecal microbiota transplantation should be considered. The probiotic strain Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 has a direct inhibitory effect on C. difficile toxin A, promotes normalization of the intestinal microbiota composition, and decreases the inflammatory reaction in colonic mucosa colonized with a toxigenic strain of C. difficile.Conclusions. Addition of the probiotic strain Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 to antibacterial therapy promotes both primary and secondary prevention of C. difficile-associated disease

    Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Various Specialties of Medical Practice (Literature Review and Expert Council Resolution)

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    Aim: to discuss current views on the clinical significance, diagnostic opportunities, and therapeutic approaches in the treatment of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as an important component in the gut microbiota function assessment, to assess the awareness of physicians and the opportunities in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease in patients in the Federal districts of the Russian Federation, as well as to present the proceedings of the Expert Council held on December 16, 2023 in Moscow.Key points. SIBO is a common syndrome often associated with irritable bowel syndrome, liver cirrhosis, asthma, and congestive heart failure, being also a predictor of early death in the elderly. Today, in many regions of the Russian Federation, there are limitations for instrumental diagnosis of this disease — lack of awareness among doctors, unavailability of gas analyzers for diagnosing SIBO, lack of information about the need to diagnose SIBO in the standards of compulsory health insurance. Rifaximin is the first-line treatment due to the highest therapeutic efficacy. One of the ways to increase the efficacy of SIBO treatment is to include strain-specific probiotics in the treatment regimen. Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 is thought to be the most studied, promising probiotic. The review also presents statistical data on the issues in the diagnosis and treatment of SIBO in the regions of the Russian Federation.Conclusion. Optimization of approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of SIBO, the development of domestic gas analyzers, increasing the awareness of physicians in all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the development and optimization of clinical recommendations appear to be necessary measures to increase the effectiveness of medical care, the duration and quality of life of the Russian population. These goals can be achieved within the framework of Federal programs under the supervision of specialized reference centers of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation