538 research outputs found

    Different pathways in mechanical unfolding/folding cycle of a single semiflexible polymer

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    Kinetics of conformational change of a semiflexible polymer under mechanical external field were investigated with Langevin dynamics simulations. It is found that a semiflexible polymer exhibits large hysteresis in mechanical folding/unfolding cycle even with a slow operation, whereas in a flexible polymer, the hysteresis almost disappears at a sufficiently slow operation. This suggests that the essential features of the structural transition of a semiflexible polymer should be interpreted at least on a two-dimensional phase space. The appearance of such large hysteresis is discussed in relation to different pathways in the loading and unloading processes. By using a minimal two-variable model, the hysteresis loop is described in terms of different pathways on the transition between two stable states.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Extracting Structural Information of a Heteropolymer from Force-Extension Curves

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    We present a theory for the reverse analysis on the sequence information of a single H/P two-letter random hetero-polymer (RHP) from its force-extension(f-z) curves during quasi static stretching. Upon stretching of a self-assembled RHP, it undergoes several structural transitions. The typical elastic response of a hetero-polymeric globule is a set of overlapping saw-tooth patterns. With consideration of the height and the position of the overlapping saw-tooth shape, we analyze the possibility of extracting the binding energies of the internal domains and the corresponding block sizes of the contributing conformations.Comment: 5 figures 7 page

    Theory of biopolymer stretching at high forces

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    We provide a unified theory for the high force elasticity of biopolymers solely in terms of the persistence length, ξp\xi_p, and the monomer spacing, aa. When the force f>\fh \sim k_BT\xi_p/a^2 the biopolymers behave as Freely Jointed Chains (FJCs) while in the range \fl \sim k_BT/\xi_p < f < \fh the Worm-like Chain (WLC) is a better model. We show that ξp\xi_p can be estimated from the force extension curve (FEC) at the extension x1/2x\approx 1/2 (normalized by the contour length of the biopolymer). After validating the theory using simulations, we provide a quantitative analysis of the FECs for a diverse set of biopolymers (dsDNA, ssRNA, ssDNA, polysaccharides, and unstructured PEVK domain of titin) for x1/2x \ge 1/2. The success of a specific polymer model (FJC or WLC) to describe the FEC of a given biopolymer is naturally explained by the theory. Only by probing the response of biopolymers over a wide range of forces can the ff-dependent elasticity be fully described.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal Fluctuations of Elastic Filaments with Spontaneous Curvature and Torsion

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    We study the effects of thermal flucutations on thin elastic filaments with spontaneous curvature and torsion. We derive analytical expressions for the orientational correlation functions and for the persistence length of helices, and find that this length varies non-monotonically with the strength of thermal fluctuations. In the weak fluctuation regime, the persistence length of a spontaneously twisted helix has three resonance peaks as a function of the twist rate. In the limit of strong fluctuations, all memory of the helical shape is lost.Comment: 1 figur

    Theory of High-Force DNA Stretching and Overstretching

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    Single molecule experiments on single- and double stranded DNA have sparked a renewed interest in the force-extension of polymers. The extensible Freely Jointed Chain (FJC) model is frequently invoked to explain the observed behavior of single-stranded DNA. We demonstrate that this model does not satisfactorily describe recent high-force stretching data. We instead propose a model (the Discrete Persistent Chain, or ``DPC'') that borrows features from both the FJC and the Wormlike Chain, and show that it resembles the data more closely. We find that most of the high-force behavior previously attributed to stretch elasticity is really a feature of the corrected entropic elasticity; the true stretch compliance of single-stranded DNA is several times smaller than that found by previous authors. Next we elaborate our model to allow coexistence of two conformational states of DNA, each with its own stretch and bend elastic constants. Our model is computationally simple, and gives an excellent fit through the entire overstretching transition of nicked, double-stranded DNA. The fit gives the first values for the elastic constants of the stretched state. In particular we find the effective bend stiffness for DNA in this state to be about 10 nm*kbt, a value quite different from either B-form or single-stranded DNAComment: 33 pages, 11 figures. High-quality figures available upon reques

    Elasticity of semiflexible polymers with and without self-interactions

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    A {\it new} formula for the force vs extension relation is derived from the discrete version of the so called {\it worm like chain} model. This formula correctly fits some recent experimental data on polymer stretching and some numerical simulations with pairwise repulsive potentials. For a more realistic Lennard-Jones potential the agreement with simulations is found to be good when the temperature is above the θ\theta temperature. For lower temperatures a plateau emerges, as predicted by some recent experimental and theoretical results, and our formula gives good results only in the high force regime. We briefly discuss how other kinds of self-interactions are expected to affect the elasticity of the polymer.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Single Molecule Statistics and the Polynucleotide Unzipping Transition

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    We present an extensive theoretical investigation of the mechanical unzipping of double-stranded DNA under the influence of an applied force. In the limit of long polymers, there is a thermodynamic unzipping transition at a critical force value of order 10 pN, with different critical behavior for homopolymers and for random heteropolymers. We extend results on the disorder-averaged behavior of DNA's with random sequences to the more experimentally accessible problem of unzipping a single DNA molecule. As the applied force approaches the critical value, the double-stranded DNA unravels in a series of discrete, sequence-dependent steps that allow it to reach successively deeper energy minima. Plots of extension versus force thus take the striking form of a series of plateaus separated by sharp jumps. Similar qualitative features should reappear in micromanipulation experiments on proteins and on folded RNA molecules. Despite their unusual form, the extension versus force curves for single molecules still reveal remnants of the disorder-averaged critical behavior. Above the transition, the dynamics of the unzipping fork is related to that of a particle diffusing in a random force field; anomalous, disorder-dominated behavior is expected until the applied force exceeds the critical value for unzipping by roughly 5 pN.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figure