16 research outputs found

    Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Protect Cardiac Progenitor Cells from Oxidative Stress

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    Cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) are a promising autologous source of cells for cardiac regenerative medicine. However, CPC culture in vitro requires the presence of microenvironmental conditions (a complex array of bioactive substance concentration, mechanostructural factors, and physicochemical factors) closely mimicking the natural cell surrounding in vivo, including the capability to uphold reactive oxygen species (ROS) within physiological levels in vitro. Cerium oxide nanoparticles (nanoceria) are redox-active and could represent a potent tool to control the oxidative stress in isolated CPCs. Here, we report that 24 h exposure to 5, 10, and 50 !g/mL of nanoceria did not a!ect cell growth and function in cardiac progenitor cells, while being able to protect CPCs from H2O2-induced cytotoxicity for at least 7 days, indicating that nanoceria in an e!ective antioxidant. Therefore, these "ndings con"rm the great potential of nanoceria for controlling ROS-induced cell damage

    Usporedba djelovanja blokatora kalcijevih kanala, blokatora autonomnoga živčanog sustava te inhibitora slobodnih radikala na hiposekreciju inzulin iz izolirnih langerhansovih otočića štakora uzrokovanu diazinonom

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    Hyperglycaemia has been observed with exposure to organophosphate insecticides. This study was designed to compare the effects of calcium channel blockers, alpha-adrenergic, beta-adrenergic, and muscarinic receptor blockers, and of free radical scavengers on insulin secretion from diazinon-treated islets of Langerhans isolated from the pancreas of rats using standard collagenase digestion, separation by centrifugation, and hand-picking technique. The islets were then cultured in an incubator at 37 °C and 5 % CO2. In each experimental set 1 mL of 8 mmol L-1 glucose plus 125 µg mL-1 or 625 µg mL-1 of diazinon were added, except for the control group, which received 8 mmol L-1 glucose alone. The cultures were then treated with one of the following: 30 µmol L-1 atropine, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmine, 0.1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipine, 50 µmol L-1 phenoxybenzamine, or 10 µmol L-1 alphatocopherol. In all experiments, diazinon significantly reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion at both doses, showing no dose dependency, as the average inhibition for the lower dose was 62.20 % and for the higher dose 64.38 %. Acetylcholine and alpha-tocopherol restored, whereas atropine potentiated diazinoninduced hyposecretion of insulin. Alpha-, beta- and calcium channel blockers did not change diazinoninduced effects. These findings suggest that diazinon affects insulin secretion mainly by disturbing the balance between free radicals and antioxidants in the islets of Langerhans and by inducing toxic stress.U osoba izloženih organofosfatnim insekticidima zamijećen je nastanak hiperglikemije. Svrha je ovo istraživanja bila usporediti djelovanje blokatora kalcijevih kanala, alfa i beta-adrenergičkih i muskarinskih receptora te inhibicije slobodnih radikala na lučenje inzulina iz Langerhansovih otočića izoliranih iz štakora tretiranih diazinonom. Otočići su izolirani iz gušterače štakora s pomoću standardnog postupka digestije kolagenazom, odvajanja centrifugiranjem i metodom ručnog probira (engl. hand-picking) te su kultivirani u inkubatoru pri 37 °C i 5 % CO2. Pokusne su kulture inkubirane s 1 mL glukoze u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1 te diazinonom u dozi od 125 μg mL-1, odnosno 625 μg mL-1. U kontrolu je dodana samo glukoza u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1. Nakon toga je u kulture dodan jedan od sljedećih agenasa: 30 µmol L-1 atropin, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmin, 0,1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipin, 50 µmol L-1 fenoksibenzamin, odnosno 10 µmol L-1 alfa-tokoferol. U svim je pokusima diazinon značajno smanjio lučenje inzulina, s time da je doza od 125 μg mL-1 dovela do 62,2 %-tne inhibicije, a doza od 625 μg mL-1 do 64,38 %-tne inhibicije lučenja inzulina, što upućuje na djelovanje neovisno o dozi. Acetilkolin i alfa-tokoferol su ponovno potaknuli lučenje inzulina, za razliku od atropina koji ga je dodatno smanjio. Primjena blokatora alfa i beta-adrenergičkih receptora te blokatora kalcijevih kanala nije utjecala na djelovanje diazinona. Autori zaključuju da diazinon utječe na lučenje inzulina ponajviše narušavanjem ravnoteže između slobodnih radikala i antioksidansa u Langerhansovim otočićima te dovodi do toksičnoga stresa

    Myocyte membrane and microdomain modifications in diabetes: determinants of ischemic tolerance and cardioprotection

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    Advances and prospects of using nanocrystalline ceria in prolongation of lifespan and healthy aging

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