33 research outputs found

    Design Elliptic Lowpass Filter with Inductively Compensated Parallel-Coupled Lines

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    AbstractThis paper presents a simple technique to design an ellicptic transfer fuction microstrip lowpass filter based on a ection of doubly inductive compensated parallel-coupled lines. The proposed lowpass filter has the suppression performance to suppress the signal transmission in transition and stopband better than the filter based on the conventional coupled lines. The proposed design procedures are convenient with the closed form design equation. To emonstrate the techniques performance, simulated and measured results at 0.9GHz cut off frequency LPF with ncompensated and the compensated structures are compared. The measured results obtained from the proposed LPF exhibit 0.2dB insertions, less than 20dB return loss and more suppression performance than 35dB at 1.8GHz

    A novel optical radio on fiber multi-channel by micro ring resonator system

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    AbstractWe propose a novel system that can be used to generate the new optical radio on fiber communication continuous variable channel using a Gaussian pulse propagating within a nonlinear micro-nanoring resonator system. By using the wide range of the Gaussian input for instance, when the input pulses of the common lasers with centre wavelengths from 1,300nm are used, which this system is simple for used. Results obtained have shown that more available wavelength bands and frequency domain(THz) from the different ring parameter and wavelengths can be generated, which can be used to form new optical to high frequency ranges, whereas the use of the very high channel capacity for personal wavelength and very high security and multi-channel in network applications is plausible

    Meditation mathematical formalism and Lorentz factor calculation based-on mindfulness foundation

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    Mindfulness foundation is an excellent method of the human spiritual development by the reasonable thinking and consideration, which was established by Lord Buddha a long time ago. There are four ways of thinking and consideration-(i) form (body), (ii) sensation, (iii) spiritual and (iv) Dhamma. In this paper, we propose the use of the form consideration for the spiritual development, in which the form can be considered thoroughly inside the body by the spiritual projection. By using the nonlinear microring resonator known as a Panda-ring resonator, the electromagnetic (EM) signals called polaritons can be generated by the coupling interaction between the intense EM fields and the ionic diploes within the almost closed system, where the dipoles can obtain from the coupling between the gold grating and the strong electromagnetic fields. In the manipulation, cells, tissues, and organs inside the human body can communicate with the spiritual (polaritonic) signals and investigation. The simulation results obtained have shown that the Lorentz factor of 0.99999959 is obtained. The successively filtering of the signal circulation within the body during the meditation can be formulated and the meditation behaviors modeled. The aura, the stopping, and the cold body states can be configured and explained

    On-chip polariton generation using an embedded nanograting microring circuit

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    We have proposed a model of polariton generation, which is normally generated by the dipole and the strong coupling field interaction. This system consists of a gold grating embedded on the plasmonic island, which is embedded at the center of the nonlinear microring resonator, which is known as a panda-ring resonator. The strong coupling between the plasmonic waves and the grating can be formed by the whispering gallery mode (WGM) of light within a Panda-ring resonator, in which the output is a dipole-like particle known as a polariton and seen at the system output. By varying the energy of high-intensity laser pulse in the system and gold granting a strong field is generated at the output. A dipole is formed by a pair of the grating signals, where one propagates in the opposite direction of the other. By using suitable parameters, dipole-like signals can be generated. Theoretical formulation is performed for a two-level system and polariton oscillation frequency i.e., the Rabi frequency is plotted. The obtained ground and excited state frequencies of this two-level system are 187.86 and 198.20 THz, respectively

    Characteristics of an on-chip polariton successively filtered circuit

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    Polaritonic signal processing model and manipulation using a microring successive filtering circuit are proposed. The polariton signals are generated by the coherent light within the microring embedded a gold nanograting island, from which the successive filtering of the polariton signals within the designed on-chip circuit is manipulated by adjusting the device end reflection coefficients. The almost closed system of the two-level system of polaritons is formed, where there are initially two oscillation frequencies called the Rabi frequencies, the ground an excited state respectively. The required signals of this characteristics study are presented in the domains of wavelength, time and frequency, which can be used to characterise the brain signals in the meditation situation. When the successive polariton switching time (Δt) is approaching zero, from which the stopping polariton state is established, while the polariton frequencies can be tunable. The results obtained have shown that switching time of the 2nd successive round-trip of 25.55 fs is obtained, and in addition, the tunable frequencies of the ground and excited states of the two-level system are achieved