972 research outputs found

    Digital curriculum resources in mathematics education: foundations for change

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    In this conceptual review paper we draw on recent literature with respect to digital curriculum resources (DCR); we briefly outline and explain selected theoretical frames; and we discuss issues related to the design, and the use (by teachers and students) of digital curricula and e-textbooks in mathematics education. The results of our review show the following. Firstly, whilst there are some contrasting tendencies between research on instructional technology and research on DCR, these studies are at the same time predominantly framed by socio-cultural theories. Secondly, whilst there seems to be a continuing demarcation between the design(er) and the use(r), there is at the same time an emerging/increasing understanding that design continues in use, due to the different nature and affordances of DCR (as compared to traditional text curriculum resources). Thirdly, there is an apparent weakening of traditional demarcations between pedagogy and assessment, and between summative and formative assessment techniques, due to the nature and design of the automated learning systems. Fourthly, there is an increasing need for understanding the expanded space of interaction associated with the shift from static print to dynamic/interactive DCR, a shift that has the potential to support different forms of personalised learning and interaction with resources. Hence, we claim that DCR offer opportunities for change: of understandings concerning the design and use of DCR; of their quality; and of the processes related to teacher/student interactions with DCR—they provide indeed the foundations for change

    Variabilité de l'intensité des pluies dans la région de Tanger sur une période de 30 ans (1980-2010)

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    Cet article présente les résultats d’une analyse fréquentielle de l’intensité des pluies dans la région de Tanger sur des pas de temps de 5 minutes à 3 heures et sur une période de 30 ans (1981-2011). Les enregistrements de 2 pluviographes ont été utilisés à cet effet : celui de Romane, géré actuellement par l’ABHL, pour lequel on dispose d’enregistrements sur la période 1981-1999 et celui de Saboun, géré par l’IAV Hassan II, pour lequel on dispose d’enregistrements sur la période 1997-2011. L’analyse fréquentielle a porté sur des périodes de 10 ans pour lesquelles ont été établies les courbes Intensité – Durée - Fréquence (IDF). Pour de fortes récurrences (2 à 5 ans), la comparaison des courbes IDF fait apparaître une augmentation de 10% des intensités de pluie entre la période 1981-1991 et la période 2001-2011. Pour de faibles récurrences (10 ans), les intensités de pluie sont sensiblement les mêmes dans les deux périodes. A partir de l’année 1993-1994, l’accroissement de l’intensité des pluies se traduit par un accroissement de leur agressivité estimée par l’indice d’érosivité de Wischmeier. Cet accroissement, sans les deux années très fortes 2008-2009 et 2009-2010, est de 1,77 ; il passe à 2,2 avec ces deux années

    Development of Self Regulated Learning Model in Studying Nursing (Srlsn) to Improve Student Learning Competence

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    Introduction: New students at the college have to adjust to the learning process in a way more independent, not dependent on the lecturer, and self-regulation in learning. The purpose of this study is to develop a model of competence SRLSN to increased achievement among undergraduate students in the fourth semester of nursing STIKES Pemkab Jombang. Methods: The design used is explanatory and quasi-experimental pre-post test with control group. The population in this study were 71 nursing students of 4th semester of the academic year 2012–2013. The sample used 60 students with simple random sampling. Data was collected using focus group discussions, observation and questionnaires, then analyzed using regression results. Results: The results showed that the correlation between SRLSN preparation phase and implementation phase of 0.976, the correlation between the phase and the implementation phase has a self-reflection of 0.374, the relationship between the phase of preparation and reflection phase of 0.576. There are significant differences between treatment and control groups on aspects of cognitive competence achievement, competence affective, and psychomotor competencies. Discussion: SRLSN models are systematically formed by the preparation, implementation and reflection phase. The application of the model SRLSN will enhance student learning in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor in achieving competence. Psychomotor competency has a value greater signi fi cance than other competencies. SRLSN models should be generalized to all learning processes, especially in nursing students


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    Asma merupakan gangguan pada saluran bronchial dimana penyakit ini dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Prevalensi dari penyakit ini meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Di Indonesia prevalensi asma belum diketahui secara pasti namun diperkirakan 2-5% penduduk Indonesia menderita asma. Di Jawa Timur sendiri prevalensi asma mencapai 2,62%. Asma dicetuskan beberapa faktor diantaranya: alergen, aktivitas fisik, stres dan lain-lain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor pencetus derajat serangan asma di Puskesmas Perak Kabupaten Jombang tahun 2013. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan retrospektif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pengunjung penderita asma sebanyak 91 responden. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara Simple Random Sampling sebanyak 74 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dan data dianalisis dengan uji Mann-Whitney dan uji Spearman Rho. Hasil uji Mann-Whitney didapatkan nilai p value 0,002 yang menunjukkan hubungan faktor alergen dengan derajat serangan asma, dan hasil uji Spearman Rho didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 yang menunjukkan hubungan faktor aktivitas fisik dengan derajat serangan asma, dimana nilai 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,005. Faktor-faktor pencetus derajat serangan asma menentukan tingkat serangan asma pada penderita asma itu sendiri. Dengan seringnya penderita terpapar dengan pencetus-pencetus tersebut maka serangan asma penderita akan sering terjadi berulang. Oleh karena itu diharapkan penderita untuk selalu menghindari faktor pencetus serangan asma dimana dari hasil penelitian faktor yang lebih dominan adalah faktor aktivitas fisik.   Kata Kunci: Pencetus Asma, Derajat, Serangan Asma &nbsp

    Adaptive risk-based targeted surveillance for foreign animal diseases at the wildlife-livestock interface

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    Animal disease surveillance is an important component of the national veterinary infrastructure to protect animal agriculture and facilitates identification of foreign animal disease (FAD) introduction. Once introduced, pathogens shared among domestic and wild animals are especially challenging to manage due to the complex ecology of spillover and spillback. Thus, early identification of FAD in wildlife is critical to minimize outbreak severity and potential impacts on animal agriculture as well as potential impacts on wildlife and biodiversity. As a result, national surveillance and monitoring programs that include wildlife are becoming increasingly common. Designing surveillance systems in wildlife or, more importantly, at the interface of wildlife and domestic animals, is especially challenging because of the frequent lack of ecological and epidemiological data for wildlife species and technical challenges associated with a lack of non-invasive methodologies. To meet the increasing need for targeted FAD surveillance and to address gaps in existing wildlife surveillance systems, we developed an adaptive risk-based targeted surveillance approach that accounts for risks in source and recipient host populations. The approach is flexible, accounts for changing disease risks through time, can be scaled from local to national extents and permits the inclusion of quantitative data or when information is limited to expert opinion. We apply this adaptive risk-based surveillance framework to prioritize areas for surveillance in wild pigs in the United States with the objective of early detection of three diseases: classical swine fever, African swine fever and foot-and-mouth disease. We discuss our surveillance framework, its application to wild pigs and discuss the utility of this framework for surveillance of other host species and diseases
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