318 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional face recognition: An Eigensurface approach

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    We evaluate a new approach to face recognition using a variety of surface representations of three-dimensional facial structure. Applying principal component analysis (PCA), we show that high levels of recognition accuracy can be achieved on a large database of 3D face models, captured under conditions that present typical difficulties to more conventional two-dimensional approaches. Applying a ran-c of image processing, techniques we identify the most effective surface representation for use in such application areas as security surveillance, data compression and archive searching

    From 3D Point Clouds to Pose-Normalised Depth Maps

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    We consider the problem of generating either pairwise-aligned or pose-normalised depth maps from noisy 3D point clouds in a relatively unrestricted poses. Our system is deployed in a 3D face alignment application and consists of the following four stages: (i) data filtering, (ii) nose tip identification and sub-vertex localisation, (iii) computation of the (relative) face orientation, (iv) generation of either a pose aligned or a pose normalised depth map. We generate an implicit radial basis function (RBF) model of the facial surface and this is employed within all four stages of the process. For example, in stage (ii), construction of novel invariant features is based on sampling this RBF over a set of concentric spheres to give a spherically-sampled RBF (SSR) shape histogram. In stage (iii), a second novel descriptor, called an isoradius contour curvature signal, is defined, which allows rotational alignment to be determined using a simple process of 1D correlation. We test our system on both the University of York (UoY) 3D face dataset and the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) 3D data. For the more challenging UoY data, our SSR descriptors significantly outperform three variants of spin images, successfully identifying nose vertices at a rate of 99.6%. Nose localisation performance on the higher quality FRGC data, which has only small pose variations, is 99.9%. Our best system successfully normalises the pose of 3D faces at rates of 99.1% (UoY data) and 99.6% (FRGC data)

    Evolving integrated multi-model framework for on line multiple time series prediction

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    Time series prediction has been extensively researched in both the statistical and computational intelligence literature with robust methods being developed that can be applied across any given application domain. A much less researched problem is multiple time series prediction where the objective is to simultaneously forecast the values of multiple variables which interact with each other in time varying amounts continuously over time. In this paper we describe the use of a novel Integrated Multi-Model Framework (IMMF) that combined models developed at three di erent levels of data granularity, namely the Global, Local and Transductive models to perform multiple time series prediction. The IMMF is implemented by training a neural network to assign relative weights to predictions from the models at the three di erent levels of data granularity. Our experimental results indicate that IMMF signi cantly outperforms well established methods of time series prediction when applied to the multiple time series prediction problem

    Dynamic Interaction Networks in modelling and predicting the behaviour of multiple interactive stock markets

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    The behaviour of multiple stock markets can be described within the framework of complex dynamic systems. A representative technique of the framework is the dynamic interaction network (DIN), recently developed in the bioinformatics domain. DINs are capable of modelling dynamic interactions between genes and predicting their future expressions. In this paper, we adopt a DIN approach to extract and model interactions between stock markets. The network is further able to learn online and updates incrementally with the unfolding of the stock market time-series. The approach is applied to a case study involving 10 market indexes in the Asia Pacific region. The results show that the DIN model reveals important and complex dynamic relationships between stock markets, demonstrating the ability of complex dynamic systems approaches to go beyond the scope of traditional statistical methods

    Text2Face: 3D Morphable Faces from Text

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    We present the first 3D morphable modelling approach, whereby 3D face shape can be directly and completely defined using a textual prompt. Building on work in multi-modal learning, we extend the FLAME head model to a common imageand-text latent space. This allows for direct 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) parameter generation and therefore shape manipulation from textual descriptions. Our method, Text2Face, has many applications; for example: generating police photofits where the input is already in natural language. It further enables multimodal 3DMM image fitting to sketches and sculptures, as well as images

    Tractarian Objects and Logical Categories

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    It has been much debated whether Tractarian objects are what Russell would have called particulars or whether they include also properties and relations. This paper claims that the debate is misguided: there is no logical category such that Wittgenstein intended the reader of the Tractatus to understand his objects either as providing examples of or as not providing examples of that category. This is not to say that Wittgenstein set himself against the very idea of a logical category: quite the contrary. However, where Russell presents his logical variety of particulars and the various types of universal, and Frege presents his of objects and the various types of function, Wittgenstein denies the propriety of such a priori expositions. Wittgenstein envisages a variety of logical types of entity but insists that the nature of these types is something to be discovered only through analysis

    Semiprojectivity with and without a group action

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    The equivariant version of semiprojectivity was recently introduced by the first author. We study properties of this notion, in particular its relation to ordinary semiprojectivity of the crossed product and of the algebra itself. We show that equivariant semiprojectivity is preserved when the action is restricted to a cocompact subgroup. Thus, if a second countable compact group acts semiprojectively on a C*-algebra AA, then AA must be semiprojective. This fails for noncompact groups: we construct a semiprojective action of the integers on a nonsemiprojective C*-algebra. We also study equivariant projectivity and obtain analogous results, however with fewer restrictions on the subgroup. For example, if a discrete group acts projectively on a C*-algebra AA, then AA must be projective. This is in contrast to the semiprojective case. We show that the crossed product by a semiprojective action of a finite group on a unital C*-algebra is a semiprojective C*-algebra. We give examples to show that this does not generalize to all compact groups.Comment: 38 page

    Symbols in Wittgenstein's Tractatus

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    This paper is concerned with the status of a symbol in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. It is claimed in the first section that a Tractarian symbol, whilst essentially a syntactic entity to be distinguished from the mark or sound that is its sign, bears its semantic significance only inessentially. In the second and third sections I pursue this point of exegesis through the Tractarian discussions of nonsense and the context principle respectively. The final section of the paper places the forgoing work in a secondary context, addressing in particular a debate regarding the realism of the Tractatus

    Applications of 3D Photography in Craniofacial Surgery

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    Three-dimensional (3D) photography is becoming more common in craniosynostosis practice and may be used for research, archiving, and as a planning tool. In this article, an overview of the uses of 3D photography will be given, including systems available and illustrations of how they can be used. Important innovations in 3D computer vision will also be discussed, including the potential role of statistical shape modeling and analysis as an outcomes tool with presentation of some results and a review of the literature on the topic. Potential future applications in diagnostics using machine learning will also be presented

    Late Quaternary evolution of a lowland anastomosing river system: Geological-topographic inheritance, non-uniformity and implications for biodiversity and management

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    Lowland multiple-channel rivers are characterised by floodplain-corridor heterogeneity, high ecological and heritage value, and can be in quasi-stable states. This holistic study of a surviving temperate zone example (Culm, UK) uses geomorphological mapping, 14C, direct sediment dating (OSL, fallout radionuclides), and palaeoecology. This reveals the evolution of a channel-floodplain system from an initial braided state in the Late Pleistocene to its late Holocene anastomosing state. After the Pleistocene Holocene transition the reduced channel system incised into its braid-plain, only able to rework gravels locally due to reduced competence in relation to inherited bounding sediment calibre. This resulted in the creation of terrace islands, palaeochannels, and a stable anastomosing pattern dominated by channel junctions, bifurcations and palaeochannel intersections. Survey, coring and excavation reveal a persistence of mid-channel bars and riffles at channel junctions, and where channels crossed palaeochannel fills. In common with most other European lowland rivers this system evolves in the later Holocene due to both climate and catchment changes with a major hydrological critical transition in the mid-Holocene (c. 5300 BP). However, in the case of the Culm, the increase in fine sediment supply often seen in lowland catchments in the Middle-Late Holocene, occurred later, and was insufficient to convert the system to a single medium-low sinuosity channel-floodplain. This allowed the persistence of high heterogeneity and biodiversity (including the persistence of riffle beetles) as part of multiple-scales of non-uniformity. Indeed the pool-riffle persistence is an example of this system’s non-uniformity, being due, at least in part, to the effects of previous channel history. This paper reveals why this river survived in a multichannel state, and by implication, why others did not. These results are being used in the bespoke eco-heritage management of the Culm, but could also inform the restoration of other former multi-channel lowland temperate river systems worldwide
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