5 research outputs found

    Economic and Productive Characterization of Dairy Units Integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM) in the Province of Camagüey, Cuba.

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    The economic and productive behaviors  of dairy units were characterized between 2009 and 2013, integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM).Ten dairy farms were chosen in the study, grouped in four agricultural enterprises of Camagüey.  The main principle of the experiment was to achieve food self-sufficiency  in the farms. The study was divided into three stages: (I) characterization of limitations by a farm diagnostics; (II) proposal and incorporation of technologies; (III) follow up and evaluation of results. The analysis included economic and productive indicators suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture. Forage balances were made, and  a  pasture-forage arrangement was set up, according to the results provided by the REGPAST software. The methodology established by Toro (2011) was used for characterization  in  three stages:  variable reviewing  and selection,  Principal  Component Analysis, and Conglomerate Analysis. The results showed an increase of economic and productive indicators at the end of the stage, which helped determine system behavior. Moreover, all the indicators selected were included in some components, which explains the 89 % of total variability. Accordingly, three groups of dairy units were set up, corresponding with the development programs for each, with mean values of 1 553.0 kg per hectare for  the first group; 874.25 kg, for the second; and 1 361.67 kg, in the third group

    Caracterización económico-productiva de unidades lecheras integradas al Programa Ganadero Municipal (PROGRAM) en la provincia de Camagüey.

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    Se caracterizó  el comportamiento económico-productivo de unidades lecheras, desde 2009 a 2013, integradas al Programa Ganadero Municipal (PROGRAM).  Se  seleccionaron 10 vaquerías, distribuidas en cuatro empresas agro-pecuarias de la provincia Camagüey. El principio fue la autosuficiencia alimentaria de la unidad productiva, consta n-do de tres etapas: (I) caracterización de las limitantes, a través de un diagnóstico a nivel de finca ;  (II) propuesta y adopción de tecnologías y (III) seguimiento y evaluación de los resultados. Para el análisis se emplearon indicadores económico-productivos, propuestos por el Ministerio de la Agricultura. Se realizaron balances forrajeros y se elaboró la estructura de pastos y forrajes, según resultados del programa REGPAST. Para la caracterización se tuvo en cuenta la metodología de Toro (2011), que consta de tres etapas: revisión y selección de variables;  análisis de componentes principales y análisis de conglomerados. Los resultados mostraron incremento  en  los indicadores económicos y productivos al final de la etapa, determinando el comportamiento de los sistemas. Por su parte, todos los indicadores seleccionados estuvieron incluidos en algún componente, que explicaron el 89 % de su variabilidad total. Así se obtuvieron tres grupos de unidades lecheras, en correspondencia con el cumplimiento de los programas de desarrollo para cada una, con valores medios de producción por hectárea de 1 553,0 kg de leche para el primer grupo; 874,25 kg pa-ra el segundo y 1 361,67 kg en el tercer grupo.Economic and Productive Characterization of Dairy Units Integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM) in the Province of Camaguey.ABSTRACTThe economic and productive behaviors  of dairy units  were characterized between 2009 and 2013, integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM). Ten dairy farms were chosen in the study, grouped in four agricultural enterprises of Camaguey.  The main principle of the experiment was to achieve food self-sufficiency in the farms. The study was divided into three stages: (I) characterization of limitations by a farm diagnostics; (II) pr o-posal and incorporation of technologies; (III) follow up and evaluation of results. The analysis included economic and productive indicators suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture. Forage balances were made, and  pasture-forage arrangement  was  set up, according to the results  provided by  REGPAST  software. The methodology established by Toro (2011) was used for characterization  in three stages:  variable revision and selection,  Principal  Component Analysis, and Conglomerate Analysis. The results showed an increase of economic and productive indicators at the end of the stage, which helped determine system behavior. Moreover, all the indicators selected were included in some components, which explains the 89 % total variability. Accordingly, three groups of dairy units were set up, corresponding with the development programs for each, with mean values of 1 553.0 kg per hectare for the first group; 874.25 kg, for the second; and 1 361.67 kg, in the third group

    Extraction and characterization of polygalacturonase of Fomes sclerodermeus produced by solid-state fermentation Extracción y caracterización de poligaracturonasa de Fomes sclerodermeus producida por fermentación en estado sólido

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    Polygalacturonase (PG) production by Fomes sclerodermeus using solid-state fermentation (SSF) was carried out. Maximal PG activity (26 U/gdw) was obtained between days 11 and 13 at the end of exponential growth. PG activity in the crude extract was more stable at pH 5-6 and 30 °C and had optimum activity at pH 5 and 50 °C. Optimal conditions for PG extraction were: one time extraction with Na2SO4 as solvent with 10 min. of agitation. In a scale-up system, PG activity per gram of dry substrate decreased about 60% compared with the activity obtained in an Erlenmeyer flask; however, high total PG activity was obtained.<br>Se estudió la producción de poligalacturonasa (PG) por Fomes sclerodermeus usando técnicas de fermentación en estado sólido. La actividad PG máxima (26 U/g ps) fue observada entre los días 11 y 13. La actividad PG en los extractos crudos fue más estable a pH 5-6 y 30 °C, con una actividad óptima a pH 5 y a 50 °C. Las condiciones óptimas para la extracción de PG se lograron con una única extracción empleando Na2SO4 como solvente, con 10 minutos de agitación. En el escalado del sistema, la actividad PG por gramo de peso seco de sustrato disminuyó cerca de 60% comparada con la obtenida en frascos Erlenmeyer, pero la actividad total fue mayor

    Various methods for removal of dyes from industrial effluents - a review

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    Microbial enzyme systems for lignin degradation and their transcriptional regulation

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