9,060 research outputs found

    Oliver Ranch Science School Complex & Wild Horse and Burro Facility: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending December 31, 2005

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    Executive Summary Activity highlights during the first quarter of Year Two include the following actions toward task agreement deliverables: Agenda and minutes prepared and distributed for two core group meetings Historical curriculum 100% completed Cultural curriculum 100% completed Night sky curriculum 50% completed Green Building curriculum 25% completed Communications/Outreach Plan revised and prioritized RRDLC newsletter under final review by BLM state offic

    Oliver Ranch Science School Complex & Wild Horse and Burro Facility: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending December 31, 2005

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    Executive Summary Activity highlights during the first quarter of Year Two include the following actions toward task agreement deliverables: Agenda and minutes prepared and distributed for two core group meetings Historical curriculum 100% completed Cultural curriculum 100% completed Night sky curriculum 50% completed Green Building curriculum 25% completed Communications/Outreach Plan revised and prioritized RRDLC newsletter under final review by BLM state offic

    Archaeological Research & Data Management, Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Parashant National Monument: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending March 31, 2006

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    930 acres have been surveyed this quarter. 34 archaeological sites condition assessments were completed. Five archaeological reports were completed. 33 site records were completed. Crew members conducted archival research at the Western Archaeological Conservation Center (WACC) in Tucson, Arizona. Two new survey members have been hired and trained. Preparations for the summer archaeological field school are underway

    Archaeological Research & Data Management, Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Parashant National Monument: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending June 30, 2006

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    Interviews for the post-doctoral scholar position have been completed and a hire is imminent. 1,853 acres have been surveyed this quarter. 71 archaeological sites condition assessments were completed. 55 archaeological sites were recorded. The summer field school is underway

    Walking Box Ranch Planning and Design Quarterly Progress Report: Period ending April 10, 2011

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    UNLV participated in the two-day 65% Design Development project meeting and assisted in planning and design of the future WBR museum and field/research station. UNLV held several internal meetings to advance planning for IT and security at the ranch. UNLV (Cline) and BLM (McAboy) have begun a series of meetings regarding updating the current Task Order, requesting a two-year no-cost extension for the two Assistance Agreements, and to develop a concept plan for the future WBR operating agreement between BLM and UNLV. Weather station progress included adding a Pyrheliometer that measures solar radiation received to the station. Progress was made in making past weather information available via the website, and two technical papers on renewable energy were submitted for publication. UNLV has begun funding a UNLV photography project at the ranch that involves documenting historic land use in the Mojave Desert. Progress on the Multimedia Field Guides project that will develop and disseminate a modern geological and environmental field guide includes: 1) remote sensing and geologic data collection for the WBR area, 2) development of a preliminary geologic/surface-type map of the region, and 3) testing of technology at the field site. PLI educators (Allison Brody and Amy Page) will submit an application to the Clark County School District (CCSD) for a Professional Development workshop on Environmental Literacy in April 2011. The workshop, which will be held at the ranch, will be directed at sixth, seventh, and ninth grade teachers who teach earth science, life science and environmental science, and offer one professional development credit. A final business plan was received by UNLV from Dornbusch and Associates, and was disseminated to BLM and AECOM team leaders. UNLV and BLM will meet to discuss the plan in April 2011

    Nevada Interagency Volunteer Program: Helping Hands Across Public Lands – Phase II: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Covering July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011

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    The number of records in the volunteer database increased 5% from last quarter. The database now contains 8,918 records. Results show an average of 1,170 visits per month, and with an average of 2,681 pages viewed per month. Six National Public Lands Day events have been completed. The Interagency Volunteer Standard Operations Manual has been updated and made available to all other SNAP teams. Get Outdoors Nevada supported 16 volunteer events in a variety of ways. These events utilized approximately 600 volunteers whom contributed approximately 2,500 hours of service. Preparations for the 11/5/11 volunteer recognition banquet continued

    Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Cultural Site Stewardship Program – Program Expansion and Steward Retention: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending March 31, 2008

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    • The Cultural Site Stewardship Program has enrolled 352 site stewards, an increase of 30% over March 31, 2007. • Two classes were held in 2008 adding 29 new volunteer stewards. • Site stewards reported 38 significant site impacts 2008 YTD compared to 31 during the same period in 2007

    Limnological Assistance for the Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Meeting the Challenge of the Water 2025 Initiative: Annual Report, Period Ending May 31, 2008

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    Hiring: Limnologist Dr. Wai Hing (David) Wong was hired and officially reported to work on 5/15/2008. Project 1 and Project 2: Dr. Wong has commenced work on Projects 1 and 2. Project 3: Dr. Wong has commenced work on Project 3. A comprehensive zebra/quagga mussel bibliography has been completed and published to the 100th Meridian Web site. Six interagency, multi-disciplinary quagga mussel meetings have been held. A quagga mussel substrate project has been initiated and, through the coordination efforts of this project, two other studies have been selected and refined to help determine the ecological impacts of quagga mussel infestation at Lake Mead. Project 4: A comprehensive Lake Mead literature search has been conducted. The results of the search have been organized within 73 subject areas within an Access database containing 1,136 bibliographical records. Rare documents uncovered during the search will be stored and made accessible through UNLV Libraries; an MOU is under development to describe this process and the roles of the participating entities. A pilot data-digitizing effort is underway for benthic data collecting in the 1980s. Project 5: A Lake Mead Science Symposium is scheduled for January 13 through 15, 2008 with 200-300 participants expected to attend. A symposium Web site has been created, which has received almost 3,000 hits as of May 31, 2008. Symposium proceedings will be published in a special issue of Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management. Technical and program committees have been established and are working according to schedule. Project 6: In year 1, six interagency meetings have been held resulting in draft topic areas for the ecological monitoring plan for Lakes Mead and Mohave. Planning is underway to organize information about existing monitoring projects (relevant to the plan) on special pages of the Lake Mead NRA Web site. The interagency meeting participants have agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding (or similar document), which states their goals and objectives in working together. This document will be signed at the Lake Mead Science Symposium (Project 5)

    Limnological Assistance for the Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Meeting the Challenge of the Water 2025 Initiative: Quarterly Report, Period Ending September 30, 2008

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    Project 1: Technical input has been provided at eight advisory team meetings attended this quarter. Broad, overarching “Issues of Concern” developed for the Boulder Basin Adaptive Management Plan are currently under review by Drs. David Wong and Shawn Gerstenberger. A Selenium Management Plan is also under review. Project 2: Data collected by the Southern Nevada Water Authority has been synthesized to summarize bacteria counts in high-use areas of Lakes Mead and Mohave. This information will be documented and interpreted for management use in a formal report in the upcoming quarter. Project 3: A draft document titled “Suggested Standard Methods for Interagency Long-Term Quagga Mussel Monitoring in Lake Mead” has been delivered and presented to the interagency team for review and edits. This document will serve as a portion of a larger, ecological monitoring plan relevant to quagga mussel invasion. Project 4: Data mining for Lake Mead benthos has been initiated and is underway. Project 5: Symposium planning is well underway and on schedule for delivery in January 2009. Sponsorship of $7,500 has been committed by Southern Nevada Water Authority. Project 6 Interagency “Water 2025” Team meetings continue to be coordinated and built for eventual input into the ecological monitoring plan for Lakes Mead and Mohave
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