786 research outputs found

    AlGaAs lasers with micro-cleaved mirrors suitable for monolithic integration

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    A technique has been developed for cleaving the mirrors of AlGaAs lasers without cleaving the substrate. Micro-cleaving involves cleaving a suspended heterostructure cantilever by ultrasonic vibrations. Lasers with microcleaved mirrors have threshold currents and quantum efficiencies identical to those of similar devices with conventionally cleaved mirrors


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    The Internet is often regarded as a challenge to the nation-state\u27s ability to regulate flows of finance, information, and symbols. Rather than examining whether it is possible to enforce regulation on such a media, this paper addresses two additional fundamental questions: (1) what do regulatory discourses and attempts to regulate reveal about the nation-state\u27s political authority under globalization, and (2) how does this authority vary across social, political, and cultural contexts? In order to address these challenging queries we follow a unique path, both empirically and theoretically. Theoretically, we argue that political authority is a pivotal common denominator that undergirds diverse understandings of globalization. We then critically examine different conceptions of political authority and construct a typology that orients our study. Empirically, we follow our typology by comparing two historical phenomena: attempts by the Catholic Church to regulate the printing press during the 15th and 16th centuries, and attempts by China, Malaysia and the United States to regulate the Internet. Despite certain important commonalities, we posit that each of these cases illustrates a different model of the legitimization processes and transformations in political authority that occur under globalization

    Gallium Arsenide Monolithic Optoelectronic Circuits

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    The optical properties of GaAs make it a very useful material for the fabrication of optical emitters and detectors. GaAs also possesses electronic properties which allow the fabrication of high speed electronic devices which are superior to conventional silicon devices. Monolithic optoelectronic circuits are formed by the integration of optical and electronic devices on a single GaAs substrate. Integration of many devices is most easily accomplished on a semi-insulating (SI) sub-strate. Several laser structures have been fabricated on SI GaAs substrates. Some of these lasers have been integrated with Gunn diodes and with metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs). An integrated optical repeater has been demonstrated in which MESFETs are used for optical detection and electronic amplification, and a laser is used to regenerate the optical signal. Monolithic optoelectronic circuits have also been constructed on conducting substrates. A heterojunction bipolar transistor driver has been integrated with a laser on an n-type GaAs substrate

    Monolithic integration of a GaAlAs buried-heterostructure laser and a bipolar phototransistor

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    A GaAlAs buried-heterostructure laser has been monolithically integrated with a bipolar phototransistor. The heterojunction transistor was formed by the regrowth of the burying layers of the laser. Typical threshold current values for the lasers were 30 mA. Common-emitter current gains for the phototransistor of 100–400 and light responsivity of 75 A/W (for wavelengths of 0.82 µm) at collector current levels of 15 mA were obtained

    Be-implanted (GaAl)As stripe geometry lasers

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    GaAl)As double-heterostructure stripe geometry lasers have been fabricated using Be ion implantation. Pulsed threshold currents as low as 21 mA have been found. The light-vs-current characteristics were kink-free up to 10 mW output power and the measured differential quantum efficiency was 45%

    Monolithic integration of a very low threshold GaInAsP laser and metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor on semi-insulating InP

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    Monolithic integration of 1.3-µm groove lasers and metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MISFET) is achieved by a simple single liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) growth process. Laser thresholds as low as 14 mA for 300-µm cavity length are obtained. MIS depletion mode FET's with n channels on LPE grown InP layer show typical transconductance of 5–10 mmho. Laser modulation by the FET current is demonstrated at up to twice the threshold current

    A monolithically integrated optical repeater

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    A monolithically integrated optical repeater has been fabricated on a single-crystal semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The repeater consists of an optical detector, an electronic amplifier, and a double heterostructure crowding effect laser. The repeater makes use of three metal semiconductor field effect transistors, one of which is used as the optical detector. With light from an external GaAlAs laser incident on the detector, an overall optical power gain of 10 dB from both laser facets was obtained

    Gallium Arsenide Monolithic Optoelectronic Circuits

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    The optical properties of GaAs make it a very useful material for the fabrication of optical emitters and detectors. GaAs also possesses electronic properties which allow the fabrication of high speed electronic devices which are superior to conventional silicon devices. Monolithic optoelectronic circuits are formed by the integration of optical and electronic devices on a single GaAs substrate. Integration of many devices is most easily accomplished on a semi-insulating (SI) sub-strate. Several laser structures have been fabricated on SI GaAs substrates. Some of these lasers have been integrated with Gunn diodes and with metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs). An integrated optical repeater has been demonstrated in which MESFETs are used for optical detection and electronic amplification, and a laser is used to regenerate the optical signal. Monolithic optoelectronic circuits have also been constructed on conducting substrates. A heterojunction bipolar transistor driver has been integrated with a laser on an n-type GaAs substrate
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