279 research outputs found

    Using digital and hand printing techniques to compensate for loss: re-establishing colour and texture in historic textiles

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    Conservators use a range of 'gap filling' techniques to improve the structural stability and presentation of objects. Textile conservators often use fabric supports to provide reinforcement for weak areas of a textile and to provide a visual infill in missing areas. The most common technique is to use dyed fabrics of a single colour but while a plain dyed support provides good reinforcement, it can be visually obtrusive when used with patterned or textured textiles. Two recent postgraduate dissertation projects at the Textile Conservation Centre (TCC) have experimented with hand printing and digital imaging techniques to alter the appearance of support fabrics so that they are less visually obtrusive and blend well with the colour and texture of the textile being supported. Case studies demonstrate the successful use of these techniques on a painted hessian rocking horse and a knitted glove from an archaeological context

    Quantum Logic for Trapped Atoms via Molecular Hyperfine Interactions

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    We study the deterministic entanglement of a pair of neutral atoms trapped in an optical lattice by coupling to excited-state molecular hyperfine potentials. Information can be encoded in the ground-state hyperfine levels and processed by bringing atoms together pair-wise to perform quantum logical operations through induced electric dipole-dipole interactions. The possibility of executing both diagonal and exchange type entangling gates is demonstrated for two three-level atoms and a figure of merit is derived for the fidelity of entanglement. The fidelity for executing a CPHASE gate is calculated for two 87Rb atoms, including hyperfine structure and finite atomic localization. The main source of decoherence is spontaneous emission, which can be minimized for interaction times fast compared to the scattering rate and for sufficiently separated atomic wavepackets. Additionally, coherent couplings to states outside the logical basis can be constrained by the state dependent trapping potential.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Australia IBD Microbiome (AIM) Study: protocol for a multicentre longitudinal prospective cohort study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are common chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which cause considerable morbidity. Although the precise mechanisms of disease remain unclear, evidence implicates a strong multidirectional interplay between diet, environmental factors, genetic determinants/immune perturbations and the gut microbiota. IBD can be brought into remission using a number of medications, which act by suppressing the immune response. However, none of the available medications address any of the underlying potential mechanisms. As we understand more about how the microbiota drives inflammation, much interest has focused on identifying microbial signals/triggers in the search for effective therapeutic targets. We describe the establishment of the Australian IBD Microbiota (AIM) Study, Australia's first longitudinal IBD bioresource, which will identify and correlate longitudinal microbial and metagenomics signals to disease activity as evaluated by validated clinical instruments, patient-reported surveys, as well as biomarkers. The AIM Study will also gather extensive demographic, clinical, lifestyle and dietary data known to influence microbial composition in order to generate a more complete understanding of the interplay between patients with IBD and their microbiota. METHODS: The AIM Study is an Australian multicentre longitudinal prospective cohort study, which will enrol 1000 participants; 500 patients with IBD and 500 healthy controls over a 5-year period. Assessment occurs at 3 monthly intervals over a 24-month period. At each assessment oral and faecal samples are self-collected along with patient-reported outcome measures, with clinical data also collected at baseline, 12 and 24 months. Intestinal tissue will be sampled whenever a colonoscopy is performed. Dietary intake, general health and psychological state will be assessed using validated self-report questionnaires. Samples will undergo metagenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and culturomic analyses. Omics data will be integrated with clinical data to identify predictive biomarkers of response to therapy, disease behaviour and environmental factors in patients with IBD. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval for this study has been obtained from the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Research Ethics Committee (HREC 2019/ETH11443). Findings will be reported at national and international gastroenterology meetings and published in peer-reviewed journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ACTRN12619000911190

    Synthesis Method and Experimental Research of Ku-band Antennas Based on Tensorial Metasurfaces

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    Антенны на основе тензорных метаповерхностей – это сравнительно новый тип антенн, появившийся в последнее десятилетие. Они отличаются простой конструкцией, но сложной процедурой синтеза, которая может быть основана на анализе свойств волн в периодических структурах или на основе интерпретации антенны как фазовой голограммы. В связи с новизной этого типа антенн представляет интерес исследование различных методик их синтеза, получение новых экспериментальных результатов и оценка на их основе реально достижимых характеристик таких антенн. Целью работы являлось экспериментальное исследование антенн на основе тензорных метаповерхностей c модулированным поверхностным импедансом, синтезированных по предложенной авторами методике. Для проведения исследований было использовано математическое моделирование, электродинамическое моделирование и измерения макетов антенн в ближней зоне излучения. В результате работы экспериментально подтверждено, что предложенная методика синтеза антенн на основе тензорных метаповерхностей позволяет получать антенны с заданными направлением излучения и поляризацией, которые обладают апертурной эффективностью до 50 %, шириной полосы рабочих частот до 8 % и уровнем кросс-поляризации ниже минус 20 дБ. Результаты измерений антенн хорошо согласуются с электродинамическим расчетом и заданными при синтезе параметрами. Описанный в работе тип антенн и приведенная методика их синтеза перспективны для ряда применений, например в спутниковой и мобильной связиAntennas based on metasurfaces with tensorial impedance is a relatively new type of antennas appeared in the last decade. They have a simple design, but a complex synthesis procedure. The synthesis procedure can be based on analysis of the properties of waves in periodic structures or on representing the antenna as a phase hologram. Due to the novelty of this type of antennas, researching of various synthesis methods, obtaining new experimental results and on their basis assessment of realistically achievable characteristics is of interest. The purpose of the work was an experimental research of antennas based on metasurfaces with tensorial surface impedance, synthesized according to the method proposed by the authors. To carry out the research, mathematical modeling, electrodynamic modeling, and nearfield measurements of antenna prototypes were used. As a result, it was experimentally confirmed that the proposed tensorial metasurface antennas synthesis method makes it possible to obtain antennas with a given radiation direction and polarization, which have an aperture efficiency of up to 50 %, a bandwidth of up to 8 %, and a cross-polarization level below minus 20 dB. The results of measurements are in a good agreement with the electrodynamic calculation and the parameters specified during the synthesis. The type of antennas described in the work and the given synthesis method, according to the authors, are promising for various applications, for example, in satellite and mobile communication

    The Pathogenic Potential of Campylobacter concisus Strains Associated with Chronic Intestinal Diseases

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    Campylobacter concisus has garnered increasing attention due to its association with intestinal disease, thus, the pathogenic potential of strains isolated from different intestinal diseases was investigated. A method to isolate C. concisus was developed and the ability of eight strains from chronic and acute intestinal diseases to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells was determined. Features associated with bacterial invasion were investigated using comparative genomic analyses and the effect of C. concisus on host protein expression was examined using proteomics. Our isolation method from intestinal biopsies resulted in the isolation of three C. concisus strains from children with Crohn's disease or chronic gastroenteritis. Four C. concisus strains from patients with chronic intestinal diseases can attach to and invade host cells using mechanisms such as chemoattraction to mucin, aggregation, flagellum-mediated attachment, “membrane ruffling”, cell penetration and damage. C. concisus strains isolated from patients with chronic intestinal diseases have significantly higher invasive potential than those from acute intestinal diseases. Investigation of the cause of this increased pathogenic potential revealed a plasmid to be responsible. 78 and 47 proteins were upregulated and downregulated in cells infected with C. concisus, respectively. Functional analysis of these proteins showed that C. concisus infection regulated processes related to interleukin-12 production, proteasome activation and NF-κB activation. Infection with all eight C. concisus strains resulted in host cells producing high levels of interleukin-12, however, only strains capable of invading host cells resulted in interferon-γ production as confirmed by ELISA. These findings considerably support the emergence of C. concisus as an intestinal pathogen, but more significantly, provide novel insights into the host immune response and an explanation for the heterogeneity observed in the outcome of C. concisus infection. Moreover, response to infection with invasive strains has substantial similarities to that observed in the inflamed mucosa of Crohn's disease patients

    Evaluation of HIV protease and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors on proliferation, necrosis, apoptosis in intestinal epithelial cells and electrolyte and water transport and epithelial barrier function in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protease inhibitors (PI's) and reverse transcriptase drugs are important components of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for treating human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Long-term clinical therapeutic efficacy and treatment compliance of these agents have been limited by undesirable side-effects, such as diarrhea. This study aims to investigate the effects of selected antiretroviral agents on intestinal histopathology and function <it>in vivo </it>and on cell proliferation and death <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Selected antiretroviral drugs were given orally over 7 days, to Swiss mice, as follows: 100 mg/kg of nelfinavir (NFV), indinavir (IDV), didanosine (DDI) or 50 mg/kg of zidovudine (AZT). Intestinal permeability measured by lactulose and mannitol assays; net water and electrolyte transport, in perfused intestinal segments; and small intestinal morphology and cell apoptosis were assessed in treated and control mice. <it>In vitro </it>cell proliferation was evaluated using the WST-1 reagent and apoptosis and necrosis by flow cytometry analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>NFV, IDV, AZT and DDI caused significant reductions in duodenal and in jejunal villus length (p < 0.05). IDV and AZT increased crypt depth in the duodenum and AZT increased crypt depth in the jejunum. NFV, AZT and DDI significantly decreased ileal crypt depth. All selected antiretroviral drugs significantly increased net water secretion and electrolyte secretion, except for DDI, which did not alter water or chloride secretion. Additionally, only NFV significantly increased mannitol and lactulose absorption. NFV and IDV caused a significant reduction in cell proliferation <it>in vitro </it>at both 24 h and 48 h. DDI and AZT did not alter cell proliferation. There was a significant increase in apoptosis rates in IEC-6 cells after 24 h with 70 ug/mL of NFV (control: 4.7% vs NFV: 22%) while IDV, AZT and DDI did not show any significant changes in apoptosis compared to the control group. In jejunal sections, IDV and NFV significantly increased the number of TUNEL positive cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PI's, NFV and IDV, increased cell apoptosis <it>in vivo</it>, water and electrolyte secretion and intestinal permeability and decreased villus length and cell proliferation. NFV was the only drug tested that increased cell apoptosis <it>in vitro</it>. The nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, AZT and DDI, did not affect cell apoptosis or proliferation. These findings may partly explain the intestinal side-effects associated with PI's.</p

    Flanking signal and mature peptide residues influence signal peptide cleavage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Signal peptides (SPs) mediate the targeting of secretory precursor proteins to the correct subcellular compartments in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Identifying these transient peptides is crucial to the medical, food and beverage and biotechnology industries yet our understanding of these peptides remains limited. This paper examines the most common type of signal peptides cleavable by the endoprotease signal peptidase I (SPase I), and the residues flanking the cleavage sites of three groups of signal peptide sequences, namely (i) eukaryotes (Euk) (ii) Gram-positive (Gram+) bacteria, and (iii) Gram-negative (Gram-) bacteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, 2352 secretory peptide sequences from a variety of organisms with amino-terminal SPs are extracted from the manually curated SPdb database for analysis based on physicochemical properties such as p<it>I</it>, aliphatic index, GRAVY score, hydrophobicity, net charge and position-specific residue preferences. Our findings show that the three groups share several similarities in general, but they display distinctive features upon examination in terms of their amino acid compositions and frequencies, and various physico-chemical properties. Thus, analysis or prediction of their sequences should be separated and treated as distinct groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the peptide segment recognized by SPase I extends to the start of the mature protein to a limited extent, upon our survey of the amino acid residues surrounding the cleavage processing site. These flanking residues possibly influence the cleavage processing and contribute to non-canonical cleavage sites. Our findings are applicable in defining more accurate prediction tools for recognition and identification of cleavage site of SPs.</p