383 research outputs found

    Difference in severity of porcine circovirus type two-induced pathological lesions between Landrace and Pietrain pigs

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    Anecdotal information from the field suggests that there are host genetic differences in susceptibility to porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) associated disease among Landrace and Pietrain breeds. The objective of this study was to determine if a difference exists in PCV2 susceptibility between Landrace and Pi-etrain pigs under experimental conditions. Thirty-nine Landrace pigs and 39 Pietrain pigs were blocked by breed, sire, dam, and litter and randomly divided into the following 4 groups: Landrace noninoculated negative control (Landrace-NEG; n = 13), Pietrain noninoculated negative control (Pietrain-NEG; n = 13), Landrace-PCV2 (n = 26; Landrace), and Pietrain-PCV2 (n = 26; Pietrain). After waning of passively acquired anti-PCV2 antibodies, Landrace-PCV2 and Pietrain-PCV2 groups were inoculated with PCV2 isolate ISU-40895. The Landrace-NEG and Pietrain-NEG groups were housed in a separate room, remained noninoculated, and served as negative controls. All pigs in all groups were necropsied at 21 d post PCV2-inoculation. Onset of seroconversion and concentrations of anti-PCV2-IgM, anti-PCV2-IgG, and anti-PCV2 neutralizing antibodies were similar in Landrace-PCV2 and Pietrain-PCV2 groups. Furthermore, the amount of PCV2 DNA and cytokine concentrations in serum and plasma samples were not different between the 2 PCV2-inoculated groups. The severity of PCV2-associated microscopic lesions was different between Landrace and Pietrain pigs; Landrace-PCV2 pigs had significantly (P \u3c 0.05) more severe lymphoid lesions than the Pietrain-PCV2 pigs. Although the pigs originated from the same farm where their dams were commingled, passively acquired anti-PCV2-antibodies waned in Pietrain pigs by approximately 12 wk of age, whereas the majority of the Landrace pigs remained PCV2 seropositive until 18 wk of age and beyond. The results from this study indicate that a genetic difference exists between these 2 breeds of pigs in susceptibility to PCV2-associated lesions

    Polyphenols act synergistically with doxorubicin and etoposide in leukaemia cell lines

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    The study aimed to assess the effects of polyphenols when used in combination with doxorubicin and etoposide, and to determine whether polyphenols sensitised leukaemia cells, causing inhibition of cell proliferation, cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis. This study is based on findings in solid cancer tumours, which have shown that polyphenols can sensitize cells to chemotherapy, and induce apoptosis and/or cell-cycle arrest. This could enable a reduction of chemotherapy dose and off-target effects, whilst maintaining treatment efficacy. Quercetin, apigenin, emodin, rhein and cis-stilbene were investigated alone and in combination with etoposide and doxorubicin in two lymphoid and two myeloid leukaemia cells lines. Measurements were made of ATP levels (using CellTiter-Glo assay) as an indication of total cell number, cell cycle progression (using propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry) and apoptosis (NucView caspase 3 assay and Hoechst 33342/propidium iodide staining). Effects of combination treatments on caspases 3, 8 and 9 activity were determined using Glo luminescent assays, glutathione levels were measured using the GSH-Glo Glutathione Assay and DNA damage determined by anti-γH2AX staining. Doxorubicin and etoposide in combination with polyphenols synergistically reduced ATP levels, induced apoptosis and increased S and/or G2/M phase cell cycle arrest in lymphoid leukaemia cell lines. However, in the myeloid cell lines the effects of the combination treatments varied; doxorubicin had a synergistic or additive effect when combined with quercetin, apigenin, emodin, and cis-stilbene, but had an antagonistic effect when combined with rhein. Combination treatment caused a synergistic downregulation of glutathione levels and increased DNA damage, driving apoptosis via caspase 8 and 9 activation. However, in myeloid cells where antagonistic effects were observed, this was associated with increased glutathione levels and a reduction in DNA damage and apoptosis. This study has demonstrated that doxorubicin and etoposide activity were enhanced by polyphenols in lymphoid leukaemia cells, however, differential responses were seen in myeloid cells with antagonistic responses seen in some combination therapies

    The Occurrence of Photorhabdus-Like Toxin Complexes in Bacillus thuringiensis

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    Recently, genomic sequencing of a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) isolate from our collection revealed the presence of an apparent operon encoding an insecticidal toxin complex (Tca) similar to that first described from the entomopathogen Photorhabdus luminescens. To determine whether these genes are widespread among Bt strains, we screened isolates from the collection for the presence of tccC, one of the genes needed for the expression of fully functional toxin complexes. Among 81 isolates chosen to represent commonly encountered biochemical phenotypes, 17 were found to possess a tccC. Phylogenetic analysis of the 81 isolates by multilocus sequence typing revealed that all the isolates possessing a tccC gene were restricted to two sequence types related to Bt varieties morrisoni, tenebrionis, israelensis and toumanoffi. Sequencing of the ∼17 kb tca operon from two isolates representing each of the two sequence types revealed >99% sequence identity. Optical mapping of DNA from Bt isolates representing each of the sequence types revealed nearly identical plasmids of ca. 333 and 338 kbp, respectively. Selected isolates were found to be toxic to gypsy moth larvae, but were not as effective as a commercial strain of Bt kurstaki. Some isolates were found to inhibit growth of Colorado potato beetle. Custom Taqman® relative quantitative real-time PCR assays for Tc-encoding Bt revealed both tcaA and tcaB genes were expressed within infected gypsy moth larvae

    Characterisation of CART-containing neurons and cells in the porcine pancreas, gastro-intestinal tract, adrenal and thyroid glands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The peptide CART is widely expressed in central and peripheral neurons, as well as in endocrine cells. Known peripheral sites of expression include the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the pancreas, and the adrenal glands. In rodent pancreas CART is expressed both in islet endocrine cells and in nerve fibers, some of which innervate the islets. Recent data show that CART is a regulator of islet hormone secretion, and that CART null mutant mice have islet dysfunction. CART also effects GI motility, mainly via central routes. In addition, CART participates in the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-axis. We investigated CART expression in porcine pancreas, GI-tract, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland using immunocytochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CART immunoreactive (IR) nerve cell bodies and fibers were numerous in pancreatic and enteric ganglia. The majority of these were also VIP IR. The finding of intrinsic CART containing neurons indicates that pancreatic and GI CART IR nerve fibers have an intrinsic origin. No CART IR endocrine cells were detected in the pancreas or in the GI tract. The adrenal medulla harboured numerous CART IR endocrine cells, most of which were adrenaline producing. In addition CART IR fibers were frequently seen in the adrenal cortex and capsule. The capsule also contained CART IR nerve cell bodies. The majority of the adrenal CART IR neuronal elements were also VIP IR. CART IR was also seen in a substantial proportion of the C-cells in the thyroid gland. The majority of these cells were also somatostatin IR, and/or 5-HT IR, and/or VIP IR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CART is a major neuropeptide in intrinsic neurons of the porcine GI-tract and pancreas, a major constituent of adrenaline producing adrenomedullary cells, and a novel peptide of the thyroid C-cells. CART is suggested to be a regulatory peptide in the porcine pancreas, GI-tract, adrenal gland and thyroid.</p

    The Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX)

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    Aims. The Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on Solar Orbiter is a hard X-ray imaging spectrometer, which covers the energy range from 4 to 150 keV. STIX observes hard X-ray bremsstrahlung emissions from solar flares and therefore provides diagnostics of the hottest (⪆10 MK) flare plasma while quantifying the location, spectrum, and energy content of flare-accelerated nonthermal electrons. Methods. To accomplish this, STIX applies an indirect bigrid Fourier imaging technique using a set of tungsten grids (at pitches from 0.038 to 1 mm) in front of 32 coarsely pixelated CdTe detectors to provide information on angular scales from 7 to 180 arcsec with 1 keV energy resolution (at 6 keV). The imaging concept of STIX has intrinsically low telemetry and it is therefore well-suited to the limited resources available to the Solar Orbiter payload. To further reduce the downlinked data volume, STIX data are binned on board into 32 selectable energy bins and dynamically-adjusted time bins with a typical duration of 1 s during flares. Results. Through hard X-ray diagnostics, STIX provides critical information for understanding the acceleration of electrons at the Sun and their transport into interplanetary space and for determining the magnetic connection of Solar Orbiter back to the Sun. In this way, STIX serves to link Solar Orbiter’s remote and in-situ measurements

    STIX X-ray microflare observations during the Solar Orbiter commissioning phase

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    Context. The Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) is the hard X-ray instrument onboard Solar Orbiter designed to observe solar flares over a broad range of flare sizes. Aims. We report the first STIX observations of solar microflares recorded during the instrument commissioning phase in order to investigate the STIX performance at its detection limit. Methods. STIX uses hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy in the range between 4-150 keV to diagnose the hottest flare plasma and related nonthermal electrons. This first result paper focuses on the temporal and spectral evolution of STIX microflares occuring in the Active Region (AR) AR12765 in June 2020, and compares the STIX measurements with Earth-orbiting observatories such as the X-ray Sensor of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES/XRS), the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and the X-ray Telescope of the Hinode mission. Results. For the observed microflares of the GOES A and B class, the STIX peak time at lowest energies is located in the impulsive phase of the flares, well before the GOES peak time. Such a behavior can either be explained by the higher sensitivity of STIX to higher temperatures compared to GOES, or due to the existence of a nonthermal component reaching down to low energies. The interpretation is inconclusive due to limited counting statistics for all but the largest flare in our sample. For this largest flare, the low-energy peak time is clearly due to thermal emission, and the nonthermal component seen at higher energies occurs even earlier. This suggests that the classic thermal explanation might also be favored for the majority of the smaller flares. In combination with EUV and soft X-ray observations, STIX corroborates earlier findings that an isothermal assumption is of limited validity. Future diagnostic efforts should focus on multi-wavelength studies to derive differential emission measure distributions over a wide range of temperatures to accurately describe the energetics of solar flares. Conclusions. Commissioning observations confirm that STIX is working as designed. As a rule of thumb, STIX detects flares as small as the GOES A class. For flares above the GOES B class, detailed spectral and imaging analyses can be performed
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