9,455 research outputs found

    Inflation and Gauge Hierarchy in Randall-Sundrum Compactification

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    We obtain the general inflationary solutions for the slab of five-dimensional AdS spacetime where the fifth dimension is an orbifold S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 and two three-branes reside at its boundaries, of which the Randall-Sundrum model corresponds to the static limit. The investigation of the general solutions and their static limit reveals that the RS model recasts both the cosmological constant problem and the gauge hierarchy problem into the balancing problem of the bulk and the brane cosmological constants.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, minor changes and more references adde

    Quark and Lepton Masses in 5D SO(10)

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    We construct a five dimensional supersymmetric SO(10)×\timesD3_3 grand unified model with an S1/(Z2×Z2′)S^1/(Z_2 \times Z^\prime_2) orbifold as the extra dimension. The orbifold breaks half of the supersymmetry and breaks the SO(10) gauge symmetry down to SU(4)C×SU(2)L×SU(2)R{\rm SU(4)}_C \times {\rm SU(2)}_L \times {\rm SU(2)}_R. The Higgs mechanism is used to break the remaining gauge symmetry the rest of the way to the Standard Model. We place matter fields variously in the bulk and on the orbifold fixed points and the resulting massless fields are mixtures between these brane and bulk fields. A chiral adjoint field in the bulk gets a U(1)X_X vacuum expectation value, resulting in an XX-dependent localization of the bulk matter fields and the Standard Model Higgs field. This Higgs field localization allows us to simultaneously explain the hierarchies mu<mdm_u < m_d and mt≫mbm_t \gg m_b. The model uses 11 parameters to fit the 13 independent low energy observables of the quark and charged lepton Yukawa matrices. The model predicts the values of two quark mass combinations, \f{m_u}{m_c} and mdmsmbm_d m_s m_b, each of which are predicted to be approximately 1σ1 \sigma above their experimental values. The remaining observables are successfully fit at the 5% level.Comment: 52 pages, published version, includes more discussion of 6D version of mode

    Core-Level X-Ray Photoemission Satellites in Ruthenates: A New Mechanism Revealing the Mott Transition

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    Ru 3d core-level x-ray photoemission spectra of various ruthenates are examined. They show in general two-peak structures, which can be assigned as the screened and unscreened peaks. The screened peak is absent in a Mott insulator, but develops into a main peak in the metallic regime. This spectral behavior is well explained by the dynamical mean-field theory calculation for the single-band Hubbard model with on-site core-hole potential using the exact diagonalization method. The new mechanism of the core-level photoemission satellite can be utilized to reveal the Mott transition phenomenon in various strongly correlated electron systems, especially in nano-scale devices and phase-separated materials.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Gauge coupling renormalization in orbifold field theories

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    We investigate the gauge coupling renormalization in orbifold field theories preserving 4-dimensional N=1 supersymmetry in the framework of 4-dimensional effective supergravity. As a concrete example, we consider the 5-dimensional Super-Yang-Mills theory on a slice of AdS_5. In our approach, one-loop gauge couplings can be determined by the loop-induced axion couplings and the tree level properties of 4-dimensional effective supergravity which are much easier to be computed.Comment: 18 pages, JHEP style; 1-loop corrections to gauge kinetic functions are fully computed, references are adde

    Neutrinos in 5D SO(10) Unification

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    We study neutrino physics in a 5D supersymmetric SO(10) GUT. We analyze several different choices for realizing the See-Saw mechanism. We find that the "natural" scale for the Majorana mass of right-handed neutrinos depends critically on whether the right-handed neutrinos are located in the bulk or localized on a brane. In the former case, the effective Majorana mass is "naturally" of order the compactification scale, about 10^{14} GeV. Note, this is the value necessary for obtaining a light tau neutrino mass approximately 10^{-2} eV which, within the context of hierarchical neutrino masses, is the right order of magnitude to explain atmospheric neutrino oscillations. On the other-hand when the right-handed neutrino is localized on the brane, the effective Majorana mass is typically larger than the compactification scale. Nevertheless with small parameters of order 1/10 - 1/30, an effective Majorana mass of order 10^{14} GeV can be accommodated. We also discuss the constraints on model building resulting from the different scenarios for locating the right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 24 page

    Running of Gauge Couplings in AdS5 via Deconstruction

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    Running of gauge couplings on a slice of AdS5 is examined using the deconstruction set-up. Logarithmic running instead of (linear) power law is justified when the cutoff is lower than the curvature scale. Most of interesting features in warped gauge theory including the localization of Kaluza-Klein modes, the widening of higher Kaluza-Klein spectrum spacing are well captured within the framework of the deconstruction.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, revtex, refereces added and typos corrected; the version published in JHE
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