115 research outputs found
Neutrino conversions in random magnetic fields and from the Sun
The magnetic field in the convective zone of the Sun has a random small-scale
component with the r.m.s. value substantially exceeding the strength of a
regular large-scale field. For two Majorana neutrino flavors two
helicities in the presence of a neutrino transition magnetic moment and nonzero
neutrino mixing we analyze the displacement of the allowed ()-parameter region reconciled for the SuperKamiokande(SK) and
radiochemical (GALLEX, SAGE, Homestake) experiments in dependence on the r.m.s.
magnetic field value , or more precisely, on a value assuming the
transition magnetic moment . In contrast to RSFP in
regular magnetic fields we find an effective production of electron
antineutrinos in the Sun even for small neutrino mixing through cascade
conversions , in a random magnetic field that would be a
signature of the Majorana nature of neutrino if will be
registered. Basing on the present SK bound on electron antineutrinos we have
also found an excluded area in the same -plane and
revealed a strong sensitivity to the random magnetic field correlation length
.Comment: LaTex 36 pages including 14 PostScript figure
Nonlinear Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Physical Relevance and Mathematical Techniques
The aim of the present review is to introduce the reader to some of the
physical notions and of the mathematical methods that are relevant to the study
of nonlinear waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs). Upon introducing the
general framework, we discuss the prototypical models that are relevant to this
setting for different dimensions and different potentials confining the atoms.
We analyze some of the model properties and explore their typical wave
solutions (plane wave solutions, bright, dark, gap solitons, as well as
vortices). We then offer a collection of mathematical methods that can be used
to understand the existence, stability and dynamics of nonlinear waves in such
BECs, either directly or starting from different types of limits (e.g., the
linear or the nonlinear limit, or the discrete limit of the corresponding
equation). Finally, we consider some special topics involving more recent
developments, and experimental setups in which there is still considerable need
for developing mathematical as well as computational tools.Comment: 69 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Nonlinearity, 2008. V2: new
references added, fixed typo
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