652 research outputs found

    From the quantum Jacobi-Trudi and Giambelli formula to a nonlinear integral equation for thermodynamics of the higher spin Heisenberg model

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    We propose a nonlinear integral equation (NLIE) with only one unknown function, which gives the free energy of the integrable one dimensional Heisenberg model with arbitrary spin. In deriving the NLIE, the quantum Jacobi-Trudi and Giambelli formula (Bazhanov-Reshetikhin formula), which gives the solution of the T-system, plays an important role. In addition, we also calculate the high temperature expansion of the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX; some explanations, 2 figures, one reference added; typos corrected; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    The XXZ model with anti-periodic twisted boundary conditions

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    We derive functional equations for the eigenvalues of the XXZ model subject to anti-diagonal twisted boundary conditions by means of fusion of transfer matrices and by Sklyanin's method of separation of variables. Our findings coincide with those obtained using Baxter's method and are compared to the recent solution of Galleas. As an application we study the finite size scaling of the ground state energy of the model in the critical regime.Comment: 22 pages and 3 figure

    Integrability of a t-J model with impurities

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    A t-J model for correlated electrons with impurities is proposed. The impurities are introduced in such a way that integrability of the model in one dimension is not violated. The algebraic Bethe ansatz solution of the model is also given and it is shown that the Bethe states are highest weight states with respect to the supersymmetry algebra gl(2/1)Comment: 14 page

    Billiard Representation for Multidimensional Cosmology with Intersecting p-branes near the Singularity

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    Multidimensional model describing the cosmological evolution of n Einstein spaces in the theory with l scalar fields and forms is considered. When electro-magnetic composite p-brane ansatz is adopted, and certain restrictions on the parameters of the model are imposed, the dynamics of the model near the singularity is reduced to a billiard on the (N-1)-dimensional Lobachevsky space, N = n+l. The geometrical criterion for the finiteness of the billiard volume and its compactness is used. This criterion reduces the problem to the problem of illumination of (N-2)-dimensional sphere by point-like sources. Some examples with billiards of finite volume and hence oscillating behaviour near the singularity are considered. Among them examples with square and triangle 2-dimensional billiards (e.g. that of the Bianchi-IX model) and a 4-dimensional billiard in ``truncated'' D = 11 supergravity model (without the Chern-Simons term) are considered. It is shown that the inclusion of the Chern-Simons term destroys the confining of a billiard.Comment: 27 pages Latex, 3 figs., submit. to Class. Quantum Gra

    Oscillatory regime in the Multidimensional Homogeneous Cosmological Models Induced by a Vector Field

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    We show that in multidimensional gravity vector fields completely determine the structure and properties of singularity. It turns out that in the presence of a vector field the oscillatory regime exists in all spatial dimensions and for all homogeneous models. By analyzing the Hamiltonian equations we derive the Poincar\'e return map associated to the Kasner indexes and fix the rules according to which the Kasner vectors rotate. In correspondence to a 4-dimensional space time, the oscillatory regime here constructed overlap the usual Belinski-Khalatnikov-Liftshitz one.Comment: 9 pages, published on Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Further solutions of critical ABF RSOS models

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    The restricted SOS model of Andrews, Baxter and Forrester has been studied. The finite size corrections to the eigenvalue spectra of the transfer matrix of the model with a more general crossing parameter have been calculated. Therefore the conformal weights and the central charges of the non-unitary or unitary minimal conformal field have been extracted from the finite size corrections.Comment: Pages 11; revised versio

    Separation of variables in the quantum integrable models related to the Yangian Y[sl(3)]

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    There being no precise definition of the quantum integrability, the separability of variables can serve as its practical substitute. For any quantum integrable model generated by the Yangian Y[sl(3)] the canonical coordinates and the conjugated operators are constructed which satisfy the ``quantum characteristic equation'' (quantum counterpart of the spectral algebraic curve for the L operator). The coordinates constructed provide a local separation of variables. The conditions are enlisted which are necessary for the global separation of variables to take place.Comment: 15 page

    Crystal Interpretation of Kerov-Kirillov-Reshetikhin Bijection II. Proof for sl_n Case

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    In proving the Fermionic formulae, combinatorial bijection called the Kerov--Kirillov--Reshetikhin (KKR) bijection plays the central role. It is a bijection between the set of highest paths and the set of rigged configurations. In this paper, we give a proof of crystal theoretic reformulation of the KKR bijection. It is the main claim of Part I (math.QA/0601630) written by A. Kuniba, M. Okado, T. Takagi, Y. Yamada, and the author. The proof is given by introducing a structure of affine combinatorial RR matrices on rigged configurations.Comment: 45 pages, version for publication. Introduction revised, more explanations added to the main tex

    Crystal Graphs and qq-Analogues of Weight Multiplicities for the Root System AnA_n

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    We give an expression of the qq-analogues of the multiplicities of weights in irreducible \sl_{n+1}-modules in terms of the geometry of the crystal graph attached to the corresponding U_q(\sl_{n+1})-modules. As an application, we describe multivariate polynomial analogues of the multiplicities of the zero weight, refining Kostant's generalized exponents.Comment: LaTeX file with epic, eepic pictures, 17 pages, November 1994, to appear in Lett. Math. Phy
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