11 research outputs found

    Copper matte - slag reaction sequences and separation processes in matte smelting

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    While particle combustion and chalcopyrite oxidation in suspension smelting is well understood, few studies are available regarding the melt-melt reactions and the separation between copper matte and slag in matte smelting. In the present work, experimental investigations in air and argon atmosphere were conducted using a mixture of synthetic slag and chalcopyrite concentrate. The sequential reaction and separation processes occurring in matte smelting are outlined. Possible limiting factors in the overall process are also proposed. The result of the present work forms an important foundation for future work in the kinetic rate formulation of molten phase reactions between copper matte and slag in matte smelting

    Copper matte - slag reaction sequences and separation processes in matte smelting

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    Dok su reakcije sagorevanje čestica i oksidacija halkopirita prilikom topljenja suspenzija dobro proučeni, postoji jako mali broj studija koje se ticu reakcija izmedu tečnih faza i raslojavanja bakrenca i šljake prilikom topljenja bakrenca. U ovom radu izvršena su eksperimentalna istraživanja u vazdušnoj i argonskoj atmosferi korišćenjem mešavine sintetičke šljake i koncentrata halkopirita. Prikazan je redosled reakcija i procesa separacije koji se dešavaju u procesu topljenja. Takode su dati i mogući ograničavajući faktori u celokupnom procesu. Rezultati ovog rada predstavljaju važnu osnovu za buduće radove u oblasti formulacije kinetike reakcija izmedu tečnog bakrenca i šljake u procesu topljenja bakrenca.Peer reviewe

    Concentric manipulation and monitoring of protein-loaded superparamagnetic cargo using magnetophoretic spider web

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    A lab-on-a-chip (LOC) magnetophoretic system for the remotely controllable transport of magnetic particles actuated by thin permalloy magnetic tracks has been developed as a novel architecture composed of radii and spiral tracks resembling a spider web network, where the network tracks have the asymmetric and anisotropic magnetic properties for the directional transportation of particles (cargos). A planar Hall resistance (PHR) sensor is integrated with the web networks, and the manipulation and detection are achieved via superparamagnetic particles with dual functions as a biomolecule cargo for transportation and labels for monitoring. The streptavidin protein-coated magnetic particles are precisely manipulated toward the PHR sensor surface via the radii and spiral tracks by applying an external rotating magnetic field. The stray field was analyzed in terms of the particle coverage on the sensor surface, where the sensor signal linearly varies with the number of particles on the sensor surface. This allows the effective collection of low-density biomolecule carriers to one specific point and monitors the accumulated carriers. The developed novel technology could affect multiple fields, including bioassays, cell manipulation and separation and biomechanics.1