223 research outputs found

    Effects of electron inertia in collisionless magnetic reconnection

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    We present a study of collisionless magnetic reconnection within the framework of full two-fluid MHD for a completely ionized hydrogen plasma, retaining the effects of the Hall current, electron pressure and electron inertia. We performed 2.5D simulations using a pseudo-spectral code with no dissipative effects. We check that the ideal invariants of the problem are conserved down to round-off errors. Our results show that the change in the topology of the magnetic field lines is exclusively due to the presence of electron inertia. The computed reconnection rates remain a fair fraction of the Alfv\'en velocity, which therefore qualifies as fast reconnection

    Energy spectrum, dissipation and spatial structures in reduced Hall magnetohydrodynamic

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    We analyze the effect of the Hall term in the magnetohydrodynamic turbulence under a strong externally supported magnetic field, seeing how this changes the energy cascade, the characteristic scales of the flow and the dynamics of global magnitudes, with particular interest in the dissipation. Numerical simulations of freely evolving three-dimensional reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RHMHD) are performed, for different values of the Hall parameter (the ratio of the ion skin depth to the macroscopic scale of the turbulence) controlling the impact of the Hall term. The Hall effect modifies the transfer of energy across scales, slowing down the transfer of energy from the large scales up to the Hall scale (ion skin depth) and carrying faster the energy from the Hall scale to smaller scales. The final outcome is an effective shift of the dissipation scale to larger scales but also a development of smaller scales. Current sheets (fundamental structures for energy dissipation) are affected in two ways by increasing the Hall effect, with a widening but at the same time generating an internal structure within them. In the case where the Hall term is sufficiently intense, the current sheet is fully delocalized. The effect appears to reduce impulsive effects in the flow, making it less intermittent.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Scaling law for the heating of solar coronal loops

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    We report preliminary results from a series of numerical simulations of the reduced magnetohydrodynamic equations, used to describe the dynamics of magnetic loops in active regions of the solar corona. A stationary velocity field is applied at the photospheric boundaries to imitate the driving action of granule motions. A turbulent stationary regime is reached, characterized by a broadband power spectrum Ekk3/2E_k\simeq k^{-3/2} and heating rate levels compatible with the heating requirements of active region loops. A dimensional analysis of the equations indicates that their solutions are determined by two dimensionless parameters: the Reynolds number and the ratio between the Alfven time and the photospheric turnover time. From a series of simulations for different values of this ratio, we determine how the heating rate scales with the physical parameters of the problem, which might be useful for an observational test of this model.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Astrophysical Journal Letters (in press

    Intermittency in Hall-magnetohydrodynamics with a strong guide field

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    We present a detailed study of intermittency in the velocity and magnetic field fluctuations of compressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with an external guide field. To solve the equations numerically, a reduced model valid when a strong guide field is present is used. Different values for the ion skin depth are considered in the simulations. The resulting data is analyzed computing field increments in several directions perpendicular to the guide field, and building structure functions and probability density functions. In the magnetohydrodynamic limit we recover the usual results with the magnetic field being more intermittent than the velocity field. In the presence of the Hall effect, field fluctuations at scales smaller than the ion skin depth show a substantial decrease in the level of intermittency, with close to monofractal scaling.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Energization of charged test particles in magnetohydrodynamic fields: waves vs turbulence picture

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    Direct numerical simulations of 3D compressible MHD turbulence were performed in order to study the relation between waves modes and coherent structures and the consequent energization of test particles. Moreover, the question of which is the main mechanism of this particle energization is rigorously discussed. In particular, using the same initial conditions, we analyzed the non-linear and linear evolution of a turbulent state along with the case of randomized phases. Then, the behavior of the linear and non-linear simulations were compared through the study of time evolution of particle kinetic energy and preferential concentration. Also, spatio temporal spectra were used to identify the presence of wave modes and quantify the fraction of energy around the MHD modes in linear and non-linear simulations. Finally, the variation of the correlation time of the external forcing is studied in detail along with the effect on the particle energization (and clustering) and the presence of wave modes. More specifically, particle energization tends to decrease when the fraction of linear energy increase, supporting the idea that energization by structures is the dominant mechanism for particle energization instead of resonating with wave modes as suggested by Fermi energization theory

    Slow and fast magneto-optical response of magnetite nanoparticles suspension

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    DC magnetic field applied to Fe3O4 nanoparticle suspension affects its light scattering. Time dependent variations in the light intensity transmitted through a suspension are observed after the magnetic field is switched-on. Two types of variations can be distinguished. Fast response takes less than millisecond while slow variations occur at the time interval from seconds to hundreds of minutes. Possible mechanisms of these variations are discussed

    Energy spectrum of turbulent fluctuations in boundary driven reduced magnetohydrodynamics

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    The nonlinear dynamics of a bundle of magnetic flux ropes driven by stationary fluid motions at their endpoints is studied, by performing numerical simulations of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. The development of MHD turbulence is shown, where the system reaches a state that is characterized by the ratio between the Alfven time (the time for incompressible MHD waves to travel along the field lines) and the convective time scale of the driving motions. This ratio of time scales determines the energy spectra and the relaxation toward different regimes ranging from weak to strong turbulence. A connection is made with phenomenological theories for the energy spectra in MHD turbulence.Comment: Published in Physics of Plasma

    Test Particle Acceleration In Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence

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    We perform numerical experiments of test particle acceleration on turbulent magnetic and electric fields obtained from pseudospectral direct numerical solutions of the compressible three-dimensional MHD equations. We find consistent acceleration of the particles to many times the plasma characteristic (Alfven) speed and extended power laws in the density distribution of energies. Scaling laws of maximum and mean energy of particles with the nominal gyrofrequency and the MHD electric field are observed and a simple estimate is presented

    Hall effect in a strong magnetic field: Direct comparisons of compressible magnetohydrodynamics and the reduced Hall magnetohydrodynamic equations

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    In this work we numerically test a model of Hall magnetohydrodynamics in the presence of a strong mean magnetic field: the reduced Hall magnetohydrodynamic model RHMHD derived by Gomez et al., Phys. Plasmas 15, 102303 2008 with the addition of weak compressible effects. The main advantage of this model lies in the reduction of computational cost. Nevertheless, up until now the degree of agreement with the original Hall MHD system and the range of validity in a regime of turbulence were not established. In this work direct numerical simulations of three-dimensional Hall MHD turbulence in the presence of a strong mean magnetic field are compared with simulations of the weak compressible RHMHD model. The results show that the degree of agreement is very high when the different assumptions of RHMHD, such as spectral anisotropy, are satisfied. Nevertheless, when the initial conditions are isotropic but the mean magnetic field is maintained strong, the results differ at the beginning but asymptotically reach a good agreement at relatively short times. We also found evidence that the compressibility still plays a role in the dynamics of these systems, and the weak compressible RHMHD model is able to capture these effects. In conclusion the weak compressible RHMHD model is a valid approximation of the Hall MHD turbulence in the relevant physical context. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.Fil: Martin, Luis Nicolas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Dmitruk, Pablo Ariel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Gomez, Daniel Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentin