20 research outputs found

    Impact of sprouting and cooking on antioxidant compounds and activity in diferent Italian varieties of Lens culinaris L.

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    Lentils (Lens culinaris L.) are among the most ancient seeds cultivated since prehistory. Several lentil varieties, difering for nutrients and antioxidant compounds, are cultivated in various regions of Italy. Seeds of three varieties of L. culinaris: Onano, Beluga and Villalba, difering for morphology, colour and size, were studied. Antioxidant activity and the content in total polyphenols, favonoids and favonols were evaluated in raw and cooked seeds and in cooking water. The same compounds were quantifed in sprouts up to 4 days of germination. The highest content of polyphenols was observed in integument of Beluga seeds, favonoids in integument of Villalba seeds, while favonols were particularly abundant in cotyledon of Onano seeds. After seed cooking, a decrease in phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity was observed in tissues but they were partially recovered in cooking water