5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Actinobacilius Actinomycet-em Comitans Presence in Sub gingival Flora of Rapidly Progressive Periodontals Patients

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    One of the special kinds of periodontal disease is rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP). This"nform of periodontitis is an aggressive disease, which results in bone destruction and loss of periodontal"nattachment 4 to 5 times more than adult periodontitis or slowly progressive periodontitis. The purpose of"nthis study was to investigate the presence of Actinobacilius actinomyct-em comitans (Aa) in RPP"npatients. A total number of sixty samples was collected from 15 patients with RPP and cultured in"nanaerobic conditions. Results showed the presence of Aa in 13 patients (86.7%), while 29 samples were"nAa positive (48.3%). Two of the RPP patients (13.3%) were Aa negative even after two times bacterial"nculturing