1,696 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Band Structure of β-In2 S3−3x O3x Buffer Layer With Its Oxygen Content

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    The evolution of the band structure of β-In2 S3−3x O3x (BISO) thin films grown by physical vapor deposition, with composition x, is investigated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It is shown that the energy difference between the valence-band level and the Fermi level remains nearly constant as the optical band gap of the films increases. As a consequence, the difference between the conduction band level and the Fermi level increases as much as the optical band gap of the films. The calculation of the electronic affinity [ ] of the BISO thin films shows that it decreases linearly from 4.65 to 3.85 eV when x varies from 0 to 0.14. This will facilitate fabrication of efficient Cu(InGa)Se2-based solar cells having different absorber layer band gap

    Summary of the CERN Workshop on Materials for Collimators and Beam Absorbers

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    The main focus of the workshop was on collimators and beam absorbers for (mainly) High Energy Hadron Accelerators, with the energy stored in the beams far above damage limit. The objective was to better understand the technological limits imposed by mechanisms related to beam impact on materials. The idea to organise this workshop came up during the High Intensity High Brightness Hadron Beams, ICFA-HB2006 in Japan [1]. The workshop was organised 3-5 September 2007 at CERN, with about 60 participants, including 20 from outside CERN. About 30 presentations were given [2]. The event was driven by the LHC challenge, with more than 360 MJoule stored in each proton beam. The entire beam or its fraction will interact with LHC collimators and beam absorbers, and with the LHC beam dump blocks. Collimators and beam absorbers are also of the interest for other labs and accelerators: - CERN: for the CNGS target, for SPS beam absorbers (extraction protection) and collimators for protecting the transfer line between SPS and LHC - GSI: SIS18 and SIS 100/200, Super-FRS target, HED experiments, Antiproton target, etc. - Fermilab: Tevatron and Main Injector collimation systems; neutrino production targets (MINOS, SNuMI, NOVA); antiproton production targets; pion production targets and beam absorbers for neutrino factories and muon colliders - ILC: positron production targets, beam absorbers and collimators for a beam delivery system

    Channeling and Volume Reflection Based Crystal Collimation of Tevatron Circulating Beam Halo (T-980)

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    The T980 crystal collimation experiment is underway at the Tevatron to determine if this technique could increase 980 GeV beam-halo collimation efficiency at high-energy hadron colliders such as the Tevatron and the LHC. T980 also studies various crystal types and parameters. The setup has been substantially enhanced during the Summer 2009 shutdown by installing a new O-shaped crystal in the horizontal goniometer, as well as adding a vertical goniometer with two alternating crystals (O-shaped and multi-strip) and additional beam diagnostics. First measurements with the new system are quite encouraging, with channeled and volume-reflected beams observed on the secondary collimators as predicted. Investigation of crystal collimation efficiencies with crystals in volume reflection and channeling modes are described in comparison with an amorphous primary collimator. Results on the system performance are presented for the end-of-store studies and for entire collider stores. The first investigation of colliding beam collimation simultaneously using crystals in both the vertical and horizontal plane has been made in the regime with horizontally channeled and vertically volume-reflected beams. Planning is underway for significant hardware improvements during the FY10 summer shutdown and for dedicated studies during the final year of Tevatron operation and also for a "post-collider beam physics running" period.Comment: 3 pp. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference: IPAC'10, 23-28 May 2010: Kyoto, Japa

    ILC Beam Energy Measurement by means of Laser Compton Backscattering

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    A novel, non-invasive method of measuring the beam energy at the International Linear Collider is proposed. Laser light collides head-on with beam particles and either the energy of the Compton scattered electrons near the kinematic end-point is measured or the positions of the Compton backscattered γ\gamma-rays, the edge electrons and the unscattered beam particles are recorded. A compact layout for the Compton spectrometer is suggested. It consists of a bending magnet and position sensitive detectors operating in a large radiation environment. Several options for high spatial resolution detectors are discussed. Simulation studies support the use of an infrared or green laser and quartz fiber detectors to monitor the backscattered photons and edge electrons. Employing a cavity monitor, the beam particle position downstream of the magnet can be recorded with submicrometer precision. Such a scheme provides a feasible and promising method to access the incident beam energy with precisions of 10410^{-4} or better on a bunch-to-bunch basis while the electron and positron beams are in collision.Comment: 47 pages, 26 figures, version as accepted by Nucl. Instr. Meth. A after improvement

    Fast switching devices and induction rf at CLIC

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    We survey possible applications of fast switching devices and induction rf at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). These applications include extraction kickers for the combiner rings, modulators for the drive-beam linac, fast intra-train feedback, induction crab cavities, halo kickers, emergency kickers, long-range beam-beam compensation, damping-ring barrier rf, pulsed linac wigglers, positron capture, and spent-beam handling

    Chirp mitigation of plasma-accelerated beams using a modulated plasma density

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    Plasma-based accelerators offer the possibility to drive future compact light sources and high-energy physics applications. Achieving good beam quality, especially a small beam energy spread, is still one of the major challenges. For stable transport, the beam is located in the focusing region of the wakefield which covers only the slope of the accelerating field. This, however, imprints a longitudinal energy correlation (chirp) along the bunch. Here, we propose an alternating focusing scheme in the plasma to mitigate the development of this chirp and thus maintain a small energy spread

    CLIC simulations from the start of the linac to the interaction point

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    Simulations for linear colliders are traditionally performed separately for the different sub-systems, like damping ring, bunch compressor, linac, and beam delivery. The beam properties are usually passed from one sub-system to the other via bunch charge, RMS transverse emittances, RMS bunch length, average energy and RMS energy spread. It is implicitly assumed that the detailed 6D correlations in the beam distribution are not relevant for the achievable luminosity. However, it has recently been shown that those correlations can have a strong effect on the beam-beam interaction. We present first results on CLIC simulations that integrate linac, beam delivery, and beam-beam interaction. These integrated simulations also allow a better simulation of time-dependent effects, like ground perturbations and interference between several beam-based feedbacks